Part 10

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It was a great time sitting at the bar. We were finally able to ignore all of the cameras around us. There were WWE fans everywhere around us that were buying us drinks! I can’t believe I was getting into this! I can’t believe I was drinking this much.

“You ready to head out?” I heard Brandi yelling at me from all the way across the table. I’ve never been in a louder bar.

I nodded my head at her. I turned around to find my bag. I grabbed it and rummaged inside it for my phone, both of them. I had my personal one, but I realized that my work phone that I got that day, was gone. “Shoot!”

Brandi, Jeff, and John were all looking at me.

“I left my work phone back at the arena. Do you think I could still get in there?”

John got up from his chair, took my hand, then stood me up and started walking. Brandi and Jeff followed us. We headed out to the limos that were waiting out front. John and I got into a white one, and Brandi and Jeff got into the tan one. Both limos took off in the same direction back to the arena.

John got out first, and then helped me out. I walked up the door that was in the garage area that we drove in to. John got an ID card out to get us into the building.

“Alright, you go find your room, I have to pee.” He nodded at me and then walked off in an unfamiliar direction. I walked towards where I thought my room would be. The hallway was dim-lighted. It was dark down a lot of side-halls and it was kind of scary. It almost seemed like one of those horror movies where you see someone all alone down a dark hallway and you just KNOW something is going to happen.

I rounded the corner down the hallway where my room was. To my surprise there was a light coming out of my room. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone here. I slowly approached my door and peered inside the room.

It was Cody. He was inside my room, and he was on my phone—my WORK phone. I took another step forward to where he could see me. He looked up at me and smiled.

“I thought you might never come back,” he sneered.

I looked down the hallway to where I came from; to make sure John wasn’t coming. I looked back at Cody who had an overwhelming smile on his face. “What are you doing here? And why are you in MY room? I mean, I’m not saying that I don’t want you here, but it’s just a little strange.” I stepped into the room and folded my arms.

He stood up from the bean bag chair that he moved against the wall. “I heard your phone buzzing in here, and I knew that you already left.” His smile didn’t fade for one minute.

I smiled at him. “So you came in here without my permission and went on my phone?”

“Well, I thought maybe it would be important.” He stepped closer to me.

“Cody, you shouldn’t be here.” My smiled partially faded. I really didn’t want him to be here when John came back. I knew there were already problems between them, and I didn’t want them to get any worse.

“Why? Is your boy toy here with you?” Again, his smile never faded.

My smile grew and I playfully smacked his arm. “He’s not my boy toy, but yes he is here. We went out for drinks with Brandi and Jeff and I rode with him.”

“Well then let him find me. I would love for him to do something about it.” He took another step towards me and he was as close as he was earlier. I could feel the leather in his jacket and it’s almost as if my skin was itching to feel it. He was gazing down into my eyes, and I was gazing back.

“Cody I don’t think…”

“Shhh,” he cut me off. He put his hands back to their “homely” spot (where they were earlier). My breathing cut off. My heart was skipping beats like crazy. I felt like I was going to pass out. Suddenly his grip tightened on me and I could feel him getting closer, fast. Instantly he was kissing me. It was passionate and hot. My arms fell to my sides, there was no way I could stop this.

There was a throat clearing at the door. Cody stopped what he was doing. He was so caught in the moment that he DROPPED ME. I fell limp to the ground and it hurt. My head hit the frame of the door.

Instantly John was down on the floor picking up my head asking me if I was okay. How am I supposed to feel about Cody about something like this.

John helped me to my feet, then took a step in front of me so he was between me and Cody. “What are you doing here?” I could hear the anger in his voice. I closed my eyes however. I didn’t want to see what was going to happen next. I placed my hand on my head where I hit it against the door, and I waited. I listened to their conversation excel.

“John, she left her phone in here and I was making sure that it wasn’t going to get picked up by anyone else. I mean, it would be a shame that it got into the wrong hands, wouldn’t it?” Cody lifted up my phone for John to see it.

John snatched it out of his hands. “It already has.”

“I should probably be going now.”

“Not until you apologize to her.” John put his arm around me. I was still holding on to my hand. He reached his other arm over and slowly grabbed my arm off of my forehead. There was a gash in my forehead. I didn’t know until I saw the blood all over my hand.

Cody looked at the two of us, scanning us back and forth. He then put his hand on my cheek and I swatted it off. I grew angry. He dropped me into the door frame of MY room.

Cody smirked at me. “Why should I apologize to her? She should be apologizing to me!”

“FOR WHAT?” I took a step forward towards him. I could feel the anger coming out of me.

He gave me the same glorious smile that he mesmerized me with the first time. He slowly put his hand back on my cheek, “you need to apologize for being so darn beautiful.”

His hand dropped back down to his side, and then his smile faded. He glared back at Cena. “John, one day we’re going to fight…for real. And I can tell you, when that happens, I’ll be the new face of the WWE.” With that, an evil smile spread across his face. He pushed through me and John and walked down the hallway.

I looked back down at my hand. I didn’t realize until now that I was shaking. I can’t even believe that I became that pissed off.

“Are you alright?” John put his hand under my chin and raised my face to look at him.

“My head hurts,” I smiled.

“We should probably get that looked at.” He put his hand on my lower back in that nice comforting way. We started walking down the hallway until I felt him stop. His hand dropped. “What was he saying to you before I walked in?”

I turned around to look at him. “What do you mean by that?”

He laughed to himself. “Look, I know that I shouldn’t be controlling about this situation, but I know him more than you do. He’s not the guy who you think he is.”

He walked towards me more and more. “John, he’s a sweet enough guy to me.”

“That’s what he wants you to think Jess!” He sighed. “Again, I’m sorry for getting myself into your business, but I really just want to make sure that you’re safe. I can’t have you getting hurt. Please promise me that you won’t ever be alone with him.”

I stared into his deep passionate eyes. I couldn’t resist him. I know that John means a hell of a lot more than Cody does. After all, over the past week, I’ve gotten to know John more than a lot of other people have, and I just met Cody earlier today. “I promise John.” I stood on my toes to kiss him on the cheek.

I grabbed his hand and I dragged him down the hallway.

I’m so glad that we didn’t have a show for another week. I could go back home and relax. My first day on this job and I’ve already screwed myself over with two different guys. John means a lot to me. I may have just met him, but he’s already become a closer friend than most people I’ve ever called a “friend.” I just met Cody, so I can’t really tell how I feel about him anymore. After what he’s done to me tonight, I’m not entirely sure if I wanna be “friends” with him anymore. But somehow, he still has me coming back for more.

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now