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Simons POV

"Jj it's new years!" I yelled as Jide opened the door, returning from a morning training session.

"Woah really? Never knew that?" Jj rolled his eyes sarcastically.

I playfully punched him in the arm and ran into the kitchen, he following behind.

"Sooo how was training? Did you work hard?" I asked, taking Jides bag of his shoulder.

"Yeah I guess. I'm just kinda tired" he yawned.

"Yeah I can see that" I giggled. "Do you want me to make you a drink?"

He nodded and pointed to the fridge.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and walked to the fridge. And filled up the glass with ice and water.

"Here Jj" I said, passing him the glass and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'm gonna go edit I'll talk to you later." I said walking out the kitchen and going upstairs.


I heard a small knock at my door, "come in!"

"Hey Si." Tobi smiled.

"Oh hey Tobi what's up?" I questioned the dark boy in the doorframe.

"Umm. Don't ask any questions and put this on and wait downstairs." He sheepishly giggled, placing a suit on the end of my bed.

"Tobi? Why?" I asked.

"Uh uh. I said no questions" he waved his finger before slowly retrieving back out the door.

I picked up the black suit and looked over it. I realised the tag was still on it. '£699.99'

"700 POUNDS?!" I yelled, looking over at my door though no one was there.

I quickly got changed into the expensive suit, and I have to admit it was gorgeous.

I walked over to my mirror and ran my fingers through my hair, grabbing my phone keys and wallet before heading out my door and down the stairs like Tobi had said.

"Hello?" I called out to the empty floor. I looked around, still stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"You ready Simon?" A voice besides me asked.

I looked to see Jj. Also dressed in an expensive suit, probably worth thousands.

"J-Jj?!" I frantically shouted. So confused why me and him were both dressed up.

"Come in we have a car waiting for us." Jj said excitedly, pulling me towards the door.

He squeezed my hand and let me out the door, to a white and gold Limo.

"Jide? You did all of this, for me?" I said in disbelief.

"Of course I did. I love you, and I wanted to show it. The best way I could" Jj said happily, opening the door for me.

I nodded at him and climbed inside. There were Champagne bottles on the side, glasses and even vodka!

I sat down in the corner, Jj sitting opposite me. "So do you like it so far?" He asked

"So far? What else is to come?" I said happily and nervously.

"What you thought I'd get you and me expensive suits a limo with its own alcohol just to drive around a little them take you home?" Jide giggles.

I shrugged slightly embarrassed.

"Ready to go sir?" A man from the front of the car called out.

"Yes we are thank you"


The rest of the car ride was small conversations and a little bit of Vodka.

When we finally reached the place we were going, the car stopped.

"Are we here?" I asked reaching for Jides hand.

"To think so Si." He said taking my hand.

We both climbed out the car, Jide first then me. I looked up at this huge fancy restaurant, filled by people.

"A-are we eating here?" I stuttered.

"Yep" Jj said proudly.

"Wow Jide I really can't believe you did this!" I squealed, jumping up at Jj.

"Anything to see you smile Simon." He blushed.

We walked inside and sat down in the corner.

There were indeed lots of people, and very rich ones at that.

The floors were in a red carpet and the walls were painted a gold colour. Paintings on the wall and not a child in sight.

Everyone was in fancy dresses or Suits all very presentable.

"Jide how did you get a reservation here?" I asked.

"Took me almost a month and a few calls but I know you love eating rich foods so I wanted to get you the best of the best." He smiled warmly.

"Ok Jide I love you so much" I blushed harshly.

His smile widened.

"Hello what can I get for you?" A waiter said in a posh accent.

"Oh we Uh haven't looked at our menus yet." I nervously giggled.

He nodded and walked away.

"Pick anything under £500." Jj winked.

"£500?!" I yelled.

few people turned around and glared at me, but Jj was giggling to himslef as usual.

I scanned through the menus, astonished at the prices. Everything was at least £250 and the drink, at least £300 each.

The waiter came back over and smiled at us.

"Two of these please" Jj said pointing to the menus for the guy.

"Ok and any drinks?" He said writing down our Oder on his Notepad.

"Umm two of these." Jide said.

The guy nodded and walked away happy


"Wow Jide that was amazing." I said, finishing the last bite of food.

"I'm happy you liked it, but don't get used to it. This isn't something I can afford to often. We can go a few times a year?" Jide asked.

"Jide even this once is enough. You don't have to spend loads of money on me!" I said reaching over and taking him hand.

He squeezed my hand and stood up.

We walked over to the counter and Jj payed.

"Go get our stuff babe" Jj said letting go of my hand to speak to the woman.

She eyed me a little before smiling at Jj.

Once Jide had paid, we got in a taxi into the middle of town, where a huge celebration would be held for the new years.

"How long left?" I tugged Jj. He looked at his watch and grinned.

"10!" Everyone shouted.

"9" again.

And the countdown to 2018 had began.

"2" me and Jj yelled, holding each other's hands tight.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone cheered.

Jj turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up.

"Seriously" I rolled my eyes, hugging Jide tighter.

"Happy New Years, I love you." I whispered into Jides ear, who squeezed me tighter.


We eventually got back to A Hotel, and crashed into our bed falling asleep almost instantly.

Just be warned, next chapter may break your heart 😭

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