10 | Found

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The forest was beautiful at sunset.

Zak watched quietly, outside of the cluster of tents behind him, observing the soft pink light as it filtered through the trees. He had never really watched the sunset from the forest before. It was beautiful.

A soft rustle behind Zak startled him. "Hey, Darryl-"

Illumina dropped down behind him with a soft chuckle, seating himself on the forest floor. "Not quite, but close," he replied, his dark cloak rippling around him with the soft breeze.

Zak grinned sheepishly. "Hey, Illumina."
He and Darryl had been at the outpost for so long, it was starting to feel like another home, at least for Zak. Illumina, Punz, Ponk - they had all been so welcoming. It was like nothing had changed.

But so much had.

Illuming let out a soft sigh as he watched the sun sink behind the trees. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Zak nodded in silent agreement.

They waited as the sun dropped completely, leaving the forest in a dark, shadowy state. Zak sighed, ready to leave, but Illumina put a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"I have a question..."
Zak turned. "Yeah?"

Illumina frowned slightly, but went on. "Zak, you can't stay here forever. You know that, right? It doesn't matter if we removed your tracking band, there are other ways they can find you... and I can't risk putting my whole group in danger."
Zak's stomach dropped ever so slightly, but he nodded. He had known it was coming. They couldn't stay sheltered forever, and it was only a matter of time before they were on the run again.

Illumina turned away from Zak. "We can give you supplies, enough to last a few days at least, but not forever. Do you know where you're going next?"
Zak shook his head. "No, not really, but if we head towards the city, we can take something... a sleekmobile, maybe, and travel away. Darryl knows how to manage that stuff."
Illumina nodded slowly. "Ok. When do you..."
He didn't finish, but Zak knew what he was asking. "In a couple of days, I'm thinking. I'll let Darryl know."
Illumina turned back thoughtfully. "Alright. I'm sorry we couldn't keep you longer, Zak. It's just that-"
Zak cut him off. "It's fine, I understand," he assured Illumina.

Illumina nodded again, and then paused, his forehead creasing. Zak stepped forwards, but he flung out an arm, stopping Zak in his tracks and shushing him.

Confused, Zak waited, his body tense. After a few moments, Illumina lowered his arm, visibly shaken. "Something's not right," he said softly, eyes darting across the forest.

Zak opened his mouth, but Illumina spun on his heel, grabbing Zak by the arm and curtly walking towards the tents. "You should get inside, Zak. The forest doesn't feel safe tonight."
Zak snapped his mouth shut, deciding not to question it, and walked with Illumina back to the tent.

It was then that he heard the gunshot.

Zak froze, and then slammed into the ground, Illumina tackling him. Out of instinct, Zak reared back, fist ready to punch, and Illumina grabbed his hand. "Stay down!"
Zak, panting, thrashed madly under Illumina. A gunshot. There had been a gunshot. "Where's Darryl-"

"He'll be fine! Just stay here, I need to go fight-"

Another gunshot. Closer, this time.

Zak's mouth felt pasty. Strange. Illumina released him, ran away, what was going on-

And then the army marched out.

The government officials, clad in silver, faceted crystals pinned to their shirts, guns loaded and aimed at-

Punz. Ponk.

And Darryl.

No. It couldn't be real.

How did they find us?

And then Illumina ran out from behind the trees, twin daggers in hand, slashing. Zak saw red fly from the scene.

Darryl ran, tripping over tree roots, towards the tents.

No, he wouldn't be safe there, they could catch him-

Zak's common sense stepped in.

Illumina said not to leave.

But Darryl's in danger!
Don't leave.






Common sense had lost the fight. Zak yanked himself up from the ground and sprinted towards the tents.

A gunshot. Right behind him.

Zak swerved behind the closest tree, gasping and out of breath. "DARRYL!"

He saw Darryl's head poke out from behind the tent to the left of him. "I'm here-"
A bullet rocketed over Darryl's head and he ducked down with a yell.

The shout broke something inside of Zak. His insides writhed, first cold, then burning, white hot. "DARRYL!"

He sprinted out from behind the trees.

Gunshots echoed around him, but none hitting him, somehow. He was running, darting over the tree roots, he was almost there-

And then he was. "Darryl," Zak gasped, grabbing his hand. Darryl grabbed Zak back, pulling him down to the floor. "Zak- what do we do-"
Zak yanked himself away, pulling Darryl away from the tent. "Run- to the trees-"

Darryl barely managed to get himself up before they were sprinting.
As Zak ran, he caught a glimpse of the battle scene in front of him. Illumina was full on fighting, his black cloak swirling around him as he slashed with his daggers. Punz was nowhere to be seen.

And Ponk was on the ground, weaponless, a gun pressed against his head. His leg was dripping with a thick red substance.

Don't think about it, Zak.

Darryl tugged on Zak's arm. "Zak- we have to help them-"

Zak shook his head, gasping, "we can't, Darryl, we have to go-"
Darryl was nearly crying. "We can't just leave them..."
But they had no choice. They were horribly outnumbered, and there was nothing they could do. Zak knew it.

They made it to the forest outcrop, a bit away from the trees, and Zak took a break, out of breath.

Someone grabbed onto his shoulder, and Zak whirled around, fists ready-


Punz stood, his hair askew, a bleeding gash across his forehead. "Zak, Darryl, take this and go-"
He held out a leather sack, aged and worn, tiredness strewn over his face. "They'll be here soon-"
Without a word, Zak grabbed the sack, swinging it across his shoulder and stepping aside. Punz let him, casting his eyes to the ground.

Darryl grabbed Punz's arm. "Thank you, Punz, for everything-"
"Over here!"
Zak grabbed Darryl's arm. "Come on, Darryl!"
Punz nodded to the pair as Darryl reluctantly let himself get guided away. They had to run, again.

Always on the run.

The pair sprinted away from the camp they had called home.

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