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Sin's POV

Ever since Kam called me that night, I've been on edge. I haven't really slept that good because that girl been popping up in my dreams like Freddy Kreuger. When I'm in public, I think I be seeing her but it's not her. Just.....ughhhhh.

"I think we should take a long trip somewhere," I blurted out to Zariyah as we sat on the couch binge watching Lucifer. "Just me, you, and Mylo. What do you think?"

Zariyah looked at me for a long moment before giggling.

"Sin, where is this coming from?" She asked while smiling.

I shrugged my shoulders before muting the tv.

"I just think we need a break from Vegas. That's all.." I explained. "Maybe a trip to Mexico or Jamaica. Hell...maybe even Bora Bora."

Zariyah shook her head as she chuckled to herself, "As tempting as that sounds....I have to work. Besides, I dont think either of us have enough money saved up for a trip like that."

"You dont know that."

"Sin, have you been feeling alright lately?" Zariyah asked in a more concerning manner. "I've noticed you've been acting a little different and I can tell you havent slept for days by those bags under your eyes."

"I'm perfectly fine." I lied.

"Mhm...." Zariyah eyed me closely, making me shift a little in my seat. "Sin, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said again.

Zariyah crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow, "Sin."

"Fineeeee.....I experienced sleep paralysis a few nights ago so I've been afraid to fall asleep. Happy now?" 

"You being serious right now?" She questioned, obviously not buying that corny story.

"Yes. I've never experienced that shit before so when I did, it just threw my sleep schedule off." I replied in the most convincing way possible.

"Poor, Sin." Zariyah teasingly said. "If you need a cuddle buddy then just say that."

I looked at Zariyah and smirked, "Oh word?"

"Yeppp. Mylo is a great cuddle buddy."

When the smirk quickly disappeared from my face, Zariyah started busting out into laughter.

"You're not slick, Sin."

"Cant blame me for almost trying." I said while chuckling.

As Zariyah and I teased each other some more, her phone lit up with a text message from her pervert ass supervisor.

"The hell he texting you this late for?" I asked as she began to read the message.

Zariyah was silent for a moment until she suddenly made a disgusted face and tossed her phone to me, making me curious on what she could've read.

"I think I'm gonna be fucking sick..."

I grabbed her phone and went to the message where I seen that her supervisor had sent her a half naked picture of himself and also.....a dick pic.

"Block him." I instantly said while handing her the phone back.

"Sin, he will get me fired..."

"Fuck it. I'll block him for you." I said while blocking and deleting the messages, after screenshotting it of course, out her phone.


"Sin!!" Zariyah semi yelled.

"He's not gonna fire you. Trust me." I simply said before getting up and going to my room for the night.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now