33 | Gone

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It was early morning, around 6 am in central Florida. Downstairs in the kitchen of Dream's house, the group of 5 stood around the kitchen table.

A few days had passed since Dream had... officially decided to be with George. They hadn't told anyone, at least not yet. Anyways, there were more important things to be considered at the present time.

Floris was leaving.

Not forever, just so that he wouldn't raise suspicion. He had been gone from his assigned base for around three days now, enough that the other members of his cohort would begin to wonder where he was.

The plan was that he would head back to his base, and attempt to sell the story that he hadn't found out anything. The house he thought George would be at was abandoned, and he 'thought' George had already left.

The group had decided already that it was too dangerous for Floris to quit his job. It would be way too unexpected, and a suspicious move overall. Instead, Floris was to continue working for the government, getting information to pass on to the rest of the group.

Dream and George were both hustling around the kitchen, preparing for Floris to leave, ensuring he had everything he might need for his journey back. Floris's s-mob had been moved into the fields earlier the previous day, in order to hide it from anyone who might come by, and so the current plan was that Floris would walk to the fields, take the s-mob, and drive the opposite way around so that it would seem as though he had come from the other side of Florida.

Floris was back in his guard costume. Dream had been as nice as to wash his outfit, as well as making sure that Floris's government crystal was in top condition before he left. George didn't mind all the fuss; Floris and Dream may have been best friends but he couldn't have been happier to finally know that Dream loved him just like he loved Dream.

Bad, who had fixed up Floris's injuries enough to avoid detection, was buzzing anxiously around Floris, giving him first aid advice. "Don't change the bandages until tomorrow, Floris - Dream, did you give him the new ones?"
Dream sighed as he turned to face Bad. "Yes, Bad, I already told you that he got them. He also has the bandaids, the medicine you made him, the-"

Skeppy interrupted, steering Bad gently away from Floris. "He'll be fine," he told Bad, who sighed but allowed himself to be lead away.

George just observed, anxiously checking the clock on the right side of the wall for the fourth time that morning. 6:06 am.

Floris finally brushed off Dream, who was still checking to make sure he had everything, and turned to face the group. "I should go. Don't want to be late."
The government office opened at strictly 8:30 am, and it was a two hour journey by s-mob. Dream nodded slowly, stepping back.
"Stay safe, okay?"
Floris smiled. "I'll try."

Bad opened the front door for him, the group anxiously watching over his shoulder as Floris walked down the stairs, looked around cautiously, and then waved back. Dream stepped forwards, waving in reply.

Floris turned and began to hurry down the road. He would travel by foot until he reached the fields.

Dream ushered everyone back inside the house, hurriedly closing the door behind them with a soft clunk. It was still fairly early in the morning, and it would be quite suspicious if anyone noticed them awake.

George yawned. "I'm going back to bed," he mumbled, making his way to the stairs. Dream held back a laugh.

Bad, on the other hand, turned to Dream. "Would you mind showing me more of that game? Minecraft?" Dream nodded, turning to check with Skeppy. "You good by yourself?"
Skeppy shrugged. "I've got some stuff to do anyways, so yeah, go ahead," he replied nonchalantly. Bad flashed him a grin and the pair ascended up the staircase, leaving Skeppy alone.

What to do?
It was risky, but Skeppy had been wanting to... to visit the forest behind Dream's house. It had been on his mind ever since they had arrived.
It wouldn't be safe, but Skeppy knew what he was doing. He could defend himself.

So he carefully pried open the front door and stepped out, checking once to ensure nobody was watching before gently shutting the door behind him. The cool morning air washed over his skin, and he inhaled, the familiar scent of his home floating around him.

The sound of a s-mob echoed in the distance. It was probably Floris leaving for his base, but even so, Skeppy didn't feel safe. On the off chance that it wasn't Floris...

Then it was the government.

It wasn't likely, but Skeppy didn't like the chances he was taking by just standing out in the open. He darted down the steps, then into the forest, nimble and quick on his feet, like he had taught himself to be.

As soon as his shoes hit the dirt, he felt at home.

Glancing around, Skeppy felt himself relax. The early morning sunlight streamed through the trees, projecting shadows on the ground as the wind rose above him. It was so peaceful. So... beautiful. He wished Bad could see it.

The soft sounds of birds began to echo from above, accompanied by the early morning crickets. Skeppy's feet took him further, deeper into the forest as he looked in awe around the forest. The damp dirt was soft beneath his feet.

And then the birds stopped chirping.

That was unusual. More than unusual, it was dangerous. Too dangerous for Skeppy's liking.

He took a step backwards, eyes darting across the forest. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw it.

A shadow.

Skeppy felt his heart accelerate in his chest, his breathing growing rapid. There was someone there.

I should go. I should leave right now.

His feet refused to move.

And then a shout from the forest.

It sounded... familiar.

And from the forest stepped someone, someone Skeppy recognized. They had dirty blonde hair. Blue eyes.

They signaled behind them, and a group of people Skeppy didn't recognize emerged from the forest. The leader's eyes locked with Skeppy's.

"Skeppy? Is that you?"

Skeppy felt his heart race.

And Punz stepped forwards, the rest of his band lowering their weapons. A grin spread across his face.


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