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Kam's POV

Seeing the color drain from Sin's face was beyond priceless. Her light bright ass was paler than motherfucker.

"You missed me?" I asked, already fucking with her as usual.

"How the hell did you find me, Kam?" Sin asked in a low tone so nobody could overhear.

I just shrugged my shoulders as I smiled at her coyly.

"I have my ways," I stated. "Besides, you should know by now that I'm a pro at finding you."

Sin shook her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing.

"While your brain processes all this, mind making me a drink? A shot of tequila would be nice."

Sin cringed for moment before shooting me a fake smile.

"Coming right up."

"Yeah, hold the spit though." I sarcastically teased.

Sin poured my drink and served it to me.

"Ight let's cut the bullshit, Kameron." Sin whispered angrily to me. "Me and you both know we didnt exactly end on good terms. You're here to get back at me for what I did to you but imma tell you this now.....Walk. Away."

"You damn right I'm here to get back at you." I whispered back in a cold tone as the memories of me being in that facility flashed in my head. "You fucking framed me."

"I did what I had to do. Ever heard the saying 'everyone for themselves?'" Sin replied with a smirk on her face.

I wanted to wipe the floor with her yellow ass but I couldn't. Not right now atleast.

"You knew how I felt about you," I began, feeling that hurt once again. "You straight up dogged me, bruh."

"Not my fault you fell In love with me." Sin said, clearly not caring about my feelings at all.

I laughed before downing the shot because now I was getting pissed off.

"Dont act like you wasnt feeling me either, Sincerae." I said while glaring at her.

"I wasn't. You was just a piece of ass to be honest."

"Look me in the eyes and say that shit." I dared her.

Sin laughed and shook her head, "I dont have time for this shit."

Sin walked away to deal with another customer as I sat there staring at the empty shot glass in front of me.

"It's like that I see..." I muttered before leaving a tip and heading outside where I waited for Sin.


A few hours passed before Sin finally walked out the Casino. She didnt notice me standing against the wall until I called her name.

"I know you didnt wait out here for me all this time?" She said with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"I sure did." I said while walking up to her.

"Now what," Sin questioned. "You gonna kill me right here or?"

I chuckled before biting my lip, "We have plenty of time for that but for right now...I want you to admit that you wasnt feeling me without looking away."

Sin rolled her eyes as she folded her arms," If it'll help you sleep at night."

Sin walked up to me, getting in my face. The smell of her cologne and alcohol filled my nostrils as she stared into my eyes.

"You love fucking with me, huh?" Sin asked as she looked at my lips.

"Why you not admitting your feelings, Sin?" I questioned while smirking.

Sin stared into my eyes again but this time I noticed that hers were definitely filled with lust which made my stomach do a flip and my heart skip a few beats.

As much as I despise what the fuck she did to me....I still couldn't help how the fuck I felt towards her.

"Say it, Sin."

Sin stared at me for a long moment before choking me.

"Leave. Me. The fuck. Alone." Sin stated in that dark tone of hers that turned me on.

I smiled as her grip tightened around my throat.

"I'm sorry I cant do that." I replied.

"You enjoy this shit, huh?"

"What you think?"

Sin licked her lips as she looked me up and down. She slid her free hand in my pants and began to feel my pussy which was wet as fuck already.

"For someone who hates me...you sure are wet as hell." Sin said with a mischievous grin on her face.

Before I could reply to that statement, I felt Sin insert her fingers inside of me, causing me to gasp and hold on to her. Sin held me close to her as she began to thrust her fingers in me. I buried my face in the crook of her neck as she continued to finger me.

To others, it looked like Sin and I were hugging from a certain angle but that was definitely not the case right now.

"Told you, you were gonna fold when you saw me." Sin whispered in my ear as she started to thrust her fingers in me faster.

I bit down on her shoulder to keep from moaning any louder as my body began to heat up from the pleasure I was receiving.

"You can't be talking..." I panted as I slowly grinded against her.

Sin stopped and choked me again. I could see that I touched a nerve when I said that but it was the damn truth. We both be folding when we're around each other.

"Just walk away Kam, before shit gets ugly." Sin said before walking away.

I stood there sexually frustrated as I watched her walk to her car but i had to laugh when I seen her suck my juices off her fingers.

I knew she was still feeling me.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now