Part 9

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My thoughts were startled by another knock at the door. I was hesitant to whether or not I wanted to open it. But I did anyway. I walked over to the door. I took a deep breath, and then opened it slowly. I was nearly blinded for a split second from a bright gleam off of John Cena’s title belt.

“AH THAT’S BRIGHT!” I couldn’t keep my thoughts in my head. That was seriously bright. I fell back with the door, causing it to open wider.

He laughed as he took a step inside my room. “It is okay if I come in here right?”

I nodded as I blinked a few times. “Yeah, Cody came by earlier.” I’m not sure why I mentioned it, but it was said. Nothing I could do about it now.



“What the hell was he doing here?” He looked concerned.

“Well he just wanted to come by and say ‘hi’ I guess, cause that’s all that he did.” I tried to sound nonchalant like it wasn’t a big deal, but what happened between us WAS a big deal.

“I wouldn’t get too involved with that guy.” John Cena leaned up against the far wall—the only wall that wasn’t just a stand up divider. I looked at him questioningly, and he explained. “Look, Cody Rhodes has been involved with some extremely weird stuff. There’s no denying that the stuff he’s in to, isn’t bad. We all know he’s involved with something on the side. We can tell just because of how shady he is about certain topics. Just be careful when you talk to him that you don’t let him know anything personal about you.”

John looked like he was serious. I had no reason not to trust him, but I didn’t know Cody well enough yet to not know that he’s really a good guy. “Well, from what I got from him today, is he likes me.”

John went silent for a minute. “Well what did you say back to him?”

“I just told him…. I actually didn’t respond to him. But I may or may not have told him earlier that he was cute.” I started blushing again, thinking of the moment that I had with him before he left.

“What else did he say to you?”

I had to think for a second, and to get all of my thoughts straightened out. “Well he was also asking about…us.” I blushed even more. The thought made me smile. I could see myself being with John more than any other guy I’ve ever met.

He smiled at me. “Well what did you say to him about that?”  I could tell that he was waiting for an actual response to that.

“Well, I said I didn’t ‘think’ anything was going on between us, but I never gave him a solid answer.” I was silent for a few minutes. He leaned against the wall, staring at the floor. I wasn’t sure if my answer upset him, or if he just wasn’t sure.

“I’m pretty sure you can tell by now, but I do like you.”

I stared at him, waiting for his gaze to meet mine. He slowly looked up to me. I smiled at him. “You know, I haven’t told you this yet, but I’ve been madly in love with you since I was in high school.”

He chuckled. “Now that’s not something that I get from a lot of people I start to like.”

“Well, I used to watch WWE all the time as a teenager, and I grew up watching you on TV. Before Brandi got here, we would watch it together all the time. She would talk about Jeff Hardy all the time, and I would talk about you. You used to be the hottest man ever!” I stopped talking. I stared down at my feet. This was a really embarrassing thing to admit to someone like him.

“That’s actually really adorable.” He laughed after his statement, almost as if he couldn’t hold in his laughter. “I’m sorry,” he breathed, “but that must be really embarrassing for you. And please, don’t think I’m insulting you, cause I’m really not.”

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now