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After that awkward ass moment with Zariyah and her friend Janell earlier, I did in fact leave the house and just went for a drive until it was time for me to head into work.

I wasn't feeling it at all but it was better than being at the apartment with Zariyah. I know she's gonna ask me who Kam is and I definitely dont have time for that.

"You ever just wanted to up and quit?" A random woman asked me out of nowhere as soon as she sat down.

"Excuse me?" I asked in confusion as I walked over to her.

The woman smiled at me, "You look like you dont wanna be here right now."

"Oh...I'm sorry. My mind is just else where. Can I get you something?"

"A dirty martini, please." She sighed as she looked back at a group of men over by the black jack table.

I poured her drink and served it to her before cleaning more glasses.

"Men....I swear they can be trash." The woman coldly stated as she sipped her drink.

I didn't say anything but I knew she was talking about those group of guys.

"What's your name, love?" She suddenly asked while gazing at me with those light green eyes of hers.

"Sin." I dryly answered, not really in the mood for chatting.

"Oooo how dangerous." She chuckled. "I'm Brooke."

I just nodded my head to her response.

"Not much of a talker I take it."

"No ma'am. Not really." I stated, feeling my patience wearing thin by the second.

"That's too bad then..." Brooke said in a dissapointed tone before sipping her drink again.

"Brooke, sweetheart!" A well dressed man loudly said as he approached her.

Brooke rolled her eyes as she muttered something under her breath.

"I was wondering where you went off too." He said in a gruff tone as he stroked her cheek.

"Should've known I'd be at your favorite area in the whole casino." Brooke sarcastically said, making the man frown his face up.

"I dont have time for your sassy behavior." He sternly said.

"And I dont have time for your drunken behavior!" Brooke snapped back.

I just stood there shaking my head as they both started bickering back and forth with each other.

"You think you can talk to me like this!" The man said in an angry tone.

Other people were beginning to notice the dispute now and it honestly gave me second hand embarrassment.

"I dont have time for this." Brooke finally said as she got up.

"Where the hell you going?" The man asked as he grabbed her arm.

Brooke grabbed the nearest drink and threw it in his face before yanking her arm from him and storming off.

"DAMMIT, BROOKE!" The man yelled after her.

People whispered to each other and stared at the fuming man, pissing him off some more.

"The hell is everybody looking at?!" He shouted before sitting down at the bar. "Hey, you."

"Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"Make yourself useful and pour me a goddamn drink." He rudely said.

I couldnt help but laugh to myself.

"Coming right up, prick." I casually said before walking away.

"The hell did you just say to me?" He asked but I ignored him.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, bitch!"

My body stiffened as the thoughts of stabbing this guy in the jugular with a broken glass began to flood my mind like a tidal wave.

I balled my hands up until my knuckles turned white as the blood in my veins began to boil.

"Not now, Sin." The voice in my head said. "Calm down."

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself and looked back at the guy.

"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to be rude." I said before plastering a fake smile on my face.

The man just grunted at me before turning his attention to his phone.

"Just hurry up with that damn drink. Make it strong."

Rolling my eyes, I poured the guy some brandy but before I served it to him, I made sure to spit in that motherfucker.

After I stirred the drink up, I served it to him and went on to assist another customer.

"Can I get you anything, ma'am?" I asked this girl who was sitting at the bar with her back faced towards me.

She wore a red hoodie and her hair was all braided up.

"That was very classic of you..."

My blood went cold when I heard her speak. It couldn't be her...

My heart pounded in my chest as the girl slowly turned around to face me.

And surely enough.....it was her.

"Hi, Sin." Kam said with that trademark grin of hers.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." I stated in disbelief.

Kam chuckled as she stared at me. I closed my eyes hoping that this was just another mind game but it wasnt....

"Arent you gonna say hi back?" Kam asked when I opened my eyes.

I knew she would find me but I didnt think it would be this soon.

Now what the fuck am I gonna do....

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now