Good enough

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                              TW- S*lf Harm!

Simons POV

I just have to go fucking everything up don't I.

I sobbed harder, and threw my jumper of.
I slipped my shirt of my neck and threw that on the floor to.

I grabbed the blade form my razor, and stared Into my mirror crying harder.

I dug four small cuts into my wrist, and dropped the blade at the sight of my blood.

It wasn't cut deep at all, just enough to draw some blood.

Here. This is what I deserve. It's my punishment.

I dropped to the floor and cried out.

I screamed and held my wrist tighter.

I heard a knock on my door and a voice. "Simon are you ok!" Tobi yelled.

"Leave me alone" I whispered crying harder and harder.

The more tears streamed down my face, the more my mind clouded.

I picked up the blade, and cut more dashes into my wrist. This time harder and further.

I stood up and placed the blade back on the side. I stood in front of my mirror as the blood poured down my wrist of my fingers and onto the floor.

"Simon what's happening in there?" Tobi asked.

"Nothing please fuck of" I cried. I heard him walk away and shut my door.

I let out a shaky sigh, and grabbed a towel wiping away the blood. I dropped the towel and slipped on my jumper. I walked away and into my bed where I led down and sobbed into my pillow.

Why aren't I good enough?

I'm sorry😭

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