Part 20

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***John’s Perspective***

Tonight’s show just wasn’t the same. She wasn’t there in my corner like she should have been. I knew that I should’ve just taken the day off last night, but I didn’t. Tomorrow’s show, I face Cody Rhodes. I made SURE that it was going to happen. Tomorrow I’m going to give him what he deserves.

“How are you doing John?” I turned around to see Randy standing in the doorway to my room.

“I’m alright. It’s just weird. I just don’t know what to do. It’s not like the FBI or whatever can do anything when she’s in an entirely different country.” I sighed and stretched then put my hands on the top of my head. “I need to do something about this, but I just don’t know what.” I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.

“Well John, you always know that I’m here whenever you come up with some sort of maniacal plan. You know that right?”

I laughed. “Yes I do Randy.”

“Hey Randy, you ready for tonight?” I turned to look back in the doorway and Eve was standing in the doorway with him. She looked at me and she smiled.

Randy looked over at me. “Well John, we kinda have a date tonight.” He smiled at me.

“You two have fun,” I sat. I got up from my seat and I walked past them in the door.

“Hey John!”

I turned around.

“Listen, tomorrow we’re gonna talk, you and me. And we’re gonna figure out what to do about Jess. We’re gonna find her, I hope you know that.”

I nodded at Randy and I watched him walk down the hallway with Eve. I turned back around and walked down towards where Teddy’s office was, I’m hoping that he was still there.

I knocked on his door, and I was happy to hear his voice telling me to come in. I opened the door and peered in. I sat down in the black leather chair on the opposite side of the desk. I sighed heavily again, and he sat there looking at me. “Teddy, you already know what I’m here for, and I want to know.”

“John, you need to understand that they’re doing all they can. We can’t do anything about Rhodes either. There’s just no evidence that he’s involved in any way. He’s been interrogated enough today, that he needed to take the night off. You have your match against him tomorrow, what more do you want from me?”

I stared at him. “She needs to be found Teddy. She’s part of the business too, and I feel like there isn’t enough being done. Everyone else around here knows what kinds of things Cody’s into.”

He sighed at me. “John, you know that I want her back here just as much as you do, but until we have proof of what’s been going on, there’s just nothing we can do about it.”

I sat there and thought for a second, leaning back in the chair. “Well what about Brandi?”

“What about Brandi?”

“She was kidnapped by the same people that took Jessie. She’s been abused just like Jess was. There’s gotta be something that can come from that right?”

“Not that I’m aware. I haven’t gotten any records of what happened with Brandi, but I can look into that. John, you need to stop worrying so much. I can promise you right now, man to man; that we, as in me and the company, will do everything that we can to find out where she’s at. Can you please just let us handle the situation?”

I stared at him intently. “Teddy, I can’t just sit here and let her get tortured half-way across the world. She’s out there somewhere and I’m just sitting here on my ass not doing anything. I need to find her.” I got up and walked out the door, not listening to anything else he had to say.

Truth is, no one was really doing anything to find her. I wasn’t going to ask Jeff and Brandi to help out, after all, Brandi was still recovering from what SHE went through. I would feel terrible to have her put back in the same situation. I’ll figure out something, and I’ll figure it out soon.

***Jessie’s Perspective***

They were repeatedly shooting me with BB guns from the far corner of the room. I was in a hell of a lot of pain. This time around was a lot worse.

They had me hanging from my wrists, which were tied up in thick ropes, hanging from the ceiling. I could barely touch the floor, which made me stand up on my tippy toes the entire time I was there. I was let down once yesterday when they let me sleep for only a small amount of time. I was so tired. They didn’t let me sleep more than two hours at a time, and it was dreadful for me. I couldn’t do anything but take what they gave me, and half the time it was a violation of my personal space.

The shots were coming from two different guns. I wasn’t sure how much more I could bleed. I looked down and all I saw was red.

I was weary from my lack of sleep. It was dark in this basement, with light from a hanging bulb outside of this jail cell that I was stuck in again.

I just hung there…doing nothing. I couldn’t even tell what time of day it was anymore. I didn’t even have any hope left.

The only thing that continued to cross my mind was John’s voice, his face, and the fact that I told him I loved him. I wasn’t sure exactly how he handled that, but I really hope that he’s able to find me.

***John’s Perspective***

I replayed the phone call in my head. She told me she loved me. I should’ve said it back, but even still, I just didn’t have enough time. Right after she said that was when they got her. I could still hear her screaming in my head. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget the way her screams sounded.

I missed her so much right now. I wanted her to be with me more than anything.

I was sitting in my living room, looking at the window they had smashed to get in here. I’m not sure how they found out where I lived, but Cody had something to do with it. Because he was in the WWE, he would have had access to my files or something, that’s the only way they would have known.

The blankets were still sitting on the couch, the exact way that she had them when she was sitting there. I felt so helpless. I really needed to find a way to help her. I’m not sure where to even start at this point, but I can figure something out easily.

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