Part 5

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I opened my eyes. I was in a smaller area, out of the bar. I wasn’t entirely sure…. I couldn’t tell if I could move or not…. I was staring at a ceiling; that much I could tell. There was a faint bluish glow coming from all around me. I let my head fall to the side, and I saw a white leather seat. I recognized it right away to be the inside of a limo.

I bolted up. I was alone. Where is everyone else? I could hear people walking around outside, so I looked out the window. John Cena was standing out there talking to Brandi and Jeff Hardy. I turned over onto my stomach, so I could crawl towards the door.

It wasn’t my brightest idea, but I opened the door…as I was leaning on it. A high pitched scream escaped from my mouth as I hit the pavement outside. My arm caught most of my fall. I laid there, trying to decipher what had just happened. I lifted myself up with my arm, and then there were hands on me. A pair of arms were underneath mine, helping me out of the car and onto my feet. I looked and John Cena was looking at me. Brandi and Jeff were no longer there.

“Are you alright?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I literally made myself face-plant while getting out of a limo, and I got overexcited that I fainted in a bar! People surely think that I’m drunk. Quickly I said the first thing that popped into my mind. “Did my make-up smear? Seriously, after fainting and face-planting does my face look like crap?”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Jessie you are really something. I meant did you hurt yourself?”

“Um….” I checked all over my head to make sure there were no bumps. As I did so, I noticed him staring at my arm. I dropped my arm down, and turned it to look at the back. There was just a small scrape that was bleeding. Hmm…. “Well, I guess I scraped myself, but that’s not that big of a deal, is it?”

He grabbed my other arm and guided me back into the limo. “Let’s just get you home (before you hurt yourself…).” He was muttering something as I climbed in. I scooted over to the same spot I had on the way down.

It was a nice drive back to my apartment. We were actually engaged in conversation and time was passing us by. It wasn’t awkward like I thought it would be, but actually really fun and relaxing. I really got to know more about him, and he got to know about me.

We had arrived back to my apartment complex, and he walked with me up to my room.

“I had a very nice evening with you, and I appreciate you willing to come out with us tonight.” He kissed the back of my hand like any gentleman would do, and I blushed. John Cena’s lips…touching my skin…I might faint again!

I managed to keep my breathing under control at that moment, and I managed to NOT faint! “I also had a really nice time.” I could feel the warmth flushing through my cheeks.

He said bye and walked down the hallway, I watched as he turned the corner down the hall. Immediately after he was gone, I jumped up and down and spun in circles at the same time for about 20 seconds with glee about tonight! I stopped, facing the corner he turned, to see him peering around the corner. I froze. Crap. Did he just see all of that?

“Well….” He laughed at me. “I forgot to tell you that Brandi will call you with information regarding RAW.” He waved and then was gone again. I heard him laughing down the hall. How embarrassing. I turned around to unlock my door, and then I scuttled inside. I did the same silly dance I did in the hallway, except I knew this time there was no one who could see me.

After my victory dance, I went into my bedroom, flopped onto my bed, and I honestly don’t remember anything after that.

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