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Sin's POV

It's been days since I heard from Kam which was definitely weird as hell. That girl is plotting something. I just don't know what.

During those days, I've been making sure to be extra careful. I take a different route going to and from work and I even started walking Mylo at another dog park so he won't end up like Simba. Zariyah has been suspicious about my sudden paranoia but I'm trying to avoid telling her what's going on.

Today, Zariyah and I are going to the movies with her friend Janell and some guy that Janell is seeing. Zariyah didn't want to third wheel alone so I decided to tag along with her.

"Thanks for coming with me," Zariyah said with a smile on her face. "You really didn't have to do this though."

"Nah it's cool." I reassured. "Can't have you third wheeling alone."

Zariyah laughed as we paid for our tickets. Once we did that, we headed inside where we met up with Janell and her boyfriend.

Janell smiled and gave Zariyah a hug before looking at me with a slight frown on her face.

"I didn't know you were bringing company..."

"I didn't want Zariyah third wheeling all by herself." I said with a sarcastic smile on my face.

Janell rolled her eyes but quickly plastered on a fake grin as she said, "Awe... How thoughtful of you."

There was an intense silence in the air that made everyone shift on their feet in awkwardness.

"I'm Dakari by the way." The guy said while waving at us.

Zariyah and I waved back but that awkwardness was still clearly controlling the atmosphere around the four of us.

"Soooo.... let's go ahead and check out that movie." Zariyah said while shifting her gaze between Janell and I.

Dakari quickly agreed and the four of us went on to the room that was showing the movie we all wanted to see.

The room was dark but the bright light of the large screen illuminated the theater pretty well. There were people already filling up the seats in the front and middle rows so the four of us just sat near the back.

"I'm sorry for Janell's behavior," Zariyah whispered to me before giving me this apologetic look.

"It's cool." I simply said with a small smile.

Zariyah smiled before turning her attention to the big screen.

"I should've kept my ass home." I thought to myself as I sighed.

After all the previews went through, the movie started.

"Damn," a voice said beside me. "I almost missed the movie."

When I looked over, I seen Kam sit down right next to me with a smirk on her face. She also had a bag of popcorn and a large drink as well.

"Ain't no fucking way bro..." I said in my head as I glared at Kam.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I asked her in an irritated tone.

"To watch the movie, silly goose." She replied before popping some popcorn into her mouth.

"Stop fucking lying." I said a little too loud but Zariyah didn't notice. "You followed me here didn't you?"

Kam gave me this mischievous look but she didn't answer my question.

"Answer my fucking quest-"

"Everything okay back there?" Some white guy asked from the row in front of us.

"Everything is just peachy, sir." I told him without breaking my cold glare from Kam.

"Then would you mind keeping it down?" The guy said in a more annoyed tone. "I'm tryna watch the movie."

Before I could retort, Zariyah tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" I said while trying my best to look normal.

"Is everything okay?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied.

I could hear Kam chuckling beside me as she munched on her popcorn loud as hell. I know she's doing that shit on purpose.

When Zariyah went back to watching the movie, Kam peeked over my shoulder to look at her.

"She's very pretty," Kam stated. "You fucked her yet?"

"Listen, leave me the fuck alone!" I whispered-yelled to her.

"Sheesh...My bad, bro." Kam said while rolling her eyes. "Just thought I'd asked since you haven't had mine in a couple days."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Shhhhh!" The white guy said as he looked back at me. "Do you mind?"

I wanted to crack that guy upside the head with a brick soo bad.

"I'm fucking sorry, sir." I snapped before sitting back and fuming.

"Sin, what's wrong?" I heard Zariyah ask in a soothing tone that did calm me down some.

When I looked over at her, I noticed that Janell and Dakari were also looking at me.

"Nothing is wrong."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine, Z..."

Kam started cracking up beside me, making me cringe in my seat.

"Yo Sin, that guy reminds me of you for real." She said while still laughing.

I looked at the screen and noticed that the guy she was talking about was in the middle of killing another guy in cold blood.

"That's it!" I stood up and stared down at Kam. "We need to fucking talk."

"Do you mi-"

"Shut your fucking mouth and mind your fucking business!" I spat before grabbing Kam and storming out.

"That's one way to make an exit." Kam joked as we stepped out into the hallway.

I grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall.

"Listen to me, Kameron!" I began. "You need to fucking leave me alone before I-"

"Before you what? Kill me??" Kam finished.

I gritted my teeth as the blood in my veins boiled from the rage I was feeling.

"I'd like to see you try, Sincerae."

Kam smirked and shoved me away from her.

"I'd really like to see you try and get rid of me."

Kam looked me up and down and laughed before walking down the hall, "And tell shawty I said wassup."

Once Kam disappeared around the corner, I headed back to the others.

"What the hell was that about??" Zariyah questioned as soon as I sat down.

"I'll explain later...Can we just finish watching this stupid ass movie?"

Zariyah looked stunned but she immediately nodded and went back to watching the movie.

I could hear Janell muttering something to Zariyah but I didn't even pay it any mind.

I got bigger shit to worry about than Janell's ass. That's for damn sure...

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