Chapter 36

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I woke up that morning to the baby crying again and quickly fed her to make sure no one else would wake up. I sighed seeing there was very little formula left from the supplies Daryl and Maggie brought yesterday we'd have to find another store that carries formula. I fed the baby and walked outside the cell, I saw everyone all ready up chatting on the bottom floor. I smiled and walked downstairs, Beth was the first to greet me,"Hey Ana if you don't mind, I'll take care of the baby now," Beth held out her arms for the baby.
I gave the baby a kiss on the head,"Okay here you go call me if you have any problems," I said putting the baby in Beth's arms and handing her the bottle.
I walked over to Daryl,"Good morning beautiful I didn't want to wake you since you were up last night," Daryl said giving me a quick kiss and sat me on his lap.
"It's alright...Good morning Glenn, Maggie," I said seeing as they were sitting at the same table we were.
"Morning, hey Ana how much formula does the baby have? We were just talking about going into town a few miles away and getting her some more supplies," Glenn says with an arm wrapped around Maggie.
"Very little,we need to go today or else she'll run out of formula," I said.
Glenn was about to say something when he stopped and look to the door of the prison entry to the hallways. I turned and saw Rick walking towards us. Glenn, Daryl and I jumped up from our spots and met him halfway. I stopped a couple of steps away from him and Carl stood next to me waiting to here what his father would say. I simply put a hand on his shoulder, we all were waiting for Rick if he was back from his breakdown or just happened to wonder in here and we were hoping he was back.
"Everyone okay?" Rick said to no one in particular, but their was a hollowness in his voice.
Glenn stepped up and answered him,"Yeah we are. What about you?" The room was tense, his answer would determine if he was really back or not.
He paused,"I cleared out the boiler block," Rick said avoiding the question that was our answer he was not okay not in the slightest.
"How many were there?" Glenn said the only one who could really speak right now.
"I don't know. A dozen, two dozen," Rick said and I had a feeling it was a lot more than two dozen from the amount of blood on him. "I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl," Rick said. Carl looked down at his feet and pressed into my side,he was upset.
"Rick, we can take out the bodies;You don't have too" Glenn said trying to help but his words were in vain.
Rick responded calmly,"No, I do," with that he glanced at Judith in Beth's arms but didn't bother to look at Carl or me while walking past. I wanted to tell him to say something,anything to Carl to let us know that Rick was going to snap out of this but he just walked out the door frighteningly calm. We all just watched him too stunned at his appearance to say anything.
It was clear to us that Rick wasn't fit to lead as of now so Glenn stepped up and he gathered us around a table,"Everyone has a gun and a knife?"Glenn asked looking at us.
"Yeah. We're running low on ammo,though," Carl said. To save ammo Daryl and I decided to use our bows;we listened to the conversation between the group while cleaning our bows, my bow string needed to be waxed.
"Maggie and I will be making a run this afternoon," Glenn said grabbing Maggie's hand affectionately.
"I found a phone book with places that might have some bullets and formula plus some stuff for the baby like diapers that would help," I said picking up a phone book I found in the kitchen area a few days ago,"I hope you guys don't mind me tagging along," I said flipping through the pages to find the small shopping area.
"Not at all Ana you can give us directions to it while I drive," Glenn said nodding in approval.
Daryl pulled me closer to him on the bench putting his bow on the table and having my back on his chest,"I don't want you to go on a run without me,"Daryl pouted putting his arms around me trying to persuade me to stay.
"Daryl stop babying me you know I'm perfectly able to handle a few walkers and Glenn and Maggie will be there with me they have my back," I said crossing my arms.
"Walkers aren't the only thing I have to worry about taking you away from me.What if there's an accident something goes wrong and I'm not there to help you," Daryl said holding me tighter.
I scoffed"Daryl honestly I'm not a child, you're not either we both know the dangers that are out there but it shouldn't stop us from doing what needs to be done. If something happens I'll find a way to handle it by myself I don't need you holding my hand,"I said frustrated I don't want to be treated like a doll I want to be treated as an equal to my boyfriend he's sweet for wanting to protect me but he's doesn't get to control my actions.
He huffed angrily taking his arms away and stood up,"Come on we'll sweep the lower levels,"He told Carl and Oscar. Oscar followed him and Carl turned to me waving while giving me a small smile, I returned the favor. Daryl turned to me like he wanted to say something but returned to his frown and walked out making me sigh sadly. Glenn and Maggie watched the exchange noticing the tense atmosphere but said nothing.
"Come on let's get going," Glenn said patting my shoulder while walking past me outside where the cars where parked. I grabbed my bow slinging it and my quiver behind my shoulder, Maggie linked arms with me and we followed behind Glenn.
*Time skip*
We were at the last store just grabbing formula."Hey guys I'm just going to wait out here to keep watch,"I said to Maggie and Glenn.
Glenn just shrugged his shoulders and nodded but Maggie looked at me concerned,"Are you sure you want to stay out here alone?"Maggie said.
"Maggie it's fine you two will be back in less than 10 minutes I'll call you of anything happens," I said giving her a smile.
They seemed content with my answer so they connected hands and walked in. I sighed thinking about my argument with Daryl,"I shouldn't have snapped at him that could have gone alot better if I had just talked to him, when I get back home I'll apologize"I said walking a few steps away from the truck.
Suddenly I strong arm wrapped around my waist squeezing my ribs tightly, knocked my bow out of my hands, and holding a knife with some type of metal contraption on his arm,"And where is it that you are calling home hotshot?"The man said in a thick southern accent.
"Let me go!" I said squirming but his grip was like iron on my waist he just squeeze my waist harder and I had trouble breathing. I reach for my knife in my pocket but he saw the movement and pulled the knife out of my pocket throwing it the opposite direction.
"Nuh ah hotshot don't play rough with me, one word outta yur pretty mouth an I'll have to cut your throat;we don't want that do we?" He said and pressed down on the knife at my throat so blood was starting to form but not enough to kill me.
"Ana! Merle?!" Glenn says dropping the basket of formula in shock and Maggie stared in horror.
"Long time no see China man. How about a hug for ol Merle?" Merle said chuckling a bit. Merle? Where have I heard that name before?"Mind telling me where my brother is?" Merle says to Glenn.
Then it hit me,"Merle? You mean your Daryl's brother?" I choked out.
"Yup thats me;you know my little brother,hotshot?" Merle says releasing his hold enough for me to get some air and be able to talk.
"Daryl's gonna flip when he hears about this!" Maggie says diverting Merle's attention away from me.
"How about you folks take me to him and I'll call it even on everything that happened in Atlanta;No hard feelings." Merle said but we stayed quiet I knew what we were thinking,Merle couldn't be trusted inside the prison. I eyed his metal knife wielded thing it must have took the place of his hand he chopped off in Atlanta. Merle saw me eyeing it," Like it hotshot? I fixed it up myself in a medical supply warehouse. Pretty cool huh?"Merle said and I rolled my eyes, I secretly think it kinda cool.
"We'll tell Daryl you're here and he'll come to meet you," Glenn said.
"Woah their hold up. Meeting here together was a miracle;come on now, you can trust me" Merle said but Glenn knew we couldn't trust him and he still hasn't let me go.
"You can trust us, you can see your brother again," Maggie said stepping towards me but Merle pulled me farther away by a step.
"No!" Merle shouted he loosened his grip on me unconsciously.
I tried pulling out of his grip,"Glenn! Maggie! Go I'll hold him off!"I said thrashing around in Merles arms while Merle struggled.
"Let her go! Ana!" Glenn and Maggie yelled. Glenn pulled out his gun and Maggie made a move towards me but Glenn stopped her.
Merle put me in a headlock with a gun in his only hand to my head along with managing to use my body as a shield if Glenn decided to shoot at him.

Get in the car Glenn and your girlfriend too! You'll be driving," Merle said he dropped me grabbing my wrist making his way towards Glenn knocking his gun to the ground and shoving him to the SUV.
Merle let me go once we got to the SUV, he sat in front next to Glenn so he didn't try anything. Maggie and I sat in the back, she tightly hugged me once seeing I was safe from Merle in the time being.

*Sorry this took so long I've been through so much since August my lover been sent to juvie for something he didn't do that was a stupid reason to get him sent away, I really have a crazy life but it makes it more interesting. Im writing this the night before my birthday so happy birthday to me! love you all thank you for being patient send me comments to respond too and votes!

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