28 | Gun

55 7 2

Sorry the chapter's late, my grandma's house is super hectic-

Hope everyone's having a great holiday!

Also Manhunt chapter coming out tmr-


Dream only took a split second to think before putting up his hands. He didn't want to accidentally hurt someone like he had done to Skeppy. And besides, mo way was he about to fight a government member - Dream could tell by the faceted crystal on his shirt - especially not one that had a gun.

A gun that was, at the moment, pointed directly at his face.

Skeppy, on the other hand, didn't waste a second.

He yelled and leapt at the officer.

The officer yelped as Skeppy crashed into him, knocking him over and down the four steps leading up to Dream's house. A horrified shriek came from behind as Bad ran up to the door.

"Skeppy, stop!"

Skeppy didn't comply, lashing out and landing a punch to the guards face. He was yelling, random sounds emitting from his mouth.

The gun went off with a bang, shooting to the left and ricocheting off of the bricks on Dream's house. Skeppy shouted, falling back off of the guard as he threw a punch to his stomach, narrowly missing.

The guard was fighting back now, the gun having fallen from his hand but still landing punches on Skeppy. Skeppy refused to let up, tackling the guard to the ground, his arm scraping across the concrete steps.

The guard gained the upper ground, punching Skeppy in the head. Skeppy gasped in pain, falling backwards, limp in the floor. The officer rolled over, grabbed the gun, and in one smooth motion, pointed it at Skeppy's head, who was still lying on the ground.

"One move and I'll shoot!"

Bad yelled, shoving his way to the front. "Skeppy! Skeppy!"
Dream watched as Skeppy rolled over groggily, regaining his senses. The guard shoved the gun further out.

"Don't. Move."

Bad was on the verge of tears. "Skeppy..."
Skeppy made eye contact, willing Bad not to cry. It's gonna be ok. Everything's gonna be fine.

That was when Dream took the lead.

"You're with them, huh?"

The guard turned. "Wha?"
Dream stared at him, squaring off his shoulders. "You're with the government?"
The guard fidgeted. "Yeah, yeah I am."
He had a strong dutch accent, Dream noticed. Interesting.

The guard was getting impatient. "Why what?"

"Why are you with them?"

The guard seemed to be taken aback. "Well, I mean, I'm a coder, I'm good at what I do, so-"
"But it's ridiculous!"
George's voice cut through the air as he stepped forwards. "Don't you realize what you're doing? You're tracking me for no reason! What, because I made a phone call you're all against me? Because I wanted to talk to my family?"
The guard stepped forwards. "Just a minute! You broke the rules, didn't you? Interactions are not allowed!" He paused. "And then you took a Glider and flew away! Do you know how stupid that was? The whole world knows about you! You're the one who put London in lockdown!"
"As if we weren't in lockdown already," George countered. "We're not even allowed to see anyone, talk to anyone, interact at all! It's basically the same thing!"
The guard frowned. "That doesn't change the fact that you broke the rules."
George sighed, exasperated. "So what? What have they promised you that's so important, huh? So many people are - are dying from these tests you put us through! Imagine tomorrow you wake up and you've been selected. Your whole industry could turn against you!"
The guard shrugged. "Not if I'm a higher rank. And you know you I'm gonna get there?" He fidgeted with his gun. "By turning you, the most wanted criminal in London, in to the police.
George choked. "Did you say criminal?"

"You have a criminal record," the officer replied. "How could you not? You- you ran from the authorities, you had forbidden interactions, you hacked your own band-"
George stared, then came to his senses. "So fucking what?"
The guard stared. "So you broke the rules!"
George was furious. "Do you know something? I have friends whose parents have lost their lives to your tests! Whose families have fallen apart because of you!" He took in a breath. "And you want to turn me in? For what? What are you going to do, test me? Kill me?"
He stopped, tears in his eyes. "I can't believe people like you exist in our world. Your tests are stupid anyways."
The guard stared. Waited.

"Goddam it!"
George looked up.

The guard shook his head and said mildly "I knew it would happen, I just wasn't prepared enough. Well, you've got me now." He lowered his gun. "I'm in."

"Juuuuuuuust a minute!"
Dream stepped forwards, ignoring his conflicted emotions. "You can't just... be in, you know! You're from the government, how do we know you're not betraying us?"

The guard shrugged. "I dunno, I just want to be part of you guys, I guess-"
Skeppy was moving carefully, slowly, inching towards the officer. Dream opened his mouth. "I-"

Skeppy leapt to his feet, grabbing both of the guard's wrists in a single move and pinning them behind his back. "What's your name?"
The guard struggled. "Let me go-"
"What's your name?"

"Floris! Floris, my name is Floris!"

There was a knife in Skeppy's hand. Dream hadn't noticed it.

"You. You're the one who hurt Bad, aren't you, you little piece of shit-"

Dream grabbed his hand. "Careful, Skeppy-"

Skeppy shook it off, enraged. "You hurt him! How could you?"

Floris shook his head. "I- I don't know, I thought you were bad, evil, I thought-"
Skeppy's knife was pressing into Floris's skin. "What do you mean, you thought we were evil? How did you think we were evil, huh?"

Dream gently pried the knife from Skeppy's grasp. "Hey, hey. Sit down, Skeppy-"
Skeppy wrestled against Dream. "He hurt Bad! HE-"

Skeppy jolted backwards, startled, and then sat grumpily, a sulking look on his face. George shot him a withering glance.

"As for you, Floris," Dream said carefully, "you should sit as well. I think... we maybe need to talk."
Floris didn't bother arguing. He sat on the steps.

Skeppy ignored the blood on his arm and tried to focus.

Why were the diamonds back?

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