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Kam's POV

I've been enjoying fucking with Sin these last few weeks. Showing up at her job, finding her in public, calling her phone nonstop. Just the usual stuff but today I bumped into that girl, I seen sitting next to Sin at the movie theater, at the grocery store. Just my luck.

She was talking on the phone and walking down the aisle looking at the different food products on the shelf. I walked into the aisle with her and pretended to be looking for a specific item on the shelf.

"She's just been acting weird lately, Nell.." I heard the girl say as she grabbed a box of cereal and placed it in the cart. "Like she's avoiding me.."

Chuckling to myself, I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"I try and ask her what's wrong but she don't tell me anything."

I listened to her talk with whoever she was talking to for a few more minutes before making my move. As she was walking past me, I backed up so I could bump into her.

"I'm sorry!" She quickly said.

"Nah, that was my fault." I said with a charming smile on my face.

The girl furrowed her brow as she studied my face closely.

"Wait...you that girl from the movie theater. The one Sin practically dragged out."

I chuckled and bit my lip, "The one and only."

"Nell, imma call you back later. Okay?"

She hung up the phone and focused her full attention on me.

"Let me introduce myself before you ask questions." I stated. "I'm Kam."

"Zariyah. And yeah I do have a question alright."

"Wassup?" I said even though I kinda knew what she was going to ask me.

"How do you and Sin know each other?" Zariyah asked. "Are you two related orrrr?.."

"Nah..." I replied. "Sin and I used to be close but we kinda had a falling out."

"That explains her behavior at the theater.."

Zariyah eyed me closely, as if she was still trying to figure me out or something.

"I've tried to talk to her and rekindle our friendship but she's soo damn stubborn. I don't know what to do honestly." I said, trying to sound a bit upset.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that." Zariyah said in a sympathetic tone.

"It's cool. Maybe one day she'll hear me out...Anyways, sorry for bumping into you like that and if you see Sin please tell her that I really need talk to her."

Before I could walk away, Zariyah stopped me.

"I know I'm probably gonna regret this but Sin and I actually live together and-"

Hearing that her and Sin were living together made my blood boil. I couldn't even process the other shit she was saying because all I could think about was them two living under the same damn roof.

"Is that okay with you?"

I stared at Zariyah for a hot second before simply saying "okay".

Zariyah smiled as she unlocked her phone.

"Give me your number and I'll send you the address. Sin probably will kill me for this but I think you two deserve to have a genuine conversation to rekindle that broken friendship." Zariyah stated while laughing a little.

"Nah, I'm gonna kill you, bitch.." I said in my head as I gave her my number.

"Okay come over around six because Sin is not gonna be home until six-thirty."

"I'll definitely be there." I told her while smiling mischievously.

"This is too fucking easy." I said to myself as I walked away from her.


Sin's POV

I told Zariyah that I was gonna run some errands before I had left the apartment today but in reality i just needed to get away and clear my head. Kam has been fucking with me ever since she came to Vegas but that shit was definitely going to end soon.

I've been trying to contact her damn therapist but turns out buddy been dead for a grip and there's a warrant for Kam's arrest. I've been soo damn distracted lately that I haven't even paid any attention to the news to see if they ever talked about her on it.

A part of me wanted to turn her ass in but what good will that do? She will just end up getting out and finding me again like always. That's how crazy her ass is.

As I sat on the hood of my car, twirling a switchblade around in my hand, I continued to think about how I was gonna get rid of Kam for good. I could stab her multiple times and just dissemble her body and bury them in a floorboard somewhere or dumb them in the ocean.

I laughed to myself as I played out the different scenarios in my head but that laughter quickly stopped when this feeling came over me.

"I wonder what Zariyah is doing?" I thought to myself as I checked the time on my phone.

It was almost seven and I've been sitting in this vacant parking lot for about six hours now. Sighing, I hopped in my car and drove back to the apartment with that weird feeling in my gut still.

When I finally arrived, something seemed strange but I just shook it off and headed up to the apartment. I put the key in the lock and opened the door, just to be met by Zariyah who looked oddly nervous.

"You're back!" She said in an excitable but nervous tone.

"Yeahhh. Sorry for coming back late I-"

"It's fine." Zariyah said, cutting me off. "But uhhh promise you won't be mad at me?"

Raising a brow, I gave Zariyah a curious look.

"Why would I be mad at you?.." I questioned while staring at her closely.

Not saying a word, Zariyah grabbed my hand and walked me into the living room and in that moment my heart dropped.

"Zariyah, what the fuck?!" I shouted as I seen Kam sitting on the couch playing with Mylo.

She looked at me with a devilish grin on her face.

"Wassup, Sin." Kam said in a taunting way. "Love the apartment."

I stood there in shock as Zariyah walked over to Kam.

"I bumped into her at the store today and she told me everything."

My heart began to race as my mind went completely blank.

"She did?!!"

"I sure did." Kam added in while smirking.

All I could think of now was how the hell this shit gonna play out.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now