Chapter 27

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*Ana's POV*
Rick woke us all up bright and early to divide a plan and prepare to clear out the cell block. We ate breakfast while Rick drew out a plan in the dirt; the only ones to be wide awake were me, Rick and the greene's who were used to waking up early back at the farm. Daryl yawned into my shoulder,"Why the hell such an early wake up call".
I laughed,"Didn't you hear anything Rick said were up early cuz still have to make up a plan, a backup plan, and load the weapons if necessary".
"Talking about Rick I swear I heard you two talking last night what was that about?" Daryl said wrapping his arms around my waist before sitting back in the lawn chair we both occupied.
"Ya know gossiping about the new walker blood trend that we're all wearing it's definitely a fashion statement," I said plucking some dried blood out of my hair and flicking it away from me, I need a bath really bad. He chuckled but I could tell he was going to press for answers so I saved him from having to ask," Him and Lori aren't doing so well, he needed some girl advice," I said low enough so only we could hear.
"Hmm sounds complicated," Daryl said nuzzling his face in my neck. I laughed as mustache tickled my neck this unfortunately caught the attention of T-dog
"Once we get the cell block cleared out I vote that these two should get a room AWAY from the rest of us," T-dog joked.
"The Watch towers look far enough, eh Maggie" Glenn said smirking at Maggie who smacked him upside the head.
"My poor innocent ears I did not wanna to hear about what you do with my sister," Beth said walking off to where Carl, Lori, and Hershel were a little ways from us.
"As much as I'd like to, we have to stick together at least for a couple of days till we secure the prison, so you two couples I don't need you scarring my son for life," Rick said looking at Glenn who was rubbing his head from his girlfriend's slap.
I just shrugged my shoulders, Daryl and I weren't really 'active'; I was scared of what would happen if I gotten pregnant. I'm not like Lori who could sit back while the group does the work not to be full of myself or anything but the group needed me, I'd also be more vulnerable, and I scared to lose the baby whether it be in my womb or walkers. In the winter Daryl and I had talked about me having a baby he said he would be happy to if we found somewhere safe to raise it but we both knew that would be incredible hard but I saw the dread behind his eyes I knew what he was thinking and I thought the same thing;we don't know what a happy family is like. I had a happy family for a very short time before my mom died but I was too little to even remember what my dad looked like happy, and Daryl was terrified of becoming like his father. It really wasn't the time to even be thinking of these things when I should be preparing to get my new home.
"Since we used quite a bit of ammo on clearing the lawn, I think we should stick to our knives only use your gun if you have to; we'll be huddled together with our backs to each other so no walker will catch us by surprise, if you break from the group you could put us all in danger so stay together got it," Rick said.
"What if we tie a rope around our belt loops so we can't break away," I suggested.
"It's a good idea but I have to say no because we might just need to break apart and we'll all just be tangled together meaning game over for all of us," Glenn said. I tried I knew he was partially right but I've seen lots of soldiers get over confident break from the group and get themselves killed because of it. You're probably asking why I didn't lead the group instead because of my military back ground, It's true I could play the leader if I wanted to and Rick offered to back down to let me but I'm not Rick was a great leader everyone looked up to him I'm not going to get in the way of that. I trusted Rick to lead us in the right direction and here we all are, we wouldn't have survived the winter without him.
I got off of Daryl's lap once the meeting was done and grabbed my knives deciding to leave my bow since it was more of a distance weapon. I tucked my pistol in the front of my pants for easy reach and went to Daryl who was shouldering his quiver," Ya ready to make this place our home," Daryl said giving me a kiss.
"I just can't wait to have a bath or shower anything to be clean again, I stink," I said wrinkling my nose in disgust.
"I think you smell fine to me babe I smell like piss," Daryl says softly pinching my nose.
"No you always have the smell of the woods to you even when you smell bad so unfair,"I said grabbing his hand and pulling us towards the group that would clear out the prison. There was six of us so we had equal amount of coverage and there would be no gaps as long as we stuck together like glue.
"Go go go!" Rick lead us inside while Lori opened the gate for us to get though. I was between Rick and Daryl, with T-dog covering my back, Maggie and Glenn were covering Daryl and Rick. We stayed in a tight group only breaking out to kill a walker then quickly returning to our position and we stay like that till we got to a side alley between the cell blocks that held dozens of walkers behind a fence. Walkers with full riot gear walked towards us, Daryl tried to shoot it in the head with his cross bow but the riot helmet was bulletproof so the arrow bounced off harmlessly. Getting a bit inpatient I ran up to it and stabbed it up under the jaw killing it.
Maggie followed my lead and the group separated taking down the remaining walkers. Once we were done Daryl called Rick over and I stood next to him looking down at a lady walker with an arrow sticking at of her eye. "This one is a citizen she ain't no prisoner," Daryl said observing her floral print dress.
"Then there's a breach in the walls but where is the question," I said plucking Daryl's arrow out and handing it to him.
"Come on we'll worry about that later we have to go find the wards office for keys to lock our cell block off from the walkers," Rick said patting my shoulder and left in the direction of what I think the warden's office would be. I followed Rick but stopped once I noticed Daryl still looking at the walker thinking.
"Babe came on will find that breach later but right now we need to focus on making the cell block secure," I said grabbing his hand and softly tugging him away from the walker catching up to the rest of the group. We walked into the wardens office seeing a whole bunch of riot gear and weapons such as tear gas. We searched around for the keys Glenn held up a riot helmet with goo dipping out of it, I grimaced in disgust and broke into a some filing cabinets only finding paperwork.
"Hey guys where is this pin supposed to go?" Glenn said and I heard the pin drop. My instinct kicked in and I ran like a bat out of hell out of the room, crouching behind the wall, everyone in the room just ducked down.Glenn started laughing,"I was just kidding it was an extra pin!" I growled walking back into the room and slapping Glenn in the back of the neck hard.
"What the hell man," T-dog said annoyed at Glenn.
"You fucking ran out of this room so fast I didn't even see you!" Glenn said still laughing and rubbing his neck where I slapped him.
"Yeah when you hear a pin drop you run your ass off and take shelter," I said rolling my eyes and taking the box of grenades away from Glenn.
"Found the keys!" Rick said holding up two pairs of keys on a large rings, there were about twenty keys of each.
"Daryl you keep this pair and I'll keep these," Rick said tossing the ring of keys to Daryl.
"Now comes the hard part which keys go to our cell block," T-dog said.
"Actually that's easy," I said taking out a book in the filing cabinet labeled keys. I flipped through the book till I found the page with cell block keys at the top and on the page their were exact pictures of the keys labeling which keys go to the cell block.
"There it is," Daryl pointed at the C block key on the page and I grabbed his set of keys and found the one matching the picture.
" Just so we remember I'll take the book and ..." I said finding a sharpie on the wardens desk," I'll mark these keys so
with a C for our cell block," I handed back Daryl's and Rick's set of keys after marking them.
"Let's secure our new home," Maggie said and we left the office to the cell block. We cleared out the remaining walkers in the cell block and dragged them out into the court yard to be burned. We moved our stuff inside the cell block, Daryl and shared a prison cell, we both weren't keen at the idea on sleeping in a cage but the group didn't want us sleeping together in the middle of the walkway.
I just finished hanging up a sheet for some privacy when Daryl came in and wrapped his arms around my waist,"Finally some us time," He said nibbling just below my ear, I giggled on instinct.
Our little moment was ruined when we heard Glen below," Please don't start getting all lovely dovey up there were all just a few cells away from each other".
SMACK! I heard Maggie hit Glenn," Glenn let them have their moment, their cute together!"
" I agree!" Carol and Beth said in the distance.
"Will y'all just shut up,"T-dog said grumpily.
"Ohh T-dog gets angry when he doesn't get his beauty sleep!" I said laughing as I heard T-dog groan.
" Y'all go to sleep we got more work to do tomorrow!" Rick yelled ending all of our conversation.
I turned to Daryl who was chuckling under his breath, and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. We kissed each other breathless and laid side by side on the bed wrapped in each other's arms. I stroked his cheek and he twirled a piece of my hair in his fingers,"You know I think this apocalypse is the best thing that every happened to me," Daryl said looking in my eyes.
" Why?" I said trying to find the answer in his eyes.
"We never would have met each other, a girl as beautiful as you wouldn't have ever took a second glance at me," Daryl said.
" Maybe or maybe not it doesn't matter, we together now and that's what matters,"I said yawning tired from the day's events.
"I love you my little fox," Daryl said.
"I love you too," I said falling into a comfortable night's sleep.
~~~~~Hi everyone sorry for the wait I have advance high school classes plus college classes and these teachers barely let us sleep with the amount of work we have even on the weekends.I promise to have the next chapter up as soon as I can but If you would kindly inspire me by commenting and voting; I'd be really happy and feel more obligated to write for you guys. See ya love y'all~Britania

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