The house

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6 days later
Simons POV
This idiots been taking up all the space in my house for the past week. Thank god he's leaving tonight, but I have to go with him, don't know if that's a fair trade to be homest. "It's your lucky day" he smirked. What? "We're going to the house" he said packing his bags. "Oh and you need to pack to, we're packing and leaving our bags by the doors and my friend going to come bring them to us. There's a taxi on its way we got about, oh 15 minutes" he looked up from his phone. "15 minutes to pack everything!" I shouted. He chuckled shaking his head. I rushed around the room grabbing anything I could. After 10 minutes I sat down completely out of breathe, panting like a dog. "So you ready?" He said, even though he sat there watching me rush around. "Our cabs here" he announced

I placed my bags down by the door wondering how I managed to pack 3 cases in just short of 15 minutes. "Oh we're coming back tomorrow to get anything we missed" "WHAT" I screamed, I pushed him into the wall and he looked shocked. I walked out the house and got into the Taxi, I sat in the back with my arms crossed. A moment later he joined, he sat next to me and sighed. "Sorry Si" he's never called me that before. I grunted, he's never been nice to me. What did I ever do to him? I was looking out my window when i felt my eyes starting to close and like that I was quickly snoring.

He's already asleep? Jeez this guy really gets no rest. I had always seen him working never taking a moment to stop, either editing, recoding or trying to get a collab. I had heard of him twice before our family's met, saw him once in the news as he was doing a YouTube football match. And the second time was when my fans on my Instagram tagged him in posts before, people wanted us to collab a year back but I wasn't interested. I shook his shoulder when we pulled up to the sidemen house, I lived with 4 other boys. Tobi, Josh, Vik, Ethan and Harry, but Harry didn't exactly live in the house he lived with his two friends, but he would visits often, and he would make videos with us. We we're all a group on YouTube called the sidemen. Simon and Tobi had met before at a convention I believe. "Simon get up we're here" he opened his eyes and looked around, "oh shit sorry" he apologised. He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out. A look of amazement crossed his face as he looked at the house.

Simon POV
"Oh shit sorry" I said . I unblocked my seatbelt and got out. Wow that's where they live? That house is massive and it's amazing (second sidemen house) we walked up the drive and he opened the door "Jj!" A man shouted running towards him followe by another 2. All 3 men were short, one had black hair and a beard, one was a slightly over weigh and someone i recognised.. Tobi! "Hey Josh" Jj said giving him a hug. So Josh is his name. "Uh guys this is Simon my" he paused. "Friend he'll be staying with us for a while" they all smiled at me. "Simon!" Tobi ran to me embracing me in a tight hug. "Hey Tobi how are you it's been a time ay?" He laughed. "I'll show Simon his room well come down for food soon." I smiled and followed Jj upstairs. He opened a door next to his and walked inside. "So this is your room, mines over there" he pointed "I'll tell you when your bags are here." I smiled and thanked him. It was nice, cold but nice. "Oh and stick to the rules. Like clean up after yourself and don't be a dick" he said closing the door behind him. Of course, he's always going to be dick he can never do a nice thing without ruining it. I looked around, It was painted all white with a bathroom and a closet to the left, and my bed and desk at the right. I could get used to this, I fell backwards on my bed and closed my eyes.
So this is My new life...

So this is set in the second sidemen house, but idk where Harry was living at that time I think with his parents but in this he was living with Calfreezg and Callux 😌
I'll be posting like a chapter every 2-3 days? Idk

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