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Im not sure how long I was out but when I did wake up, I seen Kam sitting in a chair by the door, twirling my switchblade around in her hand.

"Shit.." I muttered as I sat up in the bed slowly.

"Im sure you didnt bring this for knife play." Kam said while tracing the blade with her index finger.

"No I didn't," I replied while scratching the top of my head. "I brought that....just in case."

Kam glanced over at me and for a moment...I could see the hint of anger in her eyes that was quickly overshadowed by her coy smile.

Kam tossed me the blade, surprisingly, before standing up and stretching.

"Now what?" I asked while carefully watching her every move.

Kam chuckled as she ran her fingers through her thick hair.

"You leave and never see me again."

"Just like that?" I questioned in curiosity.

Kam nodded, "You apologized and we both got what we wanted so..."

I didnt believe that for a second.

"Why should I believe you?"

Kam rolled her eyes as she grabbed something off the table in the corner.

"Believe me now?" She said as she handed me a plane ticket.

I looked at it for a brief moment before handing it back to her.

"When do you leave?"

"Seven in the morning." She said while taking some clothes out her suitcase.

I grabbed my phone to check the time. It was currently ten right now.

"I can drive you to the airport if you wan-"

"Nah," Kam quickly interrupted. "I'll take an uber and besides...I hate bittersweet goodbyes."

Something about that didnt sit right with me but instead of questioning any further, I got up and put my clothes back on. Before I headed out the door, I stopped next to Kam, giving her a once over.

"Glad things are good between us." I whispered to her.

Kam looked at me, expression unreadable, as she said," I'm glad too. Take care, Sin."

Biting my lip, I walked out the room and headed to my car. I seen Kam standing in the doorway, watching, as I pulled off.

"Ain't no way in hell she's dropping everything and leaving like that." I thought to myself as I drove.

I gripped the steering wheel as my thoughts came rolling in. Kam is a slick ass motherfucker. She really expects me to believe that she's just forgiven me like that. Hell nah! We have bad blood between us whether we like it or not and Kam is the type to hold a damn grudge. I know she's fucking with me again.

She knows when I'm around her I cant go through with shit just like her. That girl ain't leaving but theres only one way to find out...


I was at that airport at exactly seven and I didnt see Kam ass at all. I knew her ass was bullshitting me. She must think I'm dumb or something.

I scanned the different faces in the crowd of people to make sure that I wasnt missing her but nope.....she was definitely not here.

"I fucking knew it." I said to myself as I shook my head.

If only she would've just left. I really was trying to avoid further confrontation with her but it seems like she really do want her revenge AND to toy with my mind.

I waited a little while longer, just in case, before leaving to head back to the motel.

When I arrived, I quickly went to talk to the person at the front desk.

"Excuse me, did a girl with a head full of curly hair and braces check out this morning?" I asked, out of breath. "She was in room ten."

"Oh yeah," the man answered. "But she checked out late last night. Not this morning."



I walked back out to my car and just laughed to myself. For a second, I really thought I was gonna be Kam free but nope.

When I got in my car, I got a text message from the one and only, Kameron.

I decided to stay for a while longer. Be seeing you around, Sincerae 😉

And in that moment....I knew....

Kam was gonna be back on her bullshit...

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