Part 28

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***My Perspective***

I could feel the tears starting to escape from my eyes! He was really truly here! I can’t believe that I’m seeing his face!

He was holding me close, and I was kissing him uncontrollably! “John, I can’t believe it’s really you!”

The three men were approaching the door as we all stood outside. I looked over John’s shoulder and I noticed that Randy was there. I tapped John on the shoulder and he set me down. I ran over to Randy and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Randy so much for everything!” The tears were still streaming down my face. “You don’t know how much this means to me.” He held me tight and then he sent me back to John. I crawled into his loving embrace.

The doors to the station opened. We all started walking backwards towards the only car in the lot, and the three men approached us. The guy on the right, who was standing the furthest back, was holding onto a walkie-talkie, and I had a very bad feeling about that. I saw his mouth moving, speaking into the device. After a few moments, a large smile spread across his face. Something didn’t feel right anymore.

I could hear a faint noise. I looked out into the distance down the road, and I saw a car speeding towards us.

“Get in the car,” I head John whisper to Evan, Randy and I. We all scrambled towards the car. We all got in, and we watched as the three men followed after us. Randy was in the driver’s seat, anxiously trying to get the car to start. Evan was sitting in the passenger seat, yelling at the car to get started. John and Randy both knew who he was.

I was in the back seat with John holding on to me tightly. He kept whispering to me that everything would be okay, and that we were going to get out of there.

Randy finally got the car started as the three men finally reached the car. They started punching at the windows, and climbing on the roof.

A window shattered next to John. He shielded me from the glass and we were finally taking off. The second car finally sped into the lot as we were taking off. I looked out my window and I could see Cody Rhodes in the car. Jovan was in the passenger seat, and they both looked really pissed off. Abram and Alexander sat in the back seats of the car.

I shivered looking at their faces, but we were driving away from them in a hurry.

“John, I managed to fill up the tank, so we can at least get towards the airport. Is that where we’re going?” Randy’s foot was pushing the pedal down as far as it would go.

“Yeah we’re, going back to the airport. We need to get home.” I felt his arm tighten around me.

I wiggled out of his hold a little bit to turn around in my seat. I could see the car racing up to us in such a hurry. “Can’t this car go any faster?!?” I screamed!

“Unfortunately it can’t Jess,” Randy responded. “We got the shit end of the deal from the rental people!”

I turned around again and I looked at the car that was following right in our footsteps. I could see a gun being lifted up from the passenger seat. Jovan was aiming straight for our car. “GET DOWN!” I screamed, and we all ducked in time for a passing bullet, shattering the front and back windows. A few more shots fired before I lifted my head again to check back.

I looked over at John and he was reaching in his pocket to take out his phone. It wasn’t his work phone, which was surprising because that was the only phone I ever saw him use. But he lifted it up to take a picture of the men behind us. I stared back at the second car and I saw the gun lifted up again.

A scream escaped my mouth as another round of shots fired out. We needed things to throw at their car, at least to back them off a little bit. When the round of shots stopped, I sat up and leaned over the back seat to check the back of the car. There was nothing back there that I could reach, but there were tools on the bottom of the trunk.

Just then Cody rammed the back of our car, and I felt into the trunk. My legs were upright, and I could feel John trying to pull me back over, but I tipped sideways and I ended up in a ball form on the bottom of the trunk. I could feel the tools stabbing my sides. I sat up again, reaching below me for the crowbar, and I threw it out the window, smashing the windshield of their car. I climbed back over the seat next to John, and I looked back at the other car, just watching them intently.

After a long drive of maneuvering, we finally reached the outer city, where there were more cars and more civilization. It wasn’t long before we had attention drawn to us.

We sped through the city streets, swerving around cars and avoiding any pedestrians, and it wasn’t long until we reached the airport. I swear this was making me crazy. I was throwing tools out the window at the car behind us, missing a few times with some wrenches, but at the same time I was hitting a few of them in the head with some other stuff.

We pulled up to the security station, and we knew that we weren’t able to just drive on through or we would be in even more trouble than we already were. John was the one to get out of the car. Cody wasn’t behind us anymore. When we turned into the airport, they continued along that road.

I listened as John explained to the security guard, that he and Randy were the ones who were there last night with their own plane. The security guard looked at him intently before letting us on through. He searched the car, and he searched all of us.

When we got on through, Randy casually drove over to where the plane was parked, and he got out of the car. Everyone else followed, and I was the last to get out of the car. I scurried out however, and stood next to Randy. John was climbing around the plane, trying to clear up space for us all to sit. It wasn’t long before I spotted Cody out of the corner of my eye.

I looked over to see him AND the men he was with, sitting inside of his jet. The third guy was with him too; I was assuming just so he could drive the plane.

“John they’re here! If we take off into the sky they’re only going to follow us, what are we going to do?” I couldn’t help but panic. I didn’t want to get captured again.

“Look,” John announced, “everyone just get into the plane. I have an idea for when we get closer to home.”

We did as he said, and we piled into the plane the best we could.

“Randy,” John said, “I can’t believe I’m going to say this to you, but Jessie is sitting on your lap. We don’t have enough room for everyone, so that’s how we need to do it.”

Randy nodded and looked at me. “Is that going to be okay with you?”

I nodded back. “Why wouldn’t it be?” I did like Randy, but he was John’s best friend. Whatever though, it’s only for the plane ride.

Everything was getting intense. Cody was staring us down, just waiting for us to make our move. John started up the plane and we took off on the runway. I didn’t realize what plane this was, until I noticed how fast we had taken off into the sky. “John, how the hell did you get this plane?” I asked.

He smiled at me. “It’s the perks of being friends with Mr. Vince McMahon.”

I couldn’t see where they were anymore. I couldn’t just turn around to see them, so I stared at the radar. I watched intently as we sped away from them. I was hoping that we would be able to get completely out of their sights, and to my surprise, they disappeared off the radar. I kept my hopes low, in case they came back. I rested my head on Randy’s shoulder, and I passed out.

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