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Kam's POV

The look on Sin's face was priceless. Just a real Kodak moment. I could tell she was fuming on the inside but I don't give a fuck. I sat there and stared Sin right in the eyes with a little smirk on my face. This was going to be soo good.

"What the hell is she doing here, Zariyah??!" Sin said in an annoyed plus surprised tone.

"Excuse us for a moment." Zariyah had said before dragging Sin off to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I got up and looked around the room. There were some cutesy looking pictures hung on the wall that Zariyah probably put up because it definitely wasn't Sin's taste.

"So this is where you ran off too, Sin..." I mumbled to myself as the slight rage coursed through my body.

All I could think about was the day she backstabbed me and then laughed about it. Those memories will forever be imbedded in my brain and I'll never forgive her for that shit.

I came here for one thing and one thing only. Sin might think she have me under her finger tips but she has got another thing coming to her. I'll make her think she has the upper hand but she'll definitely see. I'm gonna fuck her life up just like how she fucked up mine.

"Sorry about that." I heard Zariyah say as she walked back in the living room without Sin.

"Let me guess. She's not tryna hear your excuses on why you let me come here?"

Zariyah nodded before sighing deeply. She slumped down in the couch and called the dog over to her.

"Where is Sin?" I asked a bit curious since she didn't come back in the living room.

"She said she needed some air. I've never seen her this mad before honestly."

"Trust me...she can get waaaayyyy worse." I exaggerated.

Zariyah eyed me and all I could see was the curiosity written all over her face. I have to take advantage of this opportunity while Sin is not here.

"There was this one time where she had....nevermind...I shouldn't be telling her business." I said before turning away.

"What did she do?..."

A devious grin spread across my face as I looked at one of the pictures on the wall.

"Some guy at her old job used to always be a dick so one day he said something to her that made her soo mad that she almost beat him to death. I literally had to drag her off of him."

When I looked back, I seen the shocked facial expression on Zariyah's face.

"You're kidding...."

"Nope," I said while shaking my head. "She broke his nose and dislocated his jaw. I felt bad for that guy...."

"Wow....But Sin seems like too much of a nice person to ever do such a thing like that..."

"That's what you think." I said in my head before walking over and sitting down beside her.

"Nah. Sin has anger issues. She won't admit that to you though." I said with a slight shrug. "I be trying to tell her to go into an anger management program but she always refused. That's how our friendship crumbled honestly."

"Oh wow...that's crazy."

"Yeah....Sometimes I be worried that she might....that she might really hurt somebody one day..."

There was an intense, brief silence between us that was quickly interrupted with the sound of the front door opening.

Sin walked in the room mean mugging the hell out of me.

"It's time for you to go." Sin said in a firm tone.

"Sin, let her st-"

"Nah, it's cool." I butted in before Zariyah could finish speaking. "This probably wasn't a good idea anyways but I appreciate you for trying."

I stood up and intentionally bumped into Sin on my way out the apartment but before I could make it down the hallway, I felt somebody grab my shoulder.

I turned around and seen Sin glaring at me with stone cold eyes.

"I don't know what the fuck shit you're trying to pull but watch yourself. You're getting too fucking comfortable coming up in my crib like this."

I chuckled and just folded my arms.

"You're threats don't scare me, Sin. Besides, I kinda like Zariyah if I say so myself. Might ask shordy out on a date or something. I have a thing for gullible girls."

Sin grabbed me by the throat and began to choke me up. Her face was inches away from mine but her expression was very serious.

"Just kiss me Sin, and get it over with already." I teased before laughing.

"You think everything is a fucking joke, huh?" Sin asked me through gritted teeth.

"Nah, but I do think it's funny how you keep trying to fight the urge to rail me in this hallway right now."

Sin stared into my eyes and didn't say a word. Instead, she pushed me up against the wall and began to kiss me hungrily.

"I knew you wanted me." I said in between kisses as I ran my hands up her shirt.

"Shut up." Sin said before kissing down my neck.

I felt her tugging on my jeans as she continued to kiss and suck on my neck.

"So you really wanna do it here?" I asked while chuckling. "I didn't know you were soo adventurous."

Sin slipped her hand down my pants and began to rub on my clit as she stared down at my lips.

"You should've asked Zariyah. She knows how adventurous I can get."

In that moment I wanted to punch the full fuck outta Sin for saying that stupid ass shit to me.

"Get the fuck away from me." I angrily said as I shoved her back.

Sin laughed as I began to storm down the hall.

"What's the matter, Kam? You mad?!"

I ignored Sin and just kept walking without looking back. It's like I hate that bitch but I also still love that bitch and it's sickening. I hate that I still get soo fucking jealous over her knowing that she's not shit and never will be.

When I finally got outside, I took a moment to gather myself and get my head straight before shooting a text to the one and only Zariyah.

Me: sorry things didn't go as planned but I was wondering if maybe we could meet up somewhere tomorrow and talk?? It can be my treat 🙂

After about ten minutes or so Zariyah texted me back with a simple ok and that she would let me know where to meet up at.

Smiling to myself, I walked away from the apartment building feeling a little bit satisfied. I wonder how Sin would feel if I started fucking on Zariyah.....

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now