Part 11

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I lied in my bed. I haven’t done anything for the past two days since the show. Actually, that’s a lie. I did get myself a puppy, and I’ve been doing a lot with Maya since I got her. Maya is my small black pug puppy. I’ve wanted to get a pug for so long, and now I’ve finally gotten her.

My phone buzzed. I reached over to the end table to check my phone. My personal phone had no notifications, so I grabbed my work phone. There was another message from Cody. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to talk to him.

“I want to see you Jess. I need to talk to you.” I stared at that message. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I just typed back “Okay.”

Almost instantly after I sent that message, there was a knock at my door. It couldn’t be him, could it? I was actually quite scared to get up and see. Maya started barking. “Shhh, Maya it’s okay,” I picked her up and I held her close. My apartment seemed a lot quieter than usual, but I think it was just messing with my head.

I walked straight up to the door. Maya barked again. Another knock proceeded and I jumped. “Who is it?” I asked hastily.

“Jess you know who I am.” I didn’t recognize the voice, so I opened the door very slowly. I saw the side of a familiar face, and then I saw nothing but the door when it was pushed into my face.

I stumbled backwards while two men waltzed into my apartment. “What the hell is going on?” I screamed.

I was sitting against the wall by the door after being knocked back. Maya was nudging at my arm. I opened my eyes and searched frantically to make sure I didn’t hurt her when I fell. She was perfectly okay. I looked around to find the two men who trespassed into my room. I saw him. It was Cody. He was with this big, buff guy in my kitchen. Cody was talking to him in another language.

I stood up, grabbed Maya, and walked over to the doorway of my kitchen. “You guys can’t just barge in here! This is MY apartment! I want you to leave!”

Cody turned around and looked at me. He walked over, stood in front of me and put his hand underneath my chin. “Look Beautiful, don’t start bossing us around now. We have some business that we need to take care of. How about you go into your bedroom and wait for me?”

I smacked his hand down. “I’m not going to leave two strange people inside my apartment. I demand you tell me what’s going on RIGHT NOW!”

He picked me up. I HATED being picked up. I still had Maya in my arms, and I was scared that I could’ve hurt her. I screamed, over and over again. “PUT ME DOWN! LET GO OF ME!”

He walked with me over his shoulder to my bedroom. He slammed me down onto my bed. I dropped Maya onto the pillow next to me.

Out of the midst of everything that was going on, there was a knock at the door. I sat up on my bed to get up, and I was following Cody out of the room. He turned around and I stopped. I could see some sort of anger coming from his beautiful eyes, and I was honestly afraid. I stopped dead in my tracks. He slammed the door and tied the door handle to another one, locking me in my room. Maya was barking like crazy. The knocking was getting louder.

“HELP ME! THEY LOCKED ME IN HERE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!” I was screaming; hoping that it would get the attention of whoever was at my door.

I sat down on my bed and cried. I was scared. What the hell am I going to do? Cody had this big bodyguard looking like dude in MY kitchen…. It’s not like I could just get away. And now I’m secured inside my bedroom.

I could still hear the knocking. There was still someone at the door, so I had little hope. Tears were streaming down my face. I watched my door as I saw the door handle jiggle. I quickly got up, grabbed Maya off my bed, and moved to the far side of my room in-between my dresser and the corner of the walls. The door slowly opened. Cody was walking in, followed by the massive man. The giant man was staring at me for a while before a smile slowly creeped across his face. Who the hell was this guy, and what did he want with me? He slowly moved towards me, getting faster and faster.

Then there came a crashing sound coming from the hallway. The massive man didn’t stop coming towards me. He was getting closer and closer, and behind him, I saw Cody’s alarm. There was someone new in my apartment.

The man was finally at me. He was reaching down to grab my arm and pull me up, but I squirmed. Screams escaped from my mouth as I struggled to avoid being kidnapped by this man. Maya wouldn’t stop barking from my clutches.

Then out of nowhere this man was thrown backwards at my bed. It was John. He was in my room getting these men away from me. He grabbed the massive unknown man and dragged him out into the hallway. He got loose. I could hear by the sounds of things smashing in another room that something was going on.

I stood up from my position and I inched closer to the door to try and peer out, but it was no use. All of a sudden I saw the massive man running back towards my room. I rushed backwards into the wall as he ran into my room, closing the door behind him. Struggling to keep the door from opening, he showed his strength. He reached one arm outwards to grab another dresser in my room, and he dragged it WITH ONE ARM in front of the door. He moved behind the dresser to stabilize it in place, and then he looked back at me. The creepy smile grew back on his face. I started shaking again. I knew John was out there trying to get to me, and honestly I hope that he does soon.

The man was once again approaching me. I was sinking into the wall. I’ve never been in this kind of situation before.

I could see the door budging further and further and the dresser was moving with it. I was getting smaller and smaller in my spot. I was holding Maya as close as I could. She, however, wanted to get out and attack this man, but I wasn’t going to let her get hurt.

The man was already at the foot of my bed. He was halfway to me. The door was opening further and further and I could see a small portion of the hallway.

The man was reaching for me again. He was grabbing at my arms that were flailing at him. I should’ve been a lot stronger than I was, but I was terrified. He grabbed my wrist and I couldn’t get him to let go. My other arm was still around Maya. I refused to let her go.

With my wrist he was pulling me to my feet. I was kicking and screaming at him, but I couldn’t get away. Tears were still streaming down my face. I lightly tossed Maya onto my bed so she wouldn’t get hurt. The man grabbed my other wrist so I resorted to kicking at him.

The dresser finally moved and John crawled between the doorway and over it. He jumped completely over the bed and onto the man, knocking us both down. My head struck the corner of the end table. I could hear Maya’s barking. I could hear punches being thrown, and I could hear the smashing of more things.

My vision was fading. I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore…. I blacked out.

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