Chapter 2

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    I looked up to see 3 women,a little boy,and 2 men pointin guns at me. I grabbed the guy's hair sayin,"Drop the weapons and I'll let him go" I said as he hissed in pain and struggled makin me tighten my grip. A guy in a sheriff outfit looked at a guy with thick black hair next to him, and they slowly put their weapons on the
ground.I let go of the guy's hair and back up off of him, he stood up walkin back to his group and glared at me "If you do that again I'll knock you on your ass, don't think just cuz your a girl I won't".

I rolled my eyes "I'd like to see you try,"his blue eyes glared like daggers into my dark blue ones, but I refused to back down or show any weakness.

"You're pretty brave to make threats like that little fox" he said laughin at my efforts to intimidate him "asshole" I mumbled," bitch" he said back.

"Daryl quiet, I'm sheriff Rick Grimes" Rick said.

"I'm Anastasia, what brings you to this side of the woods" I asked casually.

"We're missin a little girl have you seen any sign of her?"Rick asked.

"I'm sorry but I haven't, but I'm a good tracker and I know this area pretty well, I could help"I said to Rick. I was sorry for the little girl I would be terrified and I needed to find a group it was a matter of time before I met a problem that I can't handle by myself.

"Thank you Anastasia we'd be very grateful" Rick said I nodded walkin into my tent grabbin my bow, strappin the quiver of arrows to my back, grabbed my backpack full of survival stuff, loosely strapped my throwing knife belt on my waist, and quickly did a bow braid in my hair.

I came out of my tent deciding to leave it up in cause I didn't stay
with the group.Rick waved me over I walked over and stood between Rick and a black haired man he stared at my body for a little to long but it was better than standin next to a glarin Daryl.
"Okay Daryl, Glenn, Andrea, Carol, Lori, and Carl head back to the RV; Shane, Anastasia, and I will search a little while longer for Sophia,"Rick said pointin out who was who when a little boy with blue eyes and dark brown hair, who looked like Rick, I think his name was Carl stepped up.

"Can I go with you guys dad?" Rick looked at a dark haired woman with hazel eyes.

I remember her name is Lori who obivously was Rick's wife and Carl's mother, "You be safe alright" Lori said.

"Here take my gun" said Rick offerin his gun to his wife,

"And leave you defenseless, no" Lori said rejectin his pistol,

"Here take mine,its loaded" I said holdin out my pistol to her.

"Thank you Anastasia" I nodded at her.
Both groups parted with good-byes, I think I would like to stay with this group.They seemed like okay people to me, they are risking their lives to search for a little girl most people these days would have left her thinkin she was already dead and a waste of time to look for. I'm not too sure about Daryl or Shane who kept lookin at me while we were walkin thinkin that I didn't notice. Rick was kind and respectful, his little boy was the same except he would smile at me with his cute little baby face. I think I actually found people I can be around.

~~~~I'm sorry this chapter took a long time to write my computer
was having issues,and I had to redo it 2 times hope you like.~~~<3Miss_britania<3

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