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"Come on guys walk faster I have to get ready.!" Calum said "okay ow" I tripped over a cord and a recycling bin he didn't notice "Arii come on oh haha get up."
Calum's POV
I opened the door and yelled " GUYS WHERE HERE." they all came in and lined up in a single file line we went up to Luke first "Ari this is Luke" they shook hands he was eyeballing her body then her face but time to time he would stare at her boobs. So I glared at him and pushed her away "Ari this is Ashton" "You can call me Ash"* he's ok don't need to worry about him*
"This is -""Pinkie Pie!." Ari interrupted me laughing. "just kidding hi Michael." she said still laughing shaking hands "This kind of feels like a meet and greet." Michael said "Yeah." she agreed

Ari went to get a snack in the other room with her friends."okay here's the plan"
Ari's POV
There were carrots and a bunch of stuff. "Ari did you see the blonde one he was checking you out."Lindy said. I felt heat on my cheeks " Come on Lindy Luke isn't a really nice guy trust me" I told her "Oh so you've been with him huh"she twisted my words "I didn't say that we went to school together and he only hanged out with me because he wanted to learn new tricks on the penny board to impress a girl." ︎I said crunching a carrot. Her and Sage just stared at me "what it's the truth, and he was just judging me by the way I looked remember the glasses and braces." "Yeah we remember Ari and you still have it but their called contacts and a retainer." Sage said I rolled my eyes.
Calum's POV
"got it ok. Ari we're going to leave stage in a few minutes okay.?!" I yelled "okay" she said she with a mouth full of crackers.

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