Division out now!

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It's here!

Division, the second book in this series (haven't decided on a name for the series yet lmao) is now out! If you liked Interaction then maybe check it out, you can see it from my profile.

A big thanks to my 11 followers and everyone who read/commented/voted on my story. I really appreciate the support and its very motivating!

Upload schedule for Division is set to be similar to Interaction, probably once every 2-3 days.

Finally, the inevitable plugs:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/LostOurWings 
Ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/LostOurWings 
If the links don't work, I'm LostOurWings on both Ao3 and twitter.

Aaaaaaand that's it. Thanks for reading Interaction, I really appreciate it!


Interaction [Dreamnotfound]Where stories live. Discover now