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Sins POV

A week later (cause a mf havent been updating and I wanna get this shit over with 💀).....

"This walk wasn't so bad now was it?" Zariyah asked while giggling.

"For you. Mylo dragged me along the entire time." I said while shaking my head.

Zariyah laughed as she crouched down to pet Mylo, "You're just weak, Sin."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how was work?"

Zariyah stood up and sighed, "The same. Nothing too exciting about it anymore. My supervisor is still being a creep as usual."

"Have you reported him to HR?" I asked.

"I want to but I'm pretty sure he's buddies with a few of them that work for human resources." Zariyah stated while shrugging. "Oh well.."

I couldn't help but frown my face up at that statement. I'm gonna pay him a visit soon.

"You're gonna have to do something," I said while scratching Mylo behind his ear. "Or else he's gonna keep on harrasing you."

"I know but I got this, Sin." Zariyah said while smiling.

"Whatever you say."

Zariyah and I walked back to our cars still chatting amongst ourselves. I was enjoying our little conversation until I got a phone call from a private number.

"Ughhh." I groaned right as I declined it.

"Who was that?" Zariyah questioned as she looked at my phone.

"Nobody," I answered while tucking my phone away. "Just some scamming ass call."

Zariyah nodded her head as she opened the back door for Mylo to jump in.

"Hey, since you said you're doing some quick errands," Zariyah opened her trunk and pulled out a cardboard box filled with unnecessary junk. "Can I put this in your trunk so you can throw it out?"

Before Zariyah could pop my open my trunk, I snatched the box from her and sat it down on that motherfucker.

"I got it!" I quickly said, not realizing that I had raised my voice at her.


Zariyah furrowed her brows at me before getting in her car.

"See ya!" I waved goodbye and did a fake smile as Zariyah pulled off.

When the car was out of sight, I opened the trunk and placed the box next to the dead body that I was going to dispose of later on.


When night time finally arrived, I drove some miles until I reached the Mojave desert.

With my headlights turned off, I drove until a reached a secluded spot in the desert that nobody would think to look. Well atleast I fucking hope they dont.

I stopped and put my car in park before popping the trunk and getting out.

I opened the trunk up and grabbed the large and heavy black suitcase. When I dropped it down on the sane, I noticed that blood did leak out but I was prepared for that shit. I had placed down a large plastic covering in the trunk before putting the suitcase in it.

"Okay," I said after I had closed the trunk. "Time to find your resting place."

I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and began to walk over to the far side of the desert. Blood seeped out the corner of the bag and onto the sandy grounds as I trudged along slowly.

My arms were beginning to grow tired but that's what happens when you're carrying a suitcase filled with cut up body parts.

Once I reached a secluded enough spot, I tossed the bag as far as I could toward these big boulder like rocks and high tailed it back to the car. I wasnt about to dig shit because these grounds are super dry and that would take me a while to dig a damn hole by myself. I'm good on that.

When I reached the car, I heard my phone going off in the car. I opened the door and grabbed the phone only to see that private number calling me again. I've been getting this call since this morning...

"Bro, who the fuck is this?" I said once I answered it.

"That's how you answer the phone when your old friend calls, Sin?"

My heart stopped as a chill came over me.


I heard Kam chuckling on the other end, "Ding ding!! Missed me?"

"How the hell you get my number?" I asked in a confused and agitated tone.

"Doc folded," Kam stated in a sly tone. "Man is really a lightweight when it comes to drinking. How's Vegas?"

"Shit!!" I cussed in my head as I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Kam, save yourself the trouble and just leave me the hell alone before you do something you'll regret."

"Getting rid of you wont be a regret, Sincerae."

Kam's voice was cold a filled with pent up anger.

"You dont fucking know what it was like staying in that mental facility. The shit I had to go through....those fuck ass pills I had to take and those useless therapy sessions I had to go to....All because of you! So yeah...I'm gonna get my fucking revenge."

"Oh really," I said before laughing. "Kam me and you both know that the minute you see me...you're gonna fold. Admit it, you still have feelings for me."

I stood there and smirked when I didnt get an answer right away. This girl is soo crazy about me....its kinda attractive.

"Anyways, let me know when you arrive in Vegas, slim. I'll be waiting."

"Fuck you, Sin!" Kam yelled before hanging up the phone.

I sighed and placed my phone to the side before taking my gloves off and tossing them in the back seat.

I gripped the steering wheel and just stared at the window while shaking my head.

This about to be some shit but fuck it. I'm ready for her.

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