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Kam's POV

"Aye, can I get another drink over here?" I said to the bartender as he walked by.

"Coming right up."

I sat there, looking at the empty glass in front of me as I thought about Sin. That bitch be living in my head, rent free, because I allow it. Why the hell would she play me like that? I spared her fucking life when I could've killed her for what happened to my mom. But lucky for her, I hated my mother.

"Here you go." the bartender said as he handed me an entirely different drink than what I had before.

"The fuck is this?" I asked, very much confused.

"Sorry, the girl over there ordered it for you."

I looked over to my left and seen this white girl smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away from her. I have nothing against snow bunnies. I'm just not in the mood to entertain a female right now.

"Is this seat taken?" A bubbly voice said beside me.

I sighed and turned around to see that girl standing there smiling all wide at me.

"For fucks sake.." I mumbled to myself.

Before I could even answer her, another girl walked over with a smirk on her face.

"Hey baby. Sorry I'm late." The girl said to me, making me give her this puzzled look.

She winked at me before leaning down. I thought she was gonna kiss me or some shit but she only whispered in my ear.

"You look a bit annoyed so I'm just here to save you right now." She said before chuckling.

I raised an eyebrow at the girl before laughing a little.

"Its cool, babe."

The other girl stood there awkwardly with a red face as me and my fake girl continued chatting casually.

"You need something?" My fake girlfriend asked after awhile.

"Oh no...Sorry."

After the girl left, I started laughing hysterically.

"Thanks for the fucking save." I stated.

"No problem. Chantelle." Chantelle extended her hand out for a handshake.


"I know who you are." Chantelle said with a devious grin on her face as I shook her hand.

"Oh for real?" I asked a bit curious on how this girl know me but then again...I probably was on the news.

"Yep. You're the girl that murdered all those people and got sent to the mental hospital."

"Cute, but I didnt murder all those people. Only a select few." I said while shrugging. "You a cop or something?"

"Nah. Just a curious young woman who wants to know your side of the story and not just some bullshit story the media fed us." She stated before taking a seat beside me.

"You being deadass right now?"

Chantelle nodded her head before ordering some drinks, "So...Tell me how you ended up in that situation."

"You know....curiosity killed the cat..." I warned. "You sure you wanna be nosey?"

"I'll take my chances. Besides...somebody has to know the truth." Chantelle slid a drink over to me once the bartender brought them over.

Me and Chantelle clinked glasses before I began to tell her bits and pieces on what went down. I don't trust Chantelle fully but I know she's not a cop. She wasn't giving off any opp vibes. Just weird ones though.

She was way too interested in knowing how I bodied Malia and Vince. Like girl are you fascinated by murders orrrrr?....

"I can't believe Sin did you like that. What the fuck." Chantelle says after I wrap the story up.

"I know right. She did me dirty as fuck but it's all good. She's gonna get hers." I casually say before downing the rest of my drink.

Chantelle stares off into the distance for a few minutes before giving me this sly grin.

"Maybe I can help you."

"Excuse me?.." I said a bit caught offguard. "You wanna help me? For???"

"There's obviously some sexual tension that needs to be solved between you and Sin soooooo...."

I gave Chantelle a "what the fuck" look before laughing.

"You're very funny."

"I'm not joking. I'm very much serious."

I stopped laughing when I seen the serious expression on her face. Oh this bitch deadass....

"Look, even if I were to let you help me....I dont even know where the fuck she is," I explain in a whisper. "Only my fuck ass therapist knows and he not about to give up that information easily."

Chantelle giggles as she gets up from her seat.

"Bullshit. I can make any man spill sensitive information." She proudly said before smiling wide.

"Oh really?"

"Let's meet back here tomorrow night. We'll discuss this some more. Okay?"

I nod my head and watch as Chantelle walks out the bar.

I dont know who the hell this girl is but she just became my goddamn bestfriend.

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now