Chapter 3

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                                                                                    Daryl's P.O.V

     When I walked into the tent, and I was breathless a woman lied on the bed, she looked like a angel, I prayed she wasn't dead.I moved her soft black hair out of her face and saw that she was sleepin,she didn't have any bite marks on her pale skin.My thoughts about her soon changed when suddenly her eyes flashed open and next thing I know I'm on the ground starin into her dark blue eyes with my light blue ones.We heard Rick and Shane's guns click and she yanked my hair up so her knife on my neck was showing, I hissed in pain.

She ordered for them to put their guns down, they did and she got off me.I was mad and embarrassed that she took me down infront of the group, so I threatened to knock her on her ass,tryin to intimidate her.I failed cuz she turned around,
walked up to me glarin up into my eyes.

I was a full head taller then her makin her frame look like a flower under a tree, "I'd like to see you try"she sneered at me and I was a little taken back that she didn't back down like most people did under my glare.
I smirked she was so small  its hard to believe she lived this long," You're pretty brave to make threat like that little fox"I said nicknamin her little fox cuz of her sly grin made her look like a natural troublemaker and I realized I didn't know her name yet.

She pouted "asshole" she mumbled more to her self, but I heard "bitch"I said back still tryin to stay mad, but was failin
cuz she was quite amusin. Our little game ended with Rick stepping introducin himself to her she answered back."I'm Anastasia" hum that's a really pretty name I thought zonin out most of the conversation hearin her say that she was a tracker and a hunter ,this girl sure was interestin.

Rick pulled me and the group into a quick meetin while she was in her tent getting ready."What do you guys think about adding Anastasia to the group?" Rick asked, their was a chorus of, she sounds nice,sounds cool, Glenn (a.ka. chinaman) said "she's pretty" we all turned to him, he just shrugged his shoulders "What just stating the obvious".

We turned our to see Anastasia comin out of her tent, I couldn't help but stare; I growled and shook my head I wasn't going soft for a girl. She had a braid looked like she had bows in her braid,a white crop top, leather belt, a thigh bag,with her black throwing knives, a black compound bow, and back quiver with black arrows. She walked up to Rick unaware of the group's stares, Shane's stare bothered me the most I don't
know why but I suddenly wanted to kick his teeth in but Shane always had this jerk feeling so there wasn't much of a difference.

I forced myself to push those feeling aside and focus on Rick who was explainin that me,Glenn (A.K.A Chinaman), Lori,Andrea, and Carol where all goin back to the R.V; while Anastasia, Carl, Shane, and Rick where going to search around the area some more for Sophia.

"Bye little fox" I called out teasin Anastasia.

"See ya later huntsman" She called out over her shoulder to me, and with that we parted our different ways, despite her antics I hoped to see her alive again she seemed to be the only one that could keep up with me so far.

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