32 | Confess

54 8 5

f i n a l l y

no im not gonna say anything else enjoy :)


Dream was halfway up the stairs when the voices stopped behind him. He could practically feel the other's gazes on his back.

He didn't bother to turn around, barely making it to his room before he slammed the door and collapsed into a ball on the bed, holding his head in his arms as he dissolved into sobs.

George's face was embedded in his head. The angry expression. The words he had said.

Just leave me alone!

Dream pressed his hands to his head, trying to shut it out. Please, make it go away...

It was his fault. All his fault. He shouldn't have pried, shouldn't have asked George anything at all, not if this was the result. He should have just let George act weird. Why couldn't he do anything right?
He really thought George would have... treated him different, somehow. He thought about George all the time.

God, that was weird.

It didn't matter.

Dream didn't know how long he sat crying before there was a knock at the door. Shit.

He couldn't think straight, he was panicking, they couldn't come in, couldn't see him like this, couldn't-

The door opened before Dream could react, and George face was there. It was the most beautiful thing to Dream.

And the most awful thing, in the same moment.

Dream lifted his head, tears staining his cheeks, and held George's glance.

A moment passed.

George stepped inside the room, closing the door gently behind him. Without a word, he crossed the room to sit beside Dream.

Dream let his tears flow, head hanging down. He couldn't look at George.

And then he felt a hand on his shoulder. Another beneath his chin.

George tilted his head up, slowly, catching his gaze and refusing to let go. Dream looked him in the eyes, tears blurring his vision.

George slowly swiped Dream's tears away, running his thumb across Dream's cheeks. Dream felt his heart flip, confusion advancing in the heat of the moment, but at the same time, excitement.

George leaned in, keeping Dream's gaze. Dream stared, unable to move. His whole body felt numb, like it was no longer under his control.

And George kissed him.

Dream felt his eyes flutter shut, kissing George back, clinging to his hair. All he could feel was safety. It was going to be okay.

George pulled back, staring at Dream in the eyes, and Dream couldn't say a word.

He was completely speechless.

What had just happened?

And then George flushed as he realized what he had done. He stood, stumbling backwards from the bed. "Dream... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Dream grabbed his arm. "Sit."

George sat, his cheeks heating up. ohgodohgodohgodwhatdidIjustdo-

Dream took his hand, staring at him. "George, why..."
George shook his head. "I- I'm sorry, Dream, I honestly didn't mean to, I just..."
Dream waited, and George suddenly stood. "I can't take it anymore! I like you, Dream, and not just as a friend - I like you a lot. I don't know why I'm so jealous of everyone who's close to you, I can't control my emotions, and I'm a horrible person, I know, but I just- I can't do it anymore! Dream, I- I love you!"

He was crying now, tears forcing their way down his cheeks as he stood. Dream stared, then stood up beside him.

George nodded through his tears.

"I... I love you too," Dream whispered, taking George's face in his own hands. George blinked back his tears.

"Do you mean that?"
"Why would I lie to you?" Dream replied, running a hand through George's hair. "George, I've liked you ever since we started working together for the government, and I... I want to be more than friends, if you do too..."
George couldn't even believe it. There was absolutely no way this could be happening. No way. This couldn't be real.

And yet it was. George knew it from how Dream looked at him. He had never seen that expression on Dream. It was so raw, so real...

It was the most beautiful thing George had ever seen.

"Then be my boyfriend, or whatever. I'm more than in," George replied. Dream stared, then started to laugh. "That's all I get? 'Be my boyfriend or whatever'?"

George's tears were long since gone as he started to laugh too. "You're such an idiot..."
"Your idiot," Dream grinned, and George couldn't have felt happier.

It was the perfect time to remember his parents.

George's face fell, and Dream noticed almost instantly. "What is it?"
George looked away. "Dream, I guess I'm..." He inhaled. "I'm gay, I've known for a while now but I didn't want to say because I don't know how my parents will react, and I don't even know if I'll see them again and what if they don't accept me, don't accept us-"

Dream took George's hand. "George. If they don't accept us, then they're idiots. But that's besides the point. No matter what, I'll always accept you." He went on. "Bad and Skeppy are together, they'll accept us. I used to have a friend who was gay, I can't remember their name but they were awesome. I think I'm bi, George, but I don't know, and honestly, I don't care. Being with you is enough."

George was speechless. That was... one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to him, and it was all he wanted to hear.

He was accepted.

George launched himself at Dream, throwing them both back onto the bed as he buried his head in Dream's neck. Dream held him tightly, not wanting to let go.

When they both drew back, Dream smiled at George. "You wouldn't ever tell me you loved me, remember?"
George grinned. "Yeah, I remember. I just... I don't think I wanted to... accept myself, you know? I didn't want to believe in the feelings. I didn't think you felt... the same."
Dream grinned back. "I'm glad you came to terms with your feelings, George, because I sure as hell wasn't about to walk up and kiss you out of nowhere!"
George flushed, but the grin on his face didn't budge. "Shut up. You're such an idiot."
"Your idiot!" Dream yelled back, and George's grin somehow grew even more.

He felt like he was on top of the world.

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