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I grunted as I rolled my head from side to side, and everything hurts especially my stomach. I opened my eyes to see a surrondance of people. Harry, Vik, Josh, Tobi, Ethan and Simon. I looked up to my right to see Simon sat down with his hand in my arm. "Hey" I said, everyone looking up at me immediately

"Jj how are you?" Josh asked. "You know, brilliant not like I've been stabbed or shit like that" I chuckled for a second before the pain became to much. "Yeah maybe laughing isn't a good idea" Ethan shrugged. I looked at Simon. "You ok Si" he smiled. "What do you mean am I ok. I'm fine thanks to you" he gave me a warm smile squeezing my arm.
"Oh and the bastards that stabbed you, they've been found and they've been done for attempted murder and other charges." Ethan said through his gritted teeth.

"Thanks guys, but you don't all need to be here" I said. Smiling around the room.

"Of course we do." Tobi said putting his hand on my ankle for a moment.

"Has the media found out about this yet?" I asked with a look of dread. "Kind of. All they know was that you were injured and put into hospital where you doing fine." Josh said.

"Maybe we should let Jj rest?" Harry said scratching the back of his neck all but one nodded and walked away. "Si?" "What?" "Why aren't you leaving with them?" He laughed "because I'm staying here. With you" he smiled. His hand moved from my arm to my hand were our fingers interlocked. "Thank you" I said before closing my eyes again. And soon enough I was back asleep.

Simon POV
It had been about three weeks since Jj was stabbed, and now he's back home. And things are back to normal. But whenever any of us leave the house, we have some sort of 'bodyguard'. It's nice but kinda annoying.

"Hey Jj" I shouted as I heard him walking past my room. He opened the door and walked in "what's up?" He asked. I felt some sort of hot flush overtake me for no reason. "I-I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie?" He smiled. "Sure my room 10 minutes" he walked out before I could answer him.

I shut down my pc and took my phone of charge slipping in into my pocket before getting up and going into my wardrobe. I searched for a while until I found Jides hoodie, it was a plain black sidemen hoodie, but it smelt like him. I slipped it on and felt my phone go of inside my pocket. My mum had messaged.

"Hey darling hope your well. I know you hate this whole marriage thing, but your father is doing so well at his job, we're moving in 2 days. Could you stop by to pick up the things you left please xx"
"Hey mum yeah I'm fine thanks. Glad to hear you and dad are well. I stop by in the morning as were recording at the moment xx"
"Ok love see you then xx"
I turned my phone of and smiled to myself. I brushed my teeth again and sprayed loads of deodorant.

I walked into Jjs room where he was led in his bed. He patted the spot next to me, and I sat next to him. "Since we're getting married and all that" he said scanning through what he wanted to watch. "It's not very like apparent. So I thought we could take some Instagram photos and that? You know to make our realisation ship look real." He pressed on friends then looked at me. "Yeah that makes sense" I agreed sheepishly.

Two hours later we were in the garden trying to take some pictures. Thankfully we bribed Josh to take them for us. "Why don't you just look at each other from side on holding hands?" We nodded and did that.


After around thirty minutes later, we finished and all walked inside. I went to the fridge and grabbed myself Josh and Simon a water and threw it to them. I opened my phone and went to Instagram and posted two of the seventy pictures we took.

I opened my contacts and clicked on my brothers name. I was unsure at first but then clicked call. After about there rings I was about to hang up, but he answered.

"Hey bro" I said. "Hey Jj, finally calling me back I see" we chuckled. "I'm gonna come down to the house I'm two days if that's cool?" I just heard some excited words and noises before just laughing and hanging up.

"Hey Simon." He looked up at me. "Your going be meeting my parents and brother in two days" I smiled as his face washed over with panic.

Sorry this ones a bit shorter :/

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