19 | Meet

70 9 2

The house was standing before them.

Zak was pacing back and forth in front of their S-mob, while Darryl tugged on his sleeve impatiently. "Come on, Zak!"
Zak frowned, clearly having second thoughts. "Are you sure about this..."
Darryl pouted. "We just have to open the door, drop the cat in, and get out! How hard can it be?"
It sounded like a pretty sketchy plan to Zak, but the cat was pretty cute... even if it hated him. He already had a long scratch up his arm that he had... erm... acquired during the drive to the cat's house.

Zak sighed in defeat. "Fine. Let's go," he replied, striding up to the door and trying it cautiously.

It, of course, was locked.

Zak frowned again. He hadn't anticipated this part of the plan. What to do now?
Well, there were three options. Firstly, he could ditch the cat, get back in the S-mob, and leave... Or he could break down the door... nah.

That left him with the last option: knock on the door and risk getting caught having an interaction with a random person because their stupid cat had escaped.

Zak sighed and knocked.

There was no answer.

Zak waited, then knocked harder. Behind him, Darryl scooped up the cat in his arms and walked to the front. They waited.

And waited.


A knock echoed through the house.

Clay, who had been immersed in a conversation with George, stood instantly, alert.

George had tensed up.

Another knock.

George stood, but Clay grabbed his arm. "Stay here. I'll handle this."
His hand fiddled with his pocket, George didn't know why, but he didn't protest as Clay crept towards the door. Fear had began to trickle into his mind.

What if it was the government?
What if they were coming for him?
He watched shakily as Clay slowly turned the knob to the front door...

And wrenched it open.


Zak was met face to face with another guy. He had green eyes, dirty blond hair, freckles...

None of which Zak saw before he was attacked.

The man leapt at Zak with a yell, tackling him to the ground in an attempt to pin him down. Darryl, from behind, let out a startled yell and stepped backwards. The cat leapt out of his arms and went streaking across the yard.

Zak's instincts kicked in, and he relaxed his muscles, then tensed, using his legs to pull himself under the larger man and shove him to the ground. The guy yelled in protest, fighting against his capturer.

Zak was thrown forwards violently by another man. They had another one?! Twisting, he managed to catch a glimpse of dark brown hair and an enraged expression as he was thrown to the ground.

"Mmph!" Zak drew back and lashed out, kicking the smaller boy in the knee. He let go with a howl, grabbing his knee and hopping backwards.

Zak leapt to his feet, punching the first guy in the stomach as he attempted to get up, and jumping on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The second man didn't even try to fight, he just stumbled backwards with a small yell as Zak rose to face him, a victorious look on his face.


George was panicking.

Who the hell was this - this idiot who had just attacked Clay? Were they from the government?
He could see a S-mob parked rather sloppily by the entrance to Clay's house, but neither of the men who had approached wore government crystals.

So who were they?
And why were they so good?

George flung his hands up, his back hitting the smooth concrete wall behind him as he stumbled backwards. What the hell was happening-


Clay was on the ground, the wind knocked out of him.

Why was that dude so good?

He took the opportunity to examine the two strangers standing over him. One, the one who had attacked him when he tried to fight, had dark brown hair, rather spiky, and brown eyes. His build was small. Clay wouldn't have expected him to be so powerful.

The other guy, standing near the back with a horrified look on his face, had lighter brown hair and green eyes. He was staring, his mouth agape, as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

Clay turned his attention back to the first, ignoring George, who was babbling nonsense off to the side, and watched as he opened his mouth. He braced himself for some yelling, maybe some more fighting-

"We found your cat!"

"We found your cat!" Zak declared, grinning down at the blond beneath him. The brunette to the side made a noise that sounded like a cat being strangled.

Zak ignored him and continued. "They were in the field not far from here, and we heard them, so we decided to pick them up and take them back home. Now, if you don't mind, we have to go before the government decides to show up out of nowhere-"
He was cut off by the brunette, who had apparantly decided to use his mouth for something other than useless gargling. "But then why did you attack him?" He gestured to the blond, who was cautiously getting up.

Zak stared. "I didn't attack him, he attacked me!"
The brunette turned to the blond, who looked rather sheepish. "I thought you were from the government," he admitted.

Darryl spoke up. "I thought you were from the government!"
"I am!" The brunette replied. He frowned. "Well, not anymore, I guess..."
Zak shook his head, confusion threatening to take over his head. "Wait, so you- wait-"
The brunette laughed - why did he sound like a girl - "I worked for the government, it's not hard to understand!"
Zak stared. "Why did you quit?"
"I didn't quit, I had to run! I created this program thing, and I got caught, and so I had to hack my band using Darryl-"
At the mention of his name, Darryl turned. "Yeah?"
The brunette stopped short. "What?"
Darryl frowned. "You said my name!"
"No, I didn't," the brunette insisted.

"You said Darryl! I heard you!""Ahem!" the attention was turned to the blond, who was now brushing himself off. "I think we'd better go inside. We don't want to get caught, and it seems..."He looked around with a sigh. "It seems we have a lot to discuss."Zak didn't protest.

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