Chpt. 29

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"Woooohoooo" We scream my second album came out
Lovin' So Hard
1.Hands On Me
2.One Last Time
3.Lovin' So Hard
4.Never Been Hurt
7.Without the Love
8.Ain't Been Done
11. Burning Up
12 Mug Shot(Feat. Max Schneider)
13. You'll Never Know
14.Why Try
"I'm so proud!!" My mom says through the screen. I just smile. "Are you going to do music videos for any of them?" Someone asks through the laptop. A familiar face appears "Koko!!" I say happily. "You know a hate it when you call me that." we laugh me and Calum look at each other "Mal Mal Mal Mal." he says as I say "Koko Koko Koko." we would do that when we were little to annoy her. "Okay stop now." mom says "Its okay we're mature now." Calim says sitting up straight. "Eeeewwwwww Ari has a pimple." he yells. I whack him. "Yeah you guys matured." Mali says as we laugh.

**********Michael'sPOV************* I went with Ari to see her practice her dance routines. Ty left her the keys to the studio. She does her signature back flip, and other cool moves. She stops to drink water I walk over."You should drink a lot of water. When we go on tour I'll make sure we have extra extra water bottles." I tell her she smiles picks up her bag wraps her arm around my neck. "Thank you only 3 weeks left right?" Let's go." she says I kiss her and we leave.
*************Ari'sPOV***************"Ari start packing first stop L.A California." Calum tells me. I through random clothes made sure I had bras and underwear.
We get in the tour bus and pack the back I have one bag with 7 sets of clothes, shampoo, and soap. "Ari this is Brad." Michael says as patting a blonde mans back. "Okay I only have two rules 1. Wait for a hotel.
2. And if you can't use safety I'm not going to be driving a crying baby." he says with a straight face then laughs we join him. "Calum Calum Calum hey Calum Calum Calum hey Calum." Luke is yelling behind him. Calum seems pissed I walk behind Luke then grab him by the ear and say "hey Luke,Luke,Luke, hey Luke Luke." I say "Ow ow ow ow ok ok ok stop." he yells I take my phone out and take a video "Look guys Luke is bad shame shame." I say recording "Ow stop Ari" he laughs. I let go "You're going to delete it right?" He asks "Nope." I say walking to the bathroom in the bus. I post it on Instagram and tag Lizz on it. I unlock the bathroom and walk to the back of the bus and watch the boys play FIFA and Ashton air drumming. "Your mom knows now." I tell Luke everyone laughs. Ashton keeps drumming in the air I find one of his drum sticks and copy his drumming the table I front of us.
The boys start laughing. I keep going until Ashton notices. Five minutes pass Ashton finally looks at my table drumming. He pulls off the earbuds and listens "Not bad maybe one of the shows you'll play the drums." he says.

"Look what I got." Michael says I look up from my phone he's holding The Fault in Our Stars movie. I get up "The bunks have little DVD players. Come on." he says I stretch my arms and pout "Carry me please." I say he picks me up and puts me in a bunk. Followed by him hugging me. The bunks were small but we were fine."Ready?" I say "Don't cry." I tell him already knowing what was going to happen.
The movie ends we both tear up. We end up crying our selves to sleep.

I wake up to small licks to the face by Kitten. "Hi." I says softly she lays I between me and Michael. everyone is still asleep Michael is snoring so loud. I watch Tyler Oakley in the small screen.

50 YouTube videos later everyone finally wakes up we stop at a rest stop we're heading to Huston, Texas.

"I'm starving." Calum says his stomach growls he holds his side. This is his signal telling me it hurts. I come back with his favorite meal from McDonalds we dump our fries in one pile on the tray and share. "You did good Ari." he tells me I've only preformed twice in California and Arizona. "Thank you Cal. You killed it. Making girls cry." I tell him we laugh and continue eating.

"Hey guys." Luke says as he sits next to Calum. "Hey." I say "Ew go away Luke no one likes you, who even called you." Calum says Luke pouts his lip. We laugh Michael sits next to me. "How come you don't yell at Michael?"Luke says pointing. "Cause he's older." Calum says "Hahaha little boy." Michael teases. "Shut up you act like a four year old." I tell Michael. Luke laughs. We get back on the bus "5 more hours." Brad tells us.
*******Michaels POV****************
"Go Ari!!!" Ashton yells after having two red bulls. Ari and Calum were having a dance / rap battle. But instead of them making up raps they just rapped famous songs like Jay Z.
We record them. Calum was dancing to Timber he did okay "Wow.... Look and learn boys." Ari says pushing Calum out of the way .She dances awesomely to Where Are You Now. "Okay okay." Calum says he break dances to Ari's song Adore."Boom top that." he yells. "Okay I will." she says. She dances to Trap Queen then does her backflip. "Yeah goooo Ari!" Luke and Ashton yell. "Okay I'll beat you in a rap." Calum says "Okay Losers first" Ari says "OoooooHHHHH BUUUURRRNNNN!" Ashton yells We look at him and laugh so loud. "Here I go...." He raps Look at Me know."Aight here I go " Ari raps I Don't Fuck With You by Big Sean. "Ay you cursed I'm telling mom." Calum says we post the videos on Instagram. Few seconds later I tell Ari I posted it. "Listen to this "Ooooo Ari you cursed I'm tell you mum." Then she tagged your mom." I say laughing. "Here's another one. "I guess the song is true Michael's Boo is a good girl who's bad and she's been caught." followed by someone else commenting:" We all know how she's bad to him." With a wink face " I read we laugh. Kitten trots over and sleeps on the couch. "Can we do the video now?!" I beg. "Fine." Ari says
We stopped at a store we found sodas but weird sodas like bacon sodas and onion. We grabbed ten different flavors five for me and five for Michael. We also grabbed fresh live worms.
"Okay Calum can you label the bottles one through ten please." I ask
"Hey guys it's Ari and Michael. So you guys been asking for us to do a challenge so here we are." I say "Lets get started." Michael yells. "Okay so we have our cup full of numbers , our mystery drinks, and worms. Were going to choose out of the cup Calum is going to pour what ever drink the number matches. We have to guess what it is if we spit it out we eat a worm if we guess it wrong we eat a worm." I explain "How many tries do we get?" Michael asks "three." I say "Are you going first?" He asks "I don't know." "Michael won't go first cuz he's scared!" Ashton yells. Michael glares at him he picks a number."Six" he says Calum pours the liquid."Here." he passes it to me to give to Michael. I sniff it "Oh shit.... uh I said ship. " I say it smelt like a Shart. "Uh fuck" Michael curses under his breath. He sips the cup. His face shows disgust, confused, and afraid. "What is that I'm going with barf. and my final answer." he says we look at Calum "Bacon." he laughs "here the big one." I hand him a worm.

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