Part 6

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My phone was ringing like crazy. I’m not entirely sure why Brandi was calling me so much, she just was. We were both excited for RAW tonight, and we were making plans for before and after the show. But why we were hanging up the phone just to call each other right back, with new information that we just NEEDED to tell each other, was beyond me.

“Hey, what is it this time?” I asked.

“Okay, so how does a movie sound instead of going to the bar afterwards?” Her voice was shaky, so I could tell how excited she was about everything.

“I’d be fine with that, what movie are you talking about? Because I don’t want to go see anything stupid. The last time we saw a movie together, it was really dumb. Do you remember that?”

“Sadly I do, but you know me! When an ad looks good, I HAVE to check it out.”

“I know.”

“But it would be that new scary movie that came out yesterday. We could go late at night at a theatre by the arena!”

I took a moment to think that over. A movie would be pretty nice considering I really did want to see that new movie. I was originally planning on going with Seth, my friend from work. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll just have to see that movie again with Seth.”

There was a small pause from Brandi. “Seth?”

“Yeah Seth, he’s a friend from work. He’s a scary movie freak just like I am! We always go to see scary movies together!” I smiled thinking of Seth. He really was a good friend. He was about the same age as me. He did previously ask me to be his girlfriend, in which I declined…the few times that he’s asked me. I just didn’t like him like that, and he knew that. Besides, I haven’t been in a relationship since my senior year of high school. I didn’t need one.

“Oh okay. Well I figured it would be the same people tonight; you, me, Jeff, Cena. Is that okay?”

I’m not sure why she’d ask me if it was okay when she should have known my answer. “Brandi, do you really think that I would decline another date with John Cena?”

“Good point. Alright, well then I guess I will see you in about an hour. Make sure you’re ready, and please Jess, make sure that you’re wearing something cute, AND something that you can wrestle in.”

I had to think about that. Something cute, but yet something maneuverable…. I kept forgetting that I was wrestling, but I did have just the thing. “Alright don’t worry, I’ll be ready. Is John coming to get me again this time? Or am I actually riding with you?”

“Well, Jeff and John are actually already at the arena, so it’s just going to be me. That’s okay right? You weren’t really hoping for Cena to come get you right?”

“Well, I guess I wasn’t really HOPING for it, but it would have been nice. But I’m not saying I don’t want to ride with you Brandi!” I laughed to myself. Degrading each other and mocking each other were our main ways of communication, just as it had been when we were in high school.

“Thaaaaaaaanks,” she sneered. “Alright, I’ll see you then babe.”

“Alright bye!” I clicked my phone shut, and walked over to my closet, closely inspecting everything that I owned. I picked out a pair of tight-fitting pants, still snazzy looking, but very stretchable, and then I looked around for a close-matching top. I found a red tank top to wear, and I figured that would be good underneath a glittery sports bra.

I finished my hair, I did my nails, I even ate a quick snack before Brandi called me up again. “Hey babe, I’m downstairs in the limo, get down here!” I wasn’t even able to speak before she hung up the phone. I threw my phone into my purse, grabbed my sweater off the back of the couch, and Iran out the door, making sure to lock it before I went down.

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now