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Kam's POV

"How are you this morning, Kameron?"

I sat across from that annoying ass therapist again and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I plainly said while pulling on a strand of my hair.

He nodded his head before looking at some papers.

"Hmmm..Seems like you've shown signs of improvement with your behavior and your mental state. How have you been feeling? Any thoughts or recent episodes I should know about?" He questioned.

I gave him a fake smile as I sat up straight in the chair.

"I've been absolutely fine and no." I replied.

"Great!" He said in an uppity voice before texting on his phone.

I looked around the bland room and started to get very impatient. I've been in this hell hole for too long. I'm ready to get up outta here because I have some shit to take care of.

"Have you heard from, Sin?" I suddenly asked.

"Kameron...we've discussed this before."

"I know. I'm just asking because I wanted to talk to her and tell her how sorry I am for all the things I've done." I lied, knowing damn well I'm not sorry for shit.

"I'll tell her that you said that."

I nodded my head and did a fake smile until he turned around. I've been trying my hardest to get in contact with Sin but his annoying ass never let me call her. Especially after I threw a fit when Sin confessed that she practically used me. He took away those privileges with his lopsided ass head.

"Excuse me for a moment." He said before walking out the room with his phone to his ear.

When he left out the room, I got this gut feeling that he was probably out there talking to Sin so I got up and crept over to the door to listen in on his conversation."

"She seems fine to me and the doctors here said she has been taking her meds and behaving really well." I heard him say.

"Yeah right." I mumbled before listening in on him again.

"I'm sure. She seems sane to me and she also wanted me to let you know that she is sorry for everything."

I knew it..

I walked back over to the chair with my hands balled into fist. Man I really wanted to talk to Sin and just cuss her conniving ass out right now. I should've killed her ass but I let myself fall in love with that bitch. How dare I.

I sat down in the chair and just waited for him to come back in the room so he could give me the okay to fucking leave this place.

"Sorry about that." The guy said as he came back in the room.

"Its cool." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, Kameron." He grinned at me. "This is what you've been waiting for. You're officially free from this place."


I tried soo hard not to roll my eyes.

"Just remember that I will be checking up on you from time to time to make sure that you are okay." He informed while checking the calendar on his phone.

"Gotcha..." I simply said while staring at his phone.

If only I could just get her number......

"I'll be seeing you a week from now. Alright?"

"Mhm." I stood up and shook his clammy ass hands before walking out the room.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now