25 | Accident

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Floris was humming to himself.

It was the stupidest thing, but he was happy. For once, he was especially pleased with the code he had made. It was working perfectly.

George1335 was located in Orlando, Florida, and Floris had his exact location right in front of him. Reaching for a pen, he scrawled the address on a scrap piece of paper, and then hummed some more as he fiddled with the code.

He would head out tomorrow. Yes, that was the plan. All he had to do was take a Glider, reach the location, and arrest George. Easy.

That was all he had to do for his promotion - the one he had been working towards all year. Arresting the most known criminal in London with Floris's own, original code would surely gain him the spot of chief coder. At least coder of the month.

Floris clasped his hands, looked away for a split second-

The code was gone. The fucking code was gone.

Floris stared, blinked, stared some more. His eyes told the truth. The code from George's band had completely vanished.

And with it, his results.

Floris slammed his hand on the desk, yanking it back with a gasp of pain, and then stamped his foot. Goddamn it! Why did these meddling coder people have to tamper with his code? How had they even broke in?
Well, that was it. The band code was gone now, and George's band dead.
At least George couldn't pretend he was a member of society now, and the band would probably become uncomfortable to wear - but still. Floris had spent ages on that code!
It was then that he remembered he had wrote the address down. Floris snatched the scrap paper form his desk, smoothing it slightly, and grinned.

Who says he needed the band code? He didn't need it! George's location was all he needed. The grin made its way back onto Floris's face. He didn't even need to change his plans. He would leave tomorrow.

All was well.

George didn't even make an effort to leave the desktop chair. He sighed, defeat on his face as he exited the code.

Dream grabbed his arm. "What's wrong?"
George shook his head. "Nothing, I just-" he paused. "I feel like I could have done it better... now that the whole band's terminated, it's just a matter of time before someone sees my band and knows at first glance that I'm not a real member of society..."
Dream shrugged. "So what? You can stay here; they have no way to track you, and even if they did, we'd just run, I guess..."
George sighed. "Yeah, you're right," he replied. He pressed the power button on the pc, thoughts running through his head. "But what if-"
The door opened, and Dream sprinted forwards, leaping and tackling the figure to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Zak's voice rang out as he fought back, hitting Dream in the face. "DUDE!"
Dream gasped upon hearing Zak's voice and stumbled backwards along the floor, hands up. "Zak- I'm so sorry-"

~trigger warning blood (you can skip to the tw over up ahead)~

Zak's nose was bleeding, dripping red onto the floor. He glared up at Dream.

Dream stared, still in shock. "I- I'm sorry-"
Zak picked himself up, refusing to make eye contact with Dream. He turned and stormed back through the door, a hand cupped to his face to catch the blood, pushing roughly past Darryl, who turned and stared after him, a concerned look on his face.

~trigger warning over~

After a moment, Darryl turned wordlessly and went after Zak. Dream just stared.

George held back laughter - not appropriate for right now, George - and turned to Dream. "What the hell was that?"

Dream shook his head wildly. "I- I don't know, I thought he was from the government-"
George stared. "How?"
Dream shrugged miserably. "I'm just not really used to having other people in my house..."

Dream had grown up alone. George had forgotten.

"Dream, I..."
Dream shook his head. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have attacked him, I don't know what got into me," he said quietly. George sat awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Dream rose to his feet. "I'm going to go... do some coding," he mumbled. Again, he refused to look at George in the eyes. "I'll see you later."
He didn't give George a chance to respond before he was gone.

George exhaled, pressing a hand to his forehead.

What the hell had just happened?!

Skeppy stared into the mirror.

~trigger warning blood (again, you can skip if you want to)~

His nose had stopped bleeding, but his face was smeared with bright red. He cupped his hands to the sink, letting the water run over them and wash some of the blood off.

~trigger warning over~

He knew it. He knew it. That idiot Dream or whatever he liked to be called was a psychopath.

Honestly! He hadn't done anything, just walk in the door, and Dream had just - just attacked him?! For no reason?

The door opened behind him and Bad walked into the bathroom, a worried look on his face. "You okay?"
Skeppy sighed, turning away from the mirror and rubbing water on his face. "Yeah, I guess," he replied.

Bad shook his head. "He probably feels bad, you know," he pointed out. "He didn't mean to attack you, he was just... tense from what happened with George's band..."
Skeppy whirled to face Bad. "And that's an excuse to attack me?!"
"I'm not saying that," Bad defended.

Skeppy sighed in exasperation. "Then what are you saying?"
"Just that you should give him some time," Bad said carefully. "The story might not be... exactly what you think it is, Skeppy."
"I'm not saying it is," Skeppy replied. "All I'm saying is that he shouldn't have attacked me."
"And I agree!" Bad exclaimed. "But he's clearly having a hard time, so we probably shouldn't push it."
Skeppy sighed. "Okay..."
Bad smiled. "Great. Come on, let's head back to your room. I don't think Dream wants to interact with us right now..."
Skeppy nodded, and the two headed back to the room.

But Skeppy still couldn't stop thinking about diamonds.

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