'Bonding' over Rick and Morty

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Simons POV
I've been led in my bed for ages. I turned over and the clock read 4:26 AM. God why can't i sleep! I let out a loud groan and threw the cover off me. I got up and walked over to my computer. I opened Skype to see if Tobi has put anything about recording yet. Nothing but, Jj was online?

I messaged him, thinking he wouldn't respond.
"Hey dude you awake?" Within seconds he was typing.
"Yeah can't sleep you?"
I paused waiting for him to say something. After about 30 seconds i gave up and opened YouTube. I looked at our sidemen video we posted last night, the try not to laugh with Callux. I opened the comments.

There were only a few which talked about me and Jj, but not many. I let out a sigh, it was more from relief than anything. Jj messaged.
"Wanna come to my room?"
I typed back without even thinking. I stood up and grabbed the hoodie from the bottom of my bed, I slipped it on and walked out my door, closing it gently trying to make as little noise as possible.

I walked to Jj's room and opened the door, he was sat at his chair. He smiled at me as I walked through his room. I sat in the middle of his bed looking at him. "How come you can't sleep?" He asked looking at his computer, occasionally clicking his mouse. "I don't know really. I guess it's just one of them nights I'f you get me"  "yeah I get it" he looked at me, yawned and stood. He sat down next to me and grabbed his phone and earbuds. He tampered with Spotify for a little before clicking on a playlist, he bobbed his head for a few seconds before passing me an ear bud.

I took it from him and smiled. It was some sort of low beat tune, no words just a nice beat. He shuffled backwards and pressed his head against the back board of his bed. I did the same sat right next to him. He leaned over and grabbed the remote from his Tv and placed it on the night stand next to him.

I took out my phone and scrolled through insta for a while, Jj still occasionally bobbing his head and sighing. I put my phone down and looked at him. He was wearing an over sized white shirt and grey shorts. I looked at his face, Studying his features for a short time before he turned to look at me.

"I thought maybe some company could help us sleep" he said before turning his head straight and closing his eyes. I let out a loud yawn and closed my eyes. Both of us still sat up. "I mean it is nice, but to fall asleep. I don't know if it helps" he made a grunt almost in agreement.

He grabbed his phone and turned the music of. I took the ear bud out and handed it to him, as I gave him it he gave me a warm smile. And I returned his smile with one to. He put the earbuds on the nightstand next to the remote. He grabbed the blanket from the bottom of his bed and pulled it up to his waist. He threw a small bit over me, like he was offering me it. I pulled it is just passed my knees.

Not long after I placed my head against his shoulder and sighed. "Night Jj" I said in a gentle voice. "Night Si" he rested his head against mine and pulled the blanket up both of us.

I opened my eyes, and lifted my head of Simons. I grabbed my phone and read the time, 7:42 AM. Dam we hadn't been asleep long. I felt Simons head move along with him grunting. He lifted up his head and looked at me "what's the time Jide?"  "Twenty to 8" I yawned. He sighed before straightening himself. "We only slept for around four hours." He stated. I nodded and grabbed the tv remote "you like Rick and morty?" I asked. He sharply turned his head and a smile grew on his face. I opened Netflix and clicked on the show. Season 2 Ep 1.

We both laughed at Ricks comment and turned to each other. "This has to be my favourite show of all time" Simon said. "I agree" we had been watching for around an hour and a half, the episode ended and he turned to me again.

"Want to get something to eat?" I nodded and we both stood up. I stretched my arms up and followed Simon out my door.

Vikk and Josh's door was closed as well as the guest room which Tobi was staying in. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat at one of the stools and grabbed my phone. Simon opened the fridge. I scanned through Twitter seing nothing knew, apart from another one of Logan's bullshit tweets about how he's going to beat me in the rematch. Only 3 months away now. I smiled to my self. Simon turned around "there's only left over pizza will that do the famous Mr KSI?" He joked. "Ha ha. Yeah it's fine" I replied.  He laughed at me and handed me a plate.

"So what you looking at?" He asked. "Oh me and Logan Paul are having our rematch in 3 months, and he's chatting some shit on Twitter." He nodded while taking a bite. "To be honest, I'm a kinda Logang for life person." He said smirking "oh fuck of simon" We laughed. "I'm only joking, he's one hell of a twat. Even more than you"  I smiled, stuffing my face with pizza. Simon reached for his phone and opened it "it's only 10:36" he said. "Yeah seems like we've been awake for ages." I sighed

I finished my food after simon, he stood up and walked round the table grabbing mine and his plates before going and placing them in the sink. "Want to go for a walk?" I asked. "Only if you buy me coffee" he chuckled. "Deal" we walked up the stairs and went into our separate rooms.

Simons POV
I finished getting ready and walked downstairs. I grabbed my shoes and coat, and heard footsteps behind me, I grabbed jjs coat as I turned around. I handed him his coat and he took his trainers putting them both on. "Ready?" I asked he nodded and we walked out the door. "I'll text Josh so when he's up he knows where we are" I said pulling out my phone.

"Ok" we walked for a while until we entered town. "So where do you wanna go?" He asked turning to me. "I don't know it was your idea to come out here." He glared at me before laughing.

We walked into a cafe and ordered two coffees, I saw Jj turn around and start speaking. There were two young boys asking for a photo, he had agreed. I took the coffees from the woman as The young boys waved while walking away. "Your fans?" I snickered. He smiled as he took his coffee from me.

I felt him hold my hand. I looked down and indeed, we were now holding hands. I looked up at him and gave him a confused look. "Remember everyone thinks we're an actual couple, we have to look like it" he said squeezing my hand. It made Sense to be honest, but I just would have liked some warning.

This is by FAR my favourite chapter I've wrote so far 😌 please comment what you think about it 🙏

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