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Sorry again for the lack of updates, going through tough times ya know

900 reads POG, almost 1k wow-


"Fundy's here!" Dream called up the stairs. Skeppy watched in slight amusement.

Dream waited a second, then shook his head. "George is probably still sleeping," he groaned. Bad suppressed a giggle.

Dream shook his head. "Come on," he sighed, motioning to the door.

Skeppy took the right, while Bad took the left. Even though it was only Floris, they couldn't ever be... too safe.

Dream took a deep breath, then opened the door. Floris grinned at him from the steps, and Dream felt his own face relax. "Come in," he smiled, stepping aside as both Bad and Skeppy relaxed their stances and smiled at Floris.

Floris stepped inside, and Dream closed the door behind him. "Where'd you put the s-mob?"
"In the fields," Floris replied. "I walked up from the left."
Dream nodded. "Do you have any news for us?"
Floris grinned. "I think you'd better sit down."
Dream raised an eyebrow, but motioned to the table in the other room. Both Skeppy and Bad sat down, and Dream pulled up an extra chair, seating himself and Floris on opposite ends of the table.

"Good to see you again, Floris," Skeppy said cautiously, and Floris grinned. "Same here, Skeppy."

Bad smiled. "So tell us, Floris. What happened?"
Floris winced. "Quite... quite a lot, actually." He paused.

"Basically, I arrived by s-mob and parked in my usual spot. I walked up to the door, showed my old ID, and walked in as usual. But..."
He shook his head. "The head of our building was there. He doesn't come in very often, and I had absolutely no idea he was in that day. He asked to talk to me, so I went to his office. I remember his very words. He said 'Floris, we no longer require your services here. You are instructed by the government to go to your home and stay there. You may not acquire another job with us, and therefore you are officially retired.' "

Dream stared, open mouthed. "That's it? Just like that?"
Floris shrugged. "Yeah, but there's more: As I was walking out, one of the new officers approached me. They told me that the Florida had plans to lockdown, but they weren't going to go through, and that Florida would remain open. London is also opening back up in a couple of days, and they said that the search for George and Darryl and Zak as well - all of them, it's just over. They've given up."
Skeppy narrowed his eyebrows, but Floris continued. "It's really weird, and I didn't believe it, but I verified it with a couple of other officers before I left, and... it's true. We're... we're safe."

Bad shook his head. "I don't believe it."
Floris nodded. "But why would they lie to me? I have nothing to do with anything, not anymore, and I've known some of these people for a long time. The new officer wasn't lying, not that they could tell."
Dream spoke up. "Does the new officer have a name?"
Floris rolled his eyes. "He goes by Eret, I think. Something like that."
Skeppy's blood ran cold, but he didn't say a word. Bad shot him a side glance, but he didn't react.

Eret. Eret was with them.

It couldn't be true.

But Dream just nodded. "Sounds familiar. They must be higher up on the ranking list."
Floris nodded. "Probably."
There was silence, and then Dream stood. "I'll go tell George," he said, turning towards the stairs. Floris nodded. "Ok."

Dream ascended the staircase, then turned back. "Fundy, you can take your old room. Set it up however you'd like."
Fundy nodded. "Thanks!"
Dream nodded back, then made his way to George's room, knocking carefully on the door. There was no answer, so he pushed it open.

George was sitting cross legged on his bed, staring at his phone.

Dream grinned, inviting himself in and shutting the door behind him. "George?"
George looked up. "Oh, hi there, Dream," he grinned, standing and pulling the other boy in for a kiss.

Dream held it for a moment, then broke away, smiling like an idiot. It was amazing that George could make him feel this way.

"Did you hear?"

George frowned. "Hear what?"

"Floris is back. He got fired, basically. And London's going to open up again in a few days, and Florida was going to be on lockdown, but now it's not - oh, and you're not wanted anymore. The government has given up."
George stared. "What do you mean, given up?"
Dream grinned. "It doesn't get much simpler than this, George. You're not wanted anymore. Neither are Skeppy or Bad. It's over. We're... safe."
George sat in shock for a moment, and then a grin spread over his face. "Really?"
Dream nodded, and George launched himself at Dream, burying his face in Dream's shoulder. Dream held him tight.

After a moment, they broke away. The grin didn't leave George's face. "But I can stay here, can't I?"
Dream rolled his eyes. "Of course, George. Fundy is here, too, for the time being."
George grinned. "Epic."
And for once, Dream didn't disagree.

Everything was going right.

Downstairs, Bad and Skeppy were still seated.

Skeppy had the vial from Mega in his hand, but he dropped it into the pocket on his sweatshirt, concealing it from view.

He waited for a moment, then stood, pushing back his chair and turning towards the entrance to the front door. Bad frowned.

"Where are you going?"

Skeppy shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Just for a walk to the fields, I guess. I'll be back soon," he replied, as casually as he could.

Bad narrowed his eyes slightly, but nodded. "Stay safe, Skeppy. You don't know how much of what Floris is saying is... true."
Skeppy nodded. "I know."
Bad smiled, and Skeppy returned the gesture, before pulling on his shoes and pushing open the door for the second time that day. He stepped outside and shut the door behind him, turning right almost immediately.

Because he had lied. He knew exactly where he was going.

He was going to the forest.

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