Chapter 6

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       In the morning everyone busied themselves:Daryl workin on a sign,Carol cleanin up the R.V, Andrea and Dale movin cars off the highway,Glenn and T-dog (an African American man who injured his arm badly) head to Hershel's farm to get medical attention for T-dog.

"Guys I'm gonna go back to my tent pack up my stuff and came back on my motorcycle" I told them.

"Wait you can't go by yourself, walkers can get you" Dale said concerned lookin at me from inside one of the cars.

"Dale I'm more than capable of handlin a few walkers, but thanks for the concern" I told him.

"But still you gotta have someone to have your back I'm going with you" To my surprise I turned around to see Daryl the last person I would expect to offer to join me, I sighed knowin their was no arguin with Daryl and Dale.

"Come on we better start we don't wanna be in the woods at night fall"I said jumpin over the rail with Daryl catching up with me easily.

After a long silent hike through the forest I got back to my tent,"Daryl can you climb trees?" I ask Daryl looked confused.

"Yea why?" Daryl said.

"Cuz I need ya to climb, unhook my game, put em in here I also
made a map of my snares and back to the tent, be back in a hour
or I'll drag you back" I said throwin him my game bag with the map.

Daryl nodded turnin to leave "Daryl" I said, he turned around to look me in the eye "Please be careful I-I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me" I said lookin down at my boots.

He walked over and stood in front of me placin a hand on my shoulder, " Hey I'll be alright, there and back no problem" he said I looked at everythin but his face then he gently turned my head with his thumb and index finger.

I looked into his light blue eyes, he looked down at my lips to my eyes again mentally askin permission and I closed the space between us, the kiss was gentle, minutes felt like hours, and I didn't wanna leave this moment. Daryl slowly pulled away, kissed my forehead, and disappeared into the woods.

I stayed froze in the spot staring into the forest where he left, I brushed my finger tips against my lips, wondering if that moment
was real I just kissed Daryl Dixon and liked it. I snapped out my
thoughts even though my mind was reelin. I packed my two large backpacks, and putting up the tent in a small bag.I should go help Daryl since I'm done early I stuffed my knives my backpack decidin to just use my bow and arrows.

I had my bow loosely over my right shoulder, I heard a branch
snap behind me "You need to learn how to walk more quietly then
that if you wanna scare me Daryl" I said rollin my eyes.I turned
around just in time to see the walker push me to the ground. I reached for my knives only to find nothin I cursed for my ignorance, and desperately kicked the walker. I held the walker's chest back as it hungrily snapped its jaws at me.

After half an hour of desperately tryin to pull the walker off of me I was getting tired.Tears of desperation lined my eyes, my arms were sore and I had almost no way of escaping my bow was stuck in between the ground and my back.

Out of last resort I screamed "DARYL!!" My strength was fading fast, This might be it nobody is coming to save me now and I'm tired oh so tired , I never imagined going down like this I thought i'll  go down fighting my arms slowly started lowering I whimpered tears streaming down my face fighting for my arms to keep trying.

It's jaws were inches from my face, I knew it was over I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the pain to start. Then I heard a whizzin sound and the walker grew limp as my arms finally gave up covering me in blood and brains.

I erupted in sobs and shaking as the walker was lifted off me. I was able to opened my eyes through the tears as someone grabbed me hugging me to their chest, it was my saviour Daryl. I buried my head into his chest as he stroked my hair "Shh its okay I'm here now it'll be okay little fox" he said rocking me softly.

After what seemed like a hour I calmed down wiping my tears
"Thank you....for everything, without you I would!d be dead by now," I said to Daryl my voice still weak from crying.

"It's alright little fox lets just get to your bike before nightfall" He said compassion in his eyes blue eyes, I shook my head yes. He helped me up on my feet and made sure I was okay to walk.

We walked for about 15 minutes before we were a mile down next the highway. I felt the bushes blindly till I hit the camo blanket I put over my bike I ripped away the blanket to reveal my motorcycle, "Wow nice motorcycle"Daryl said admirin my bike.

"Thanks...I'm drivin"I said jumpin on my motorcycle startin it up. Daryl got on behind me loosely puttin his arms around my waist, "I would hold on tighter if you don't wanna fly off" I said through
my helmet, he hesitated wondering if I was joking or not, "I don't bite...much" I giggled as he tightened his grip on me.

I quickly sped off as the sun was settin my hair blowin in the wind hittin Daryl's face but he didn't seem to mind,  his toned chest  pressed against my back and hands tightly around my waist makin butterfly's flutter in my stomach, the moment was beautiful somethin that will rarely ever happens in this twisted world but I was glad that I was sharin it with him.

~~~~~Wow this was a long chapter took me a long time to finish it I tried making it different pages but I don't know how, plz remember to vote,comment,or list~~~~~<3Scathach<3~~~~~

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