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Sin's POV

You ever get this feeling that maybe you overreacted about a certain situation that could've been handled differently? Yeah....not me. I did what I did and I regret nothing.He been had it coming and that's just the honest truth.

After I dumped his body out in the middle of practically nowhere, I rushed back to the apartment, changed outta my clothes, and took a hot shower before Zariyah got back.

After the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and gathered up the bloody clothes I had on and just shoved them in a black garbage bag.

Mylo chilled on my bed and watched me the whole time. Talk about a good partner in crime.

"You're such a good dog, Mylo." I said before scratching him behind the ear.

Mylo licked his chops in response with his tail wagging in excitement. I chuckled and grabbed a clean pair of boxers and a sports bra from the drawer and threw them on before putting on a pair of gray sweats.

I contemplated on whether I should wash the clothes or burn them as I sat on the edge of the bed staring at the bag.

"Ehh....imma burn them. Can't take no chances."

As I was about to get up and put my slides on, I heard the front door close.

"Fuck!" I cussed in my head as my heart started racing from going into panic mode.

"Calm the fuck down, Sin." I told myself before taking a deep breath. "Relax...you're better than this."

After calming myself down, I hid the trash bag in my closet and left out the room, with Mylo, to greet Zariyah. Or so I thought I was....

"You don't look happy to see me." Kam said with a smirk on her face as she slowly approached me. This girl stay picking locks..

"Because I'm not. Why you even here??" I asked, getting a bit irritated by her presence.

Kam just chuckled to herself as she shook her head slowly.

"Let's cut the bullshit, Sin. You know why I'm here."

Kam stared me dead in the eyes as she got closer to me. I knew exactly what that look meant and she knew exactly how it made me feel.

"You need to leave." I stated as I stared at her lips.

Kam rolled her eyes as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Or what?"

Kam placed her hand on my stomach and slowly started to feel on me.



I traced the bottom of her lip with my thumb as I let her hand wander up to my chest area. Still staring into my eyes, Kam suddenly began to suck on my thumb seductively.

As much as I can't stand this girl....I love how persistent her crazy ass is.

"Still want me to leave?" Kam asked while grinning.

"Shut up." I choked Kam up and began kissing her deeply, letting my tongue swipe across her lips to gain access into her mouth.

One minute we wanna kill each other and then the next minute we end up like this. The level of toxicity between me and Kam is crazy. We don't know if we wanna kill each other or kill each other's pussy at this point.

As the kiss grew more intense, I dragged Kam into my room and pushed her up against the wall before stripping her out her clothes.

When she was completely naked, I began to kiss down her neck and to her collarbone as my fingers worked their magic. I could hear Kam gasping and moaning softly as I continued to kiss down to her chest area while thrusting my fingers inside of her at decent pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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