34 | Danger

50 7 1

school started again so i might miss a few updates, sorry :(


Skeppy couldn't speak. How- How was Punz here?

He tried to form a sentence, but the only thing that would make it out of his mouth was a garbled string of nonsense. Punz grinned.

"How did you find us? You're out in - what, Orlando?" Punz questioned, a natural smile on his face. Skeppy finally found his voice.

"No, I- we ran, drove all the way here, we were planning to go further, but there was a cat and Bad wanted to deliver it and so I-"
Punz stopped him. "Bad?"
"Darryl, but Bad is his name because that's what it was in Minecraft," Skeppy tried to explain. Punz stared.

"Wh- Never mind, it doesn't matter. What does matter is - is Skeppy, why are you still here?"
Skeppy frowned. "What-"
"You should be gone by now!" Punz exclaimed. "How have they not caught you yet?"
Skeppy shrugged. "I- I don't know, we just - we're not being tracked anymore, and we're at a friends house, they're also not being tracked - I think we're safe!"
Saying that felt surreal. Safe.

Could they really be safe?

Punz shook his head wildly, and for the first time, Skeppy noticed the scar on his head. His mind flashed back to that night, the night where they ran from the camp. Punz handing him supplies. His head bleeding. The gash on his forehead.

Skeppy shuddered, and Punz spoke. "Don't you understand? They've only been distracted with another criminal, some person in London, but once they're caught, there's no way you'll escape unless you leave!"
Skeppy shook his head. "London? That's George! He's with us!"
Punz's face looked horrified. "With you? You'll both get caught!"

"No, we're safe!" Skeppy insisted. Punz stepped closer, taking his arm.

"Skeppy, you don't understand! Remember the lockdown? In London?"

"No- I- No, what lockdown?"
"It's going to happen here, Skeppy! They're going to lock down Florida, and check every single house, and you're not going to be able to escape!"
Fear washed over Skeppy. "But-"
Punz stared at him in the eyes. "You need to leave, Skeppy. Take Darryl and get out of here while you still can."
Skeppy stumbled back. "But- But I have friends here, Punz! Dream, and George, and Floris, I can't just leave them!"
"Floris? I know them - they work for the government, Skeppy!"
"Yeah, but they're with us now! It's fine!"
Punz squeezed Skeppy's arm so hard it hurt. Skeppy winced.

"Then take them too, Skeppy. You need to leave."
And for once, Skeppy believed him. The fear in Punz's eyes was too real for his comfort.

"But where would I go?"
Punz shook his head. "I don't know, just leave! Promise me you won't come back here, Skeppy, it's not safe..."
It was barely a whisper, but Punz understood. He pushed Skeppy back.

"Go, get out of here. It's not safe."
Skeppy shoved him back, indigent. "No, wait."
Punz stared, startled, then frowned. "What?"
"How are you here? You didn't say anything, where's the rest of the group? Illumina, Ponk, Eret- What about them?"
Punz's face turned to something else. Skeppy could barely distinguish it. Was it...

Skeppy almost regretted asking, but Punz started talking.

"You saw Ponk? He was..."
He didn't continue, but a wave of nausea hit Skeppy as he remembered. Ponk had been shot in the leg.

Skeppy nodded, urging Punz to go on.

"They... I ran back to the camp to help, but it was too late. All three of them were tied. Illumina was still struggling but Eret had given up and Ponk was knocked out."

Skeppy's whole body went cold.

"It was too dangerous. I had to leave, you understand? I couldn't stay..."
Skeppy nodded slowly, processing what he had just heard.

"We have outposts all over Florida. I just ran through the forest, reached the end, walked on foot until I found... this outpost."
Skeppy looked behind him. Three others stood, observing silently.

Punz waved to them briefly. "Mega, Spifey, Zelk. Our leader is out for the day, so I took over. But it's standard upturn code. They knew who I was, and I knew who they were, so..."
Skeppy hesitated. "Were you... going to attack me?"

Punz looked down sheepishly. "I mean yes... it's good that I recognized you in time, you know. We had our drugs ready."
Skeppy winced, recalling the first time he had been captured. From behind Punz, a brown haired, brown eyed boy with a green scarf silently held up a vial of dry leaves. The forest drugs.

Skeppy raised an eyebrow, and Punz turned to see what he was looking at. The brown eyed boy held out the vial.

Punz considered, then took the vial, handing it to Skeppy. "Take them. Might come in handy later on, I don't know."

Skeppy took the vial. "Thanks-"
"Don't thank me, thank Mega," Punz replied, nodding to the boy behind him. Mega dipped his head.

"Thanks," Skeppy grinned. The boy's eyes sparkled.

Punz turned back to Skeppy. "Enough of this. You really have to go, Skeppy. It's not safe here, now of all times, and you've got George with you? You must be the most wanted group in all of the country!"
Skeppy sighed. "Yeah, I guess..."
Punz looked up at the sky. "It's already nearly 7 am, Skeppy. When did you start wandering the forest?"
Skeppy thought back. "I... I don't know, maybe around quarter past 6?"
Punz nodded. "I thought so. The forest can recognize you. They like you."
Skeppy frowned, but didn't dare question it. He got the feeling that Punz usually knew what he was talking about.

"Even so, you should go," Punz said yet again, his tone pointed. Skeppy looked down.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Stay safe, Punz."
Punz smiled slightly. "You too..."
Skeppy turned and began to walk back the way he had came. Punz watched, then turned back to his group.

With a silent signal, they slipped back into the forest.

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