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"I got it!" Michael said answering the door. I got my glasses and went to the living room. "hey" Luke and Ashton said "hey guys." I said smiling "where's Calum?" Luke asked looking around. "I don't know I'm getting worry he hasn't been back for a hour.". The phone rings "Hello"
"Ari it Calum can you come and pick me up I kinda got in a little trouble"

" Okay but what about your car"
"Bring Luke with you wait no Michael"
"Okay but where are you?"
"I'll try to hurry."
I hanged up the phone. Got my jacket and keys.
Michael's POV
"Luke come with me wait no he said Michael come on Michael." she said Ashton raised he's eyebrows at me and smirked I rolled my eyes. I walked behind her. We were on the road"What happened" I asked breaking the silence " Calum is stuck at Target" she said consertrating on the road changing lanes picking up speed. We get there "stay here I'll go get Calum." she said unbuckling her self "There not going to let you get him" I told her "yes they will" she said getting out of the car running to the entrance.
Ari's POV
" sorry coming thru" I tried to get thru the girls yelling "hey I don't know who you think your doing but I was here." A random chick said. Finally I got to the door " Oh hey um I'm here to get Calum my brother you kind of have him in there ha." The man looked at me.
Michael's POV

Ari came back stomping her feet "Now what happened Ari." I asked "they won't let me in and get him.. you were right." she said crossing her arms "I know I come on I'll help you." I said stepping out the car. I put my hoodie up "put your hoodie up" I pointed at her jacket. we walked to the store filled with fans. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the clothes section." Michael what are we doing here?" She asked "we need to change our clothes completely so the girls won't follow us." I told her. we first went to the girls side. "You think blue looks good on me?" I asked holding a flowery blue shirt. She laughed.We grabbed two packs of socks." I need a bra" I said I herd a giggle behind me " Does Calum need one too?" She asked we grabbed two bras. Now it was her turn to change " Here just wear these pants and these boxers over your underwear." I told her we went and paid.
Calum's POV
All I hear is pounds on the walls and "WE WANT CALUM WE WANT CALUM." Over and over again. * where's Ari she suppose to be here by now.
Ari's POV
We got our bags Michael made me go In front of him. he wrapped his arms around my waist protecting me he tried to do a different voice too but he couldn't " excuse me coming through he said we got to the door. "hi Jim it's me Michael Clifford can you let us in please." he said. "I need to see ID." Jim told him .He pulled out his wallet and showed him. We were in.
Calum's POV
The door opened Ari walked in with Michael behind her " Ari" I said all relived I hugged her " I was getting worried." I told her "You were getting worried I was waiting an hour and you didn't call or anything!" she yelled. "sorry. What's in the bag?" I asked " costumes!" Michael said Ari pulled out a glittery flower shirt and a blue flower shirt "You and Michael are going to match." she said with a smile "Oh and you need a bra" she took out two matching bras. I changed Michael came out with his shirt "oh I almost forgot" he walked to the bag and pulled out socks "We need boobs" he said handing me two pairs of socks. We stuffed our bras. Ari walked with her saggy pants and boxers "No you still look like a girl" Michael said here he gave her he's sweater and SnapBack. "that's better ok let's go is there a back door?" He asked.
Ari's POV
We walked out the door and got to the cars Calum took his and I took mine with Michael. " Why did Calum want me to bring you with me?" I asked him "oh that simple because he knew they weren't going to let you in." he said "oh and why did we need to dress up?" I asked "That was just for fun look my boobs are almost big as you'r--" he cut him self off my cheeks where burning.

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