Part 29

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***My Perspective***

I woke up to the sound of sirens. I opened my eyes and there were flashing lights all around us. I bolted up, realizing I was still sitting on Randy. I looked around. John was smiling.

“John how the hell can you be smiling? There’s cops all around us! We’re all probably going to get arrested!” I could hear the tone in my own voice, but I wasn’t worried.

He looked over at me, put his hand on me cheek, and then laughed. “Jess, it’s all okay! These guys aren’t here for us, they’re here for them.” I looked over to where he was pointing and I saw Cody’s plane just across the runway.

“I thought we lost them!”

“We did babe, but they knew we were coming here, so they basically ‘met’ us here.” John turned off the engine and climbed out. He came around and opened the door on Randy’s side, and helped me off of Randy and down to the ground.

I looked at Randy as he climbed down from the plane. “I hope I wasn’t uncomfortable.”

He gave me a tight hug. “You were fine, you have nothing to worry about.” He looked behind me and then ran. I turned around to see Eve waiting there for him. Next to her I saw Jeff and Brandi, and I immediately started running towards them.

The tears had gotten to my chin before I got to my friend. “BRANDI!” I screamed. I saw her running towards me too when she saw me, and instantly we hugged! She was crying too, explaining how worried she was, and how glad she is that I’m home! I told her how much it sucked, and how good it felt to be home!

As soon as we stopped hugging, I gave Jeff a hug, and then turned back around. I started walking back towards John, and I saw him talking to Vince McMahon.

I walked up to them and I saw Vince looking at me. “Jessica Hernandez, I am so pleased to finally meet you. I was hoping to have met you before all of this crap happened, but that just didn’t happen did it?”

I smiled and I shook his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you Sir. But if I may ask, what’s going to happen to them?” I pointed over at the second plane. He glanced over and then looked back at me.

“Well, let’s just say right now that Cody is fired, and all of those men are going to prison. I don’t allow that crap in my industry, and I don’t think it’s fair that Cody keep his job, do you?”

I shook my head, and I smiled. I grabbed John’s arm. He took it away instantly after, to put it around my shoulder. He said a few words to Vince McMahon and then he walked me back to our friends. There were more hugs exchanged, more handshakes, and there were even some jokes thrown in. It was a good feeling to finally be back home; I just hope that I can stay here this time.


Be sure to check out the sequel to this story The Marine

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