Part 13

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Another show, another paycheck. Tonight’s show in Detroit went way better than planned. I had to wrestle Mickie James tonight, and I was kind of sad about it. We were cool with each other, but we still had to face off. We’re still cool though. I beat her!

I was walking down the hallway to my room when I heard my name. I turned around, but there was no one behind me. Hmm…. I continued to walk. I turned the corner and I heard my name again. I turned around and looked back around the corner. “Hello?” I asked. Again, no one. I slowly turned around and I jumped!

John was right there! It startled me!

“You okay?” He asked.

I slowed my breathing down. “I’m alright; I just keep hearing someone say my name.”

He slowly passed by me and looked down the hallway around the corner. He scanned the hallway intently and then turned back towards me. “You on your way to your room?”

I nodded. He walked with me down the rest of the hallway, and then he left me at the door, telling me he would come find me after he gets his things. I nodded as he walked away and then went into my room.

It was very quiet in here; very serene. I was a good night for me, and I was happy to finally relax. I decided to take a seat in the giant bean bag chair that was back in my room. I put my feet up on the small end table nearby, and I quickly dozed off.

I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I could hear things moving around me. I opened my eyes to see the door closing. I scanned my room and Cody was there sitting in the corner. I stared in disbelief, thinking that maybe this was a dream, but then I took it to myself to pinch myself. It hurt, so I knew I was awake.

“Cody?” I sat up in the bean bag chair. “What are you doing in here?”

He giggled. “You look very adorable when you’re asleep.”

Oh geez, here comes the embarrassments! “How long was I asleep for.?” I brushed my hand along my face nonchalantly to make sure there was no drool, and I was safe AT LEAST for that.

“Well I’ve been in here for about twenty.”


“No hours.” He laughed again. “You really are something, aren’t you?” He walked over and stood right in front of me. “Jessica, I’ve wanted to see you for a while now. Will you please go out to eat with me tonight?”

I looked at him. “What time is it right now?”

“It is approximately eleven-thirty.”

Wow, I passed out for an entire hour. I’m surprised that John didn’t come and get me! I nodded at him. “I guess I can go out to eat. I’m starving.” I walked around the small room and grabbed all of my things. I shoved my personal things into my purse and walked out the door. I turned around to wait for him to follow, but he was already there, standing right behind me.

“Let’s get going then, shall we?”

I nodded and followed him down a hallway. I grabbed out my phone and I texted John, telling him that I was going out to eat with Cody. I know he isn’t going to be happy about it, but I’ve also wanted to get to know Cody for a long time.

“Where are we going to eat?”  I asked casually as I followed him down every hallway.

He looked back at me; “we’re going to a Russian restaurant.”

Something struck me as odd. Something didn’t feel right after he spoke. I didn’t say another word.

We walked out of the arena and into the parking lot. I saw a couple other superstars getting into their vehicles: buses and limos. I watched limos leave the parking lot as I walked over to a limo on the far side of the lot. I didn’t realize that he’d parked all the way the hell over here! I hate being active; I didn’t want to walk.

We walked to a deep black limousine. His driver was already there waiting for us. The driver was a big guy, almost scary looking. I was starting to feel a little uneasy.

Cody helped me into the limo. This skirt was somewhat revealing, so I made sure that I kept myself covered. I crawled over to the far side of the limo. Cody got in and sat right inside the door. It was a little awkward being all the way across on the other side with all of the space between us, so I figured I could start some simple conversation. “So how far away is this restaurant?”

“It’s about ten minutes away from here, is that going to be a problem?”

I shook my head no, and looked out the window. My phone pinged and I checked the message. It was from John and he was scolding me about how I shouldn’t go out with him, how I shouldn’t be alone with him. I replied back with how we were going to be in a public place with a lot of people, and that we were going to a Russian restaurant.

I almost instantly got a reply back, telling me to call him. I didn’t. I didn’t want to call him when I was in the car with Cody.

“What’s John saying to you?”

MY thoughts scrambled. I was taken by surprise with his question. “Um, nothing really, I was just telling him that I would see him later on tonight.”

“I bet you will,” he said sneeringly.

I stared at him curiously. “What exactly do you mean by that?”

He didn’t say anything back to me. He continued to stare out the window. At this point I could feel my face heating up. I was getting somewhat nervous being around him.

“Could you please tell the driver to pull over? I really need some fresh air.” I waited for him to look back at me, and it didn’t take long.

He picked up a walkie-talkie looking like device and spoke to the driver in a different language. He smiled as he spoke, and I was hoping that it was a good smile. “We are only a minute away, are you sure you want to get out?”

“Yeah I’m sure.” We both looked away from each other. I looked back out the window, seeing absolutely nothing outside. It was almost like we were driving into the country. I saw a few cornstalks from the cornfields on the sides of the roads, but other than that there was nothing. Not even trees….

The limo pulled over and the door next to Cody opened. I crawled over to where he was sitting and waited patiently for him to help me get out. I stood outside the limo and pulled out my phone, I figured I could walk a small ways away to give John a call. I walked a little down the street, assuring Cody I wasn’t going far. I dialed the number in my phone and waited for an answer.

“Jessica Marie, where the hell are you right now?”

I stuttered and didn’t answer right away.

“Jessica, tell me where you are!”

“John please calm down, everything is fine! We’re just on our way to a Russian restaurant. Cody said he knows the owner.”

“Jess, please listen to me: wherever you are, you need to get the hell out of there.”

I sighed. “John, when are you going to realize that you don’t know him like you think you do?”

His voice rose. “Jess you need to get away from there!”

Before I could respond, I was grabbed from behind with a massive arm around my throat. I tried my hardest to scream, and only few sounds came out. I kicked and I clawed at the man’s arm, and he finally dropped me. I fell to the ground and quickly searched for my phone. I could hear John screaming my name from the other line. I grabbed it from a few inches away and then I was pulled by the hair. I was dragged across the ground in the direction of the limo.

“LET GO OF ME!” I screamed and I screamed. I was just hoping that John would be able to hear me from the phone.

I was finally let go, and my head was pounding. I tried to crawl away as quick as I could, and I was grabbed around my waist, being lifted into the air. I dropped my phone. I screamed John’s name and screamed for him to find me. I screamed for him to save me. I couldn’t stop screaming his name.

I could feel the sharpness of a rock digging into the back of my head as I was struck twice. And after the second time, I was blacking out. The last thing that I remember, was being lifted and thrown into the trunk of the limo. What the hell just happened to me?

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