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Happy new year everyone :)

also another chapter coming out tonight because i feel like it


George couldn't process it.

He stared at the phone, unable to tear his gaze away. He had made this game. He had made something for the government.

Something that was killing thousands of people across the world.

Because of him.

After a moment, George passed the phone back to Floris, not saying a word. Floris didn't let it go so easily, though. He took the phone, catching George's gaze.

"What is it?"
George stared back. "What?"

"I can tell you recognized something. What was it?" Floris wasn't letting up.

George looked away, making a split second decision. "I'll tell you..."
He paused. This probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, especially because Dream wasn't there to help with the decision, but he pressed on.

"I'll tell you if you agree you're 100 percent on our side. I don't want a traitor helping us, or knowing anything that can help the government."
Floris considered, then nodded. "Yeah, I'm in."

Skeppy leaned forwards, an uncertain look on his face, but George shot him a look and he backed off.
George wasn't stupid. No way was he just going to let Floris in like that and share everything he knew. But this information? If Floris worked for the government, wouldn't he have heard it anyways?

George took a deep breath.

"I made that."
Skeppy's eyes widened.

Floris stared. "That? Like, the tests?"
George shrugged. "Yeah, me and Dream and a few others worked on it together before the whole no interactions thing. We pretty much just coded the whole thing."
Skeppy hesitated. "I knew Dream worked on it, but I didn't know about you. Bad and I tested it out, I think..."
George nodded. "There were some sort of chasing games me and Dream used to do, as well. I think Bad was a part of it, and a few others, but I don't really remember them..."

Floris was still staring. "I- I had no idea! You actually made this?"
George grinned. "Pretty cool, right?"
Floris's face broke into a grin. "Super cool! I worked on modifying the tests after they came out, but never the actual game code! That's amazing!"

Skeppy didn't say a word, but he was thinking hard. He didn't quite trust Floris.

But he didn't tend to trust anyone, really. At least, that's what Bad always said.

The front door opened, and Bad and Dream walked out onto the steps, Bad keeping a close eye on Dream, who turned to the group. "Sorry about that, I-"
Floris shoved the phone at Dream, and he stumbled backwards, taking it. "Woah, Fundy, why-"
His gaze changed as he stared at the phone, then looked up at George, who now had a rather sour look on his face. "It's... it's Minecraft! But how-"
"The government tests," Floris supplied. "It's... it's your game, Dream."

"Our game," George mumbled under his breath.

Dream ignored him. "But how? How did you get these files?"

"I modified the game for the government after interactions became forbidden," Floris replied. "It was part of my job."

Dream stared, open mouthed. "So the thing we worked on... it's being used for..."
He didn't finish. George nodded, a grim look replacing the sour one.

Dream's enthusiastic nature had faded. He looked around hesitantly, then spoke up.

"It's getting late, we should head in."
George frowned, confused at the sudden change of subject, but Dream was right - the sun was slowly sinking in the sky. He stood, and Floris did the same, turning as if to leave, but Dream stopped him.

"Stay a few nights, Fundy? You can't go back there, especially not if you want to work with us..."
"He's already with us," George spoke up. "I said he could be."

Dream turned to George. "Oh. Ok..." He looked like he wanted to say something more, but he kept his mouth shut.

Floris nodded. "I'll stay for now - I can modify my band code now, and I can return later anyways. It'll be good to have someone inside the government base working for us."
Dream nodded. "For sure. There's a room upstairs that you can have; Bad can show you where."
Floris smiled. "Thanks, Dream."
Dream returned the smile. "No problem."
George's face was the definition of unpleasant. Skeppy watched with confusion and slight amusement.

Dream opened the front door, and the party proceeded to walk through. As George made his way towards the kitchen, Dream grabbed his arm, letting the front door fall behind him. George turned, an exasperated look on his face.

"What is it?"
Dream pulled him towards the hallway, away from the others, and looked him in the eye.

"George, you're acting weird. I've noticed it, Bad's noticed it, Skeppy's noticed it. You never used to be this way, I- I just don't understand!"

George glared at the floor. "I don't know what you mean."
"Yes, you do," Dream replied. "First you were giving Skeppy mean glances, now Fundy? George, what's the problem?"
George stared. Fundy? Who- oh, Floris. Of course Dream had a special name for him.


"It's nothing, okay? Drop it," George responded. Dream stepped closer, causing George's face to heat up. He couldn't tear his stare away from Dream's face.

"I'm not just going to drop it, George. There's something you're not telling me, and I need to know it. What did Fundy ever do to you?"
George was flushing red, his thoughts screaming at him to just tell Dream, tell him already how he felt about him. Because I like you, Dream. Because I don't want them to like you like I like you, okay?

But he couldn't tell him. He just couldn't.

George stepped back, pushing Dream away roughly. "I said, drop it! I don't have to tell you anything. Just leave me alone!"

Dream's eyes widened and he blinked back tears, startled by the sudden change of tone in George's voice. "Ok, I..."
He didn't finish, and instead turned his gaze to the floor. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." It was barely a whisper.

George didn't move as Dream turned to the stairs and left. The shame began to sink in.

Great. He had fucked everything up. Again.

Why couldn't he do anything right?

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