18 | Cat

73 10 4

I've linked "Cat" at the top so you can listen to it if you want. Call me typical but its my favourite from the mc music disks-


Zak and Darryl had made it out of the town.

They were driving down a long, winding road, the town slowly fading into the distance behind them as the sun glared down on them, high in the sky above.

Darryl had waken up, refusing to go back to sleep despite Zak's constant nagging. The two boys sat silently as the S-mob drove on.

The final actual street was slowly disappearing from sight, the modern-looking houses fading behind the deep forest they had just drove through. The open fields were the only sight ahead, the tall grass waving slowly in the afternoon breeze.

It was then that Zak spotted the automobile.

It was hidden well behind the tall grass, but in the distance, Zak could make out a hunk of metal, the sun glancing off of it.

A S-mob, maybe? But why in the middle of a random field?
Curiosity got the better of Zak, as it often did, and he stopped the S-mob, poking Darryl in the side. "Darryl, look!"
Darryl groaned, turning to the window. "What?"
"Metal! Over there. Don't you see it?" Zak squinted out the window.

"No, I don't see anything," Grumbled Darryl.

Zak was adamant. "There's metal over there, Darryl. And I'm going to go see what it is."

Darryl grabbed Zak's arm. "No, Zak! We have to keep going, we only have a small head start, what if they catch up-"

Zak opened the door of the S-mob, adrenaline pulsing through his veins. "Adventure, Darryl, adventure!" he yelled, and with that, leapt out of the S-mob, landed in a crouch, and started sprinting across the fields.

"Zak! Wait!" Darryl struggled out of the S-mob, dropping to the ground much less gracefully than Zak had, and landed with a thump. "Wait!" He ran after Zak.

Zak was laughing, the wind ruffling through his hair, the warm Florida air rustling the grass around him. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this free.

It ended abruptly as he began to approach the hunk of metal. It looked like a metal sphere... no, oval type thing, with... wings? Was it meant to fly?
Cautiously, Zak stopped and examined the curious object. As he did, Darryl caught up. "Zak! What are you doing, you muffinhead? We could get caught!"
He slowed as he approached the metal mobile. "Woooaaahhh. What is that?"
Zak shook his head. "I don't even know, it's just... here!" He took a step as if to go towards it, and Darryl grabbed him by the arm, worry in his eyes. "Woah woah woah, wait a second. What if someone's there?"
Zak thought for a second, and then shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Look, it's damaged. Who would stay in a damaged... whatever that is?"
Darryl frowned, and it clicked. "A Glider!"
Zak stared. "A what?"
"A Glider! Like an S-mob, designed by the government, but to fly!" Darryl's eyes widened. "Do you think they crashed it? By accident?"
"Nope. Look, its not damaged to heavily. More likely that the pilot just didn't know what they were doing," Zak replied.

Darryl looked. It was true - the Glider was damaged at the bottom, but it clearly hadn't fallen too far, or it would be completely destroyed.

Zak grinned. "Let's go explore it!"
Darryl frowned. "I don't think that's a good idea..."
It was Zak who won in the end, and the boys headed over to the ship. It proved to be abandoned, at least for the most part - there was nothing in it, just a broken control panel, some dents... the Glider was a wreck, to say the least.

At last, Zak and Darryl stepped out of the Glider. "Well, that was disappointing," remarked Zak. Darryl sighed. "What did you expect?"
"I don't know, something exciting?" Zak retorted, turning away from the ship and beginning to walk back towards their S-mob.

It was then that he heard the purr.

Zak froze, eyes widening. He turned to see if Darryl had heard, and he, too, was standing in astonishment.

"You heard that too, right?"
Zak nodded, and looked through the grass. A small, light brown cat was padding slowly through the shrubbery, tail held high, bright yellow eyes unwavering. As it approached, it slowed and hissed at Zak. Zak's eyebrows rose and he took a step back.

Darryl, on the other hand, giggled and stepped forwards. "A cat!"

Something about the way he said it seemed... strange. It reminded him of... a song?
Didn't matter. "State the obvious, Darryl," Zak grumbled, staring at the cat. The cat seemed to take to Darryl, however - it cuddled up to his leg and let out a content purr. Darryl giggled.

Zak sighed. "Do you think it's, like, lost?"
"Probably," Darryl replied. He knelt before the cat, reaching for its collar. "Look, it has a tag!"
Darryl was right. Around the cat's black collar was a lime green tag with a small inscription on it.

Darryl studied the tag. "Its name is Patches, and it..." His eyes lit up. "It lives really close! Like, in one of the houses we just passed, I think."
Zak groaned. "We're not going back, Darryl."
Darryl pouted. "Why not? You're the one who said you wanted adventure!"

"Because its not safe," Zak replied. "And besides, its the cat's own fault. It shouldn't have left in the first place."
Darryl sighed. "Can't we just return it? We don't even need to have an interaction, we can, like, just drop it in the yard, can't we?"
Zak looked down grudgingly. "I... I guess so," he replied. Darryl grinned. "Yes!"
Zak couldn't resist his boyfriend, not for something as cute as that cat - although it did seem a bit aggressive, at least around him. Maybe that was just his own nature.

So Zak turned back towards the S-mob. "How do we bring it back?"
Darryl considered. "I could carry it?"
And that's what they ended up doing. Darryl picked up the cat, and keeping a long distance from Zak, due to the never - ending hisses being thrown his way, they made their way back to the S-mob. Zak opened the door when they got there, and Darryl deposited the cat in the back seat, taking his place in the front.

Zak started up the S-mob, and the cat growled, clearly frightened. Zak rolled his eyes, but Darryl took the cat, stroking it gently and whispering to it.
Carefully, Zak turned the S-mob around and began to drive backwards. Towards the town.

Why was he doing this again?

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