22 | Remember

59 9 3

Sorry for no chapter yesterday, wasn't feeling the best, but here it is and yes I know it's confusing I don't care ok-


George waltzed into the kitchen. "Why hello there, Clay!"
Clay looked up, a slightly confused look on his face. It was nearly 8:30 in the morning, and as always, Clay had made it a priority to get himself up at 8. He hadn't expected George to get up so early - especially since he had just travelled halfway across the world. Didn't this man ever get tired?

Nevertheless, Clay flashed him a bright smile. "How are you this morning, sweetie?"

George stopped dead, staring at Clay, his mouth moving but no words coming out. Finally, he sputtered "CLAY!"
Clay wheezed, confident that the look on George's face would never escape his memory. George glared at him, but Clay could detect a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"You're such an idiot," George muttered, taking a seat at the table as Clay hastily collected himself. "How was your night?"
George shrugged. "Fine, I guess. I dunno, I had a weird dream..."
He kept going, but Clay paused, the eggs he was making left forgotten on the stove. His head began to spin. Something George had said... it just didn't sit right.

What was it?

"George, say that again?" Clay requested, causing George to pause and look up. "Huh?

"What you said," Clay persisted. "I wasn't listening."
George rolled his eyes, but repeated himself: "I had a weird dream. It was like..."
Again, Clay let him continue, but closed his eyes, willing himself to recount what George had said.

A weird dream.


It was strange, because that wasn't an unusual word to say - but combined with George's strong accent, it made it seem...


Off putting.

That's when he had the idea. Or, rather, the memory. It was strange, and probably going to be awkward, but...

George paused yet again, annoyance on his face. "Are you even listening?"
"Yeah, yeah, just-" Clay paused. "Could you..."
Oh god no, this was stupid-

"Could you scream?"
George stared. "I'm sorry?"
Clay flushed, that hadn't gone how he had wanted - but he continued, determined to get through to George. "Scream! Like, the whole sentence."
George had been having a strange week, but this topped it all - some guy he had barely met wanted him to scream? Why the hell did he want him to scream?

"What sentence?" George asked nervously.

Dream hesitated. "I had a weird dream. Just... scream it, please?"
George considered. Well...

If he refused, it would be awkward, and Clay would hate him. Maybe not hate hate him, but not like him. And George definitely wanted Clay to like him.

Nope, he wasn't even going to reconsider what he just thought. Not at all.

But if he accepted, it would still be awkward, and just plain weird. This whole thing was sketchy, anyways.

But... would Clay like him?

George raised his eyebrows. "Ok, here goes..."
He opened his mouth and howled "I HAD A WEIRD DREEEEEEAAAAMMMM!!!!"

It took Clay. Took him so far back the world spun around him and he dove into a realm of memories.

It was George, all George, but it didn't look like him. It was a block character, blue shirt and pants, red rectangle on his top...

And were those... clout goggles?

George's voice was echoing through the universe, bouncing around the stratosphere. "Dreeeeeeeam. Dreeeeeeeeeeeam. dreeeEEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMM!!"

Clay yelped, throwing himself forwards, the world reappearing before him as he slammed into the counter in front of him, hitting his arm hard enough to bruise. "OW!"
George shrieked at the noise, but Clay was gone again, the world disappearing. The pain in his arm morphed into a wound, a stark red image against his lime green skin.

Wait... lime green?
Somehow, Clay managed to change his perspective. He was green, a bright lime colour with a digital smiling mask on his front. Right behind him was...


Yes, George, wielding a stone axe. He swung, and Clay felt the blow, knocking him forwards as his breath disappeared promptly.

Clay screamed, sprinting up a grass hill with George right behind him. He was terrified, but exhilarated at the same time.

What on earth was this?

He almost tripped on the edge of what seemed to be a grass block, switching back to his main perspective as he hurtled across the plains. He heard George behind him. No, no, no-

And the vision ended. Clay screamed, his eyes clearing as he looked around, breathing heavily as if the chase had happened in real life.

George was next to him, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. "Clay? Clay!"
Clay couldn't talk. He tried and failed to catch his breath, gasping desperately for air as George waited, a concerned expression on his face.

"Clay, talk to me, please! Are you okay?"
Clay finally caught his breath, choking out "What happened?"
"Classic line," George remarked, seemingly more at ease now that Clay had spoken. Clay hit him on the arm. "Oh, shut up," he groaned.

George grinned. "You fell over! It was kind of epic, honestly. You just stook there, started shaking, and..."
A door from above slammed open. "What the hell is going on?!" Zak yelled from above, clad in bright blue pajamas.

Clay stared, then started to laugh. He couldn't help it - this was waaaaay to confusing for him to handle.

And what was Zak even wearing? Out of all the clothes Clay had offered, that was what he had chosen?

It made literally no sense. Nothing made any sense.

"Nothing, we're fine!" George yelled up. Zak gave him a skeptical look, but turned around and marched back to his room.

George held back his own laughter, and turned back to Clay. "Clay- what happened?"

Clay shook his head.

"Call me Dream."

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