Part 21

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***My Perspective***

I couldn’t believe my eyes. They were actually bringing me food, and it actually smelled good! I wasn’t sure exactly what was going through their minds, but either way I was getting some real food.

Abram was back in my cell untying my wrists from the thick ropes. He was being surprisingly careful with my mangled body, at least up until he threw me down at the rugged mattress beside him. I waited for him to leave.

At first I couldn’t’ move. I had no energy to move, and I had no feeling in most of my body. The blood had drained all the way to my legs and my feet that left me with no feeling left in my upper body.

I crawled slowly over to the food that they brought me, but I couldn’t get it. I noticed that my normal tray was waiting outside the cell. I was amazed to feel tears streaming down my face. I haven’t had anything to drink in a couple days; I was amazed there was any water left in my body. The tear rolled down my cheek and dripped onto the blood-stained floor. I heard a heavy laugh coming from outside.

Abram was still standing there. A few more tears started streaming down my face. I was so hungry! After a minute or so of my sobbing, Abram was back in my cell, laughing at me and mocking me, telling me to reach for the food that I obviously couldn’t reach.

I tried to pull myself to my feet, and I managed to stand. I managed to make it to my feet, but after that I was at a loss. I gripped tightly onto the iron bars next to me just to hold myself up. Not eating for a few days really cost me. I had no strength left in me to do anything.

I tightened my grip on the iron bars. I could feel the tears stopping, and the tears that had already left my eyes were starting to dry up on my face. I was clenching my teeth and I could feel the anger radiating through my cheeks.

It was something that I shouldn’t have been doing, but I was doing it anyway. I had been letting my anger control my actions, when I knew the consequences would be much, much greater. But even still, despite my knowledge, I flung myself at Abram, taking him by surprise and knocking him down. He hit his head against the stone wall behind him. Before anyone else could come down the stairs, I rushed over to the large iron gate and I slammed it shut, knowing that Abram had the keys to the door. I turned my attention back towards him. I ran over and took the keys off of his belt, and that’s when I saw him start to move. I moved back to where I was, hiding the keys in what was left of my bra. He quickly rushed his hand up to his head, and then he saw his own blood.

He gripped the bars beside him. I had him cornered for once.

But then I felt my hair yanked backwards and my head was flung back into the iron bars of the iron gate. I felt the pain pounding through my head. I kicked back between the bars, making contact with whoever was behind me. By the time the man let go of my hair, Abram was to his feet and was lunging himself at me. I ducked just in time for him to miss me and make contact with the iron bars.

There was a huge swarm of men outside the cell. Alexander was standing just outside the locked gate to the cell; he must’ve been the one to pull me hair. But either way, he was standing there with a scowl on his face.

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