Chapter 23

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Daryl's P.O.V
I rode to the highway with Carol on my back, I wished it was Ana but I knew that she could take care of herself and she was probably already at the highway;I hope. I saw a green car ahead, it was Glenn and Maggie I followed close behind till we saw the group. I stopped, Carol and I ran to the group, I looked around for my beautiful Ana she was no where to be found. The group hugged thankful for their safe family members but tears were shed over Dale and Patricia's deaths, but I could careless I was frantically looking around for her expecting her to be inside one of the cars.
"Where's Ana?" Carl asked me, She wasn't here.
"Rick, where is she!?" I yelled stalking towards him. He was the last person I'd seen her with. I studied his shocked gaze he didn't know where she was either.
"I-I don't know she was with Carol and Andrea," Rick said as we all turned towards Carol who looked like she was ready to run and hide from me.
"Where is she...was she eaten?" I said my voice breaking at the last part, I clenched my fist to keep my hands from shaking.I was terrified of the answer from the sorrowful look Carol gave me.
"I don't know we seperated Andrea and I ran two different ways I never looked back,"Carol said. I suddenly felt hope I was going back to save my girl, I turned and walked to my bike.
Rick stopped me mid way,"Woah woah You can't go back the farm is over run by walkers and we have no idea where she could've went or if she is even alive!" I tried moving past him but He stepped in the way.
"What the hell you know as well as I that she can handle her own and how dare you give up on her like that. She's alive and I'm gonna find her!" I said pushing Rick out of the way to be held back by T-dog and Glenn.
"Calm down, there's too many walkers you'll get yourself killed you are no use to her dead. We need to find shelter and clear our heads in the morning we can search for her," Rick said holding up his hand and looked at me trying to predict my actions whether or not I would attack. Instead I shook their hands off of me and walked to my bike sitting on it but not starting the engine."Well Officer Grimes lead the way," I said gritting my teeth together. I will find her my Ana is a fighter and she's alive I can feel it I will stop at nothing to find her; she is the only thing I have left to love.

*Time skip to two months later Ana's POV*
I still haven't found the group it's the middle of winter and I'm freezing under a black fur parka I stole from a store my clothes underneath were wore thin and my supplies are dangerously low I have no idea what will kill me first the cold or dehydration. My bike sputtered and the only thing I could see is white and the dark trees to my sides. I cursed, wrapping my arms around myself but my thin boney arms held no heat the backpack on my back seemed to gain more pounds by the minute, and my feet were lead it was like needles going into my feet. I barely noticed as I fell onto the snow I thought of my happy moments with the group and then Daryl. Tears fell down my cheeks knowing that I was going to die without seeing him one last time, I had no energy left to get up and my eyes started to drop. I heard my name being called from a distance and I knew it was my time to go. I whispered Daryl's name before falling to a comfortable darkness.
*Daryl's POV*
I've search for her two whole months I'm starting to lose hope of finding her it's mid winter I don't know how she is surviving the cold or if she is alive. Most of the group is lost hope in finding her because of worrying about staying out of the cold so I'm searching for her alone most days. I've disconnected myself from the group only saying a couple of necessary words with Rick and Carol keeps trying to "help" me I ignore her or respond with "I don't need nothin I just need her back" I couldn't even say her name now without getting an empty feeling in my heart. I headed down a forest backroad after a day of searching and found some supplies for the group even though it was what I was really searching for, the walkers slowed down because of the snow so their weren't as much but they were still there wandering through the snow. I saw a bike laying on it's side up ahead, I stopped taking a good look at it then I saw it, fresh tracks in the snow leading into the woods. I ran following the tracks knowing the fragile footfalls were hers, but they were messy not like the agile footsteps she would leave before that could only mean one thing she was in trouble.
I saw a clearing up ahead with a figure in the snow in the middle. I yelled her name but she didn't move I feared the worst my lips drew in a thin line, and I ran to her body, my knees dropped to the snow beside her. Her hair haloed her head, her long eyelashes rested on her sunken cheeks, her once tan skin was a pale color, but her lips didn't change they were plump and a soft pink color. I set my ear close to her mouth that was slightly parted and felt a raspy breath breath from her lungs she was barely hanging on.
"Angel please hold on I'm here I'm gonna get you help but you need to keep fighting please I know you can," I whispered gently in her ear lifting her in my arms she was unnaturally light. I thankfully took the green Hyundai, I wrapped her up an extra blanket I had gotten from my run, and turned on the heater. I drove with my left hand and held her small cold hand in my right careful not to squeeze too hard in fear of braking her hand. I skidded to a stop in front of the two story house the group was taking shelter in, Rick stood outside the door watching for walkers, and I turned off the car running to the back seat. "Help, Rick call Hershel now!" I yelled at him picking her up in my arms.
I rushed inside the house were everyone stood in the living room trying to see the bundle in my arms. Hershel come when I put her down on a bed,"Hurry get her warm, Rick get the fire going,Daryl find extra blankets to wrap around her, and Beth get the IV she's dehydrated," Hershel commanded us.
I didn't want to leave her side but she needed to get warm so I ran outside grabbing all the blankets I had got from the run which was about 5 ranging from thick to thin. Some fell out of my arms and Carl picked them up saying that he'd take them to her and I mumbled a thanks before climbing back up the stairs. Carl and I gently wrapped her up inside the blankets, Beth put the IV in her arm to hydrate her, and Rick moved the bed to be closer to the fire. "What's gonna happen to her now Hershel?" Carl asked.
"We just have to wait, if she strong enough her body will fight off the cold but she's in a critical state right now she's weak I don't know if she'll fight off the frost bite," Hershel said sighing and everyone walked out of the room to get some sleep. I kneeled down next to her brushing hair out of her face, I studied her face in the fire light till I got tired, I kissed her head whispering an "I love you" before falling asleep on the floor.
I woke up in the middle of the night to grunts and movement coming from the bed. I jumped up immediately to see her eyes closed tightly, her face was glistening with sweat, and her squirming around. I yelled for Hershel and put my hand on her forehead, she was burning up. Hershel ran into the room looking very tired but he came over checking her forehead like I had,"This is good she's fighting off the fever here take this wet rag and keep her head cool".
"Can't we just take some blankets off her, she sweating like crazy," I said concerned.
"No let her sweat out the fever and wrap the blankets tighter around her so she doesn't throw them off or hurt herself" Hershel said rubbing his eyes tiredly, I did as he asked.
"When do you reckon she will wake up?" I said stroking her face with a wet rag.
"Hard to tell her body will need time to heal but I can tell she won't be waking up in the next 3 days," Hershel said with a yawn.
"Get some sleep, and thank you for saving her," I said giving him a sincere nod.
He smiled at me,"No problem, I remember when maggie's mother was in the hospital I was just like you never wanted to leave her side; Daryl what you have with her is special don't waste it,"Hershel said leaving me to think about his words. After losing her back at the farm I knew that I never wanted her out of my sight again. Now all I want is for her to wake up.
~~~~~Hey guys sorry for the short chapter,I'm doing this on my Ipad so its a little weird but I hope tyou enjoyed it I was going to leave you with a big cliff hanger but I didn't because I'm nice and it takes a while to update because of my nonstop mountain of homework that is still waiting for me as I write. I luv y'all plz comment I luv hearing all sorts of feedback and vote to keep me updating! See ya as soon as possible <3Britania<3

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