Part 12

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I was finally released from the hospital. I had been there for two days because of “forced trauma” to my skull…. It wasn’t my fault what had happened.

Either way I was finally going back to work. I was excited. The next show isn’t too far away, so I can avoid another plane. I was excited to get on the bus that I was gifted with from Teddy. He sent me a giant bus with a “model” picture of me on it. The rest was black and white with the WWE logo all over it.

I packed up the final remains of my apartment, and I headed downstairs. With Maya in my hand and multiple bags in the other, I was off on another soon-to-be awesome adventure.

I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. Well this is very inconvenient. I rushed down the stairs. Maya barked a few times at people walking past me, and I finally reached the lobby. I ran outside and down the street a little ways to my bus. I was greeted by my driver. His name was Clemens.

I rushed onto the bus and threw all of my stuff down. I’ll pick it up later. My phone started buzzing again. I dug into my purse and pulled out my work phone. I was getting a call from Teddy. “Hi Teddy.”

“Hey there Jessica. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing better. Did you get my package left at your house?”

“Yes I did Teddy.”

He paused. “Well then why aren’t you here at the airport?”

How do I explain to my boss that I’m deeply afraid of flying and that I refuse to go on a plane? “Well Teddy, I was going to talk to you about that sometime, and I just never got the time.”

“What exactly were you going to talk to me about?”

“Nothing really, except the fact that I’m totally and completely afraid of flying and that I would rather just take my bus!” I rushed my words out of my mouth. Clemens was getting into the driver’s seat as I rushed around to pick up all of my things.

“Jessica, are you telling me that you’re just now leaving?”

“Um, well I’m not JUST leaving.”

“Well then what are you doing?”

“Well Teddy, I’m not going to lie to you…I AM leaving.”

There was a sigh coming from the other end of the line. “Jessica do not make me do things as a Manager that I do not want to do. You will be there in time for the show tomorrow right?”

“Well of course Teddy, there’s no way that I would miss it! Not for anything in the world! This job means everything to me.”

There was another sigh. “Alright Jessica, I’m counting on you. I have hotel reservations set up. I’ll email them to you as soon as I can.”

“Alright thank you Teddy. I’ll see you in Detroit.” I shut off my phone. I was hastily moving around the bus, putting things away and organizing everything. Suddenly I realized we were moving. Wow this bus is smooth!

I walked towards the front of the bus where Clemens was. “Hey Clemens, I’m going to be in back napping. If you need anything let me know. And if you get hungry, let me know and I’ll bring you something.” I smiled at me. He was a nice guy. He was an older looking gentleman, but he was very friendly. When the bus was first brought to me, I went out to lunch with Clemens. He reminds me so much of my father…a little too much.

I made my way to the far back of the bus to the tiny bedroom. The entire bus expands when it’s not moving, but this will definitely do. I lied down in the small bed with my blanket that I grabbed from my apartment. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

I thought that I was in my bed, but it turns out that I wasn’t. I was in a lighthouse of all places. I’m not sure how I got here, but I’m definitely at the top. I was standing right below the rotating light. The sea was crashing against the rocks. I looked down and noticed that the lighthouse was the on the top of a cliff, and surrounded by the sea.

I looked out at the roaring waves and I saw a ship. It wasn’t just any ship though. It had the logos and the colors of the WWE, and there was also a name written on the side. It was too far away for me to read the name, but it was getting closer and closer.

I turned around in this white silky, sexy dress I was wearing, looking for a way down from this platform. There was a small opening in the wall. I walked through the small doorway and down a spiral staircase. The stairs led to the front door of the lighthouse, and I slowly walked out. It must have taken me a while to get down from where I was, because the boat was at the dock at the bottom of the cliff. What is going on? I watched as man after man after man after man, got off of the ship. I was realizing them to be the “bad guys” from the WWE.

I started backing away slowly. They were starting to climb up towards me, and I started backing up faster and faster. There was nowhere else for me to go but up, so I ran back inside, locking the door behind me, and I climbed up the spiral staircase. The staircase was a lot longer on the way up, almost too long. It was not this long before. My energy is starting to fade. The stairs are starting to extend. The lighthouse is getting higher and higher.

This dress was starting to hold me in place. I could hear all of the men below me busting through the door. They were sprinting up the stairs towards me. I sat down on the step I was on and I laid my head in my hands. I couldn’t continue. I was trapped.

But then I felt a presence. I looked up to see a hand directly in front of my face. Without hesitation I grabbed it. This man helped me to my feet and he carried me further and further up the stairs. I was then handed off to another man. I looked up this time. Behind me I saw John. He was the first person that helped me.

I hesitated to look up. I ran my eyes from his arms holding my legs, to his shoulders and then to his face. It was none other than Cody Rhodes.

I don’t know how I got so distracted by him,  but the next thing I knew, we were at the top of the lighthouse. I was right back where I started, but this time I was in his arms. He was still cradling me.

“You can let me down,” my voice echoed. The roaring waves grew bigger and stronger. They became more violent.

His stare in my eyes grew meaner. He was walking over to the railing. He lifted me up and threw me over. I couldn’t hear my scream, but I knew it was there, because I could feel the strain of my throat.

I got close to the ground. I turned over onto my stomach and I felt the warm touch of my bed. I was back in the bus where I started. That was just a terrible dream I had. But what did it mean?

Was John right? If I ever trusted Cody again, would it lead to something bad happening to me? I mean, one bad thing ALREADY happened, but Cody said that wasn’t supposed to. It got out of hand. I know that he could never do anything to physically hurt me. But maybe my unconscious mind knows something I don’t….

I just want to go out to dinner with Cody and get to know the real him. That’s not that bad is it?

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now