Part 7

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It wasn’t long until we were sitting in Teddy Long’s office. I was patient, however, waiting for what I needed to do. Signing here, signing there, watching the video of me bringing Rosa down, all of the standard stuff as well. I was silent while Brandi did most of the talking. After about fifteen minutes, we were done.

I was looking around his smallish office. Against the side wall of the office, there was a long black sofa. I had a feeling that the sofa cost more than all the furniture in my small apartment combined! These people were the real deal!

“Jessica,” Teddy spoke loudly, “it’s great to have a new family member to our business. Now if anyone happens to give you any grief whatsoever, to come to me. From now on I’m here to serve YOU. From the looks of that video, I don’t expect that you’ll need any of my help, but IF anything comes up just let me know.” Then he handed me a cell phone. I already had a phone! “This phone right here is from the industry. It has everyone’s information already in here, the superstars, the employees, the management, you name it, and they’re in here. Now you be on your way. Brandi will finish showing you around, and get you a script for tonight. Improvising works best.”

Brandi dragged me out of the office. There wasn’t as long of a line outside his office as there was earlier. I followed her out into the hallways. She led me around to all the different areas backstage. After we finished, she brought me down to a busier passageway to a door with my name on it.

“This is your dressing room dear! This is going to be where you relax and get ready and whatever else you need! And to add to it, there’s a mini fridge and a small cupboard with the greatest snacks ever!” I could feel how great these rooms are just by her excitement! I couldn’t wait to go in!

She told me she would meet me later, and with that she left me in my room. I shut the door and quickly got to searching. There were no cameras in here, which made me feel better. Brandi was also right, there was a small fridge filled with vitamin water, Gatorade, power drinks, and a few soft drinks! I love me my Barq’s Root Beer!

I decided to look through my new phone and see what was to be made of it. I knew already that there was the name and number of everyone in the industry in this phone. I turned on my phone to see a lit up icon for text messages. I quickly opened the list to see a few messages from a few different people.

One message was from Teddy, a standard “welcome to the industry” message. There was also a message from a couple of the diva superstars. Mickie James messaged me, telling me that she LOVED the video of my kicking Rosa’s ass! It made me smile to myself seeing some of these messages. There was also a message from John, telling me congratulations for making it into the business. It was heartwarming. But then, there was a message from Cody. It said, “the video was amazing, and I’m glad another annoying girl is finally shut up.” I was blushing. I guess our eye contact earlier really did something.

I replied back with a “thank you!” As for the other messages, I sent back some other thank you’s and then shut off my phone. What was I supposed to do now to get ready for the show? I felt so unprepared.

I decided to take off my sweater, check my make-up, use the bathroom and everything else. I sat there in a giant bean bag chair in my room. And I mean it was a GIANT bean bag chair. Quite comfy though. That’s when I realized I was tired. There was a small television hanging on the wall, and I had it turned onto the food network.

I fell asleep with crumbs all over my stomach.

Out of nowhere there was a loud knock on my door. I jumped at the sound, then looked at my phone, and stared at the time. It took a minute for me to comprehend what my phone was saying to me. The knocking continued. I jumped up out of the bean bag chair, and jumped at the door. I opened it and John Cena was standing right there.

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now