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Sin's POV

The next day I noticed that Zariyah was acting a bit off. Her phones been blowing up since this morning and it's got me thinking that her weird ass supervisor might be bothering her again.

"Where you heading off too?" I asked Zariyah when I seen her come walking out to the living room all dressed up in some cute casual clothing.

"Meeting up with a friend for lunch." She simply replied as she applied some gloss to her lips.

I sat on the couch trying hard not to let her see the expression that was on my face.

"Nah, she not seeing no damn friend." I thought to myself as I looked her up and down.

"You seem pretty excited to meet this friend. Is it Janell?" I questioned in curiosity.

"Janell went to California with her boyfriend for the weekend ." Zariyah stated. "Somebody sounds a little bit jealous."

Zariyah giggled as she grabbed her purse off the chair.

"I'll be back later. You and Mylo behave yourselves." She jokingly said before leaving out the apartment.

I sat there debating if I should follow her or not. What if that perverted ass guy is having her meet him somewhere just to try something or what if she's meeting up with a potential crush of hers.

My mind was overflowing with possible thoughts on who Zariyah could be meeting until it finally hit me.

"Kam??!" I said out loud, startling Mylo from his nap. "Nah....she couldn't be meeting her.....right?"

Mylo tilted his head at me as I sat there staring into space. If she's meeting Kam then it's a wrap. Kam's the type to start some shit and I'm not about to let her do that.

I rushed to put my shoes on before grabbing my keys.

"Come on, Mylo."

Mylo quickly ran over to me, panting excitedly, as we both left out of the apartment together.

Kam's POV

I'm pretty sure Sin is somewhere shitting bricks if her little crush told her where and who she was going to meet today. Hopefully she didn't because then that'll just be even better for me.

I sat waiting for Zariyah to arrive at this restaurant so I could get to know her more and just make her a little suspicious of Sin. Whatever they have going on....I wanna end that shit....and fast.

Zariyah walked in the restaurant and looked around before landing her eyes on me. She smiled and waved as she quickly came over to the table.

"Sorry if I had you waiting. I rushed over to my job first to drop off some paperwork."

"You're fine. Job is most important after all. It gets the bills paid." I said with a slight chuckle.

Zariyah smiled," Yeah it does. Thank God my supervisor stopped being a damn pervert for once though."

"Oh word??" I said, highly intrigued by that statement.

Zariyah sighed as she grabbed the menu off the table to read it.

"Yeahhhh...but he surprisingly stopped being weird."

"You told Sin about the situation? I hope you didn't..." I said before taking a sip of my drink.

Zariyah eyed me curiously as she slowly opened the menu.

"Why do you say that?" She questioned.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now